
Defines functions organize_fun_table file_cd_current get_current_editor_path printc format_console view_current view_list profv render_rmd time_it benchmark flip_windows_path unwrap_extra_blank unwrap_selection unwrap_clip unwrap_core insert_text run_command get_selection clip_2_df run_shiny_as_job run_commented_out_lines check_pkg

Documented in benchmark clip_2_df flip_windows_path format_console printc profv render_rmd time_it unwrap_extra_blank view_list

# check package availability, so that user don't need to install every possible dependency at once
check_pkg <- function(pkg_name) {
  if (!requireNamespace(pkg_name, quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop(sprintf('%s is needed but not installed. Please run install.packages("%s") first.', pkg_name, pkg_name),
         call. = FALSE)

#' Run Commented lines
#' Turn commented out lines back to normal and run them. If there is selection,
#' convert selection. If there is no selection, convert current line.
run_commented_out_lines <- function() {
  selected <- get_selection()
  # expecting code to be start after # , with a space. it's possible there is leading spaces, such like comment line inside a function with indentation. Need () with :: syntax in pipe
  striped_lines <- stringr::str_split(selected, "\n")[[1]] %>% (stringr::str_trim)
  run_command(selected, stringr::str_sub(striped_lines, 3))

#' Run Shiny app as background job
#' Run current file in source editor as shiny app in background job, open in
#' browser window, live reload with source changes (if you set
#' `options(shiny.autoreload = TRUE)`).
#' @export
run_shiny_as_job <- function() {
  # options(shiny.autoreload = TRUE)
  current_context <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
  app_dir <- dirname(current_context$path)
  # need a label for job. app_dir could be too long to be shown completely. take last two parts
  dir_parts <- stringr::str_split(app_dir, "/")[[1]]  # rstudio api always return / style even in windows
  part_count <- length(dir_parts)
  if (part_count > 2) {
    job_name <- stringr::str_c(dir_parts[(part_count - 1):part_count], collapse = "/")
  } else {
    job_name <- app_dir
  script_content <- sprintf("shiny::runApp('%s', launch.browser = TRUE)\n",
  # use a meaningful file name as this is shown in jobs pane.
  temp_script <- tempfile(fileext = ".R")
  cat(script_content, file = temp_script)
  rstudioapi::jobRunScript(temp_script, name = job_name, workingDir = app_dir)
#' read clipboard into data frame
#' Read windows/mac/linux clipboard, convert csv into data frame, open data
#' viewer, write markdown table back to clipboard, return the data frame
#' @return the data frame
#' @export
clip_2_df <- function(){
  lines <- clipr::read_clip()
  # paste0(lines, collapse = "\n")
  # getting regular data frame so we can use the matrix indexing in next line
  df <- data.table::fread(paste0(lines, collapse = "\n"), na.strings = NULL, data.table = FALSE)
  # we don't want to print NA in table since the actual data don't have NA returned
  df[is.na(df)] <- ""
  clipr::write_clip(knitr::kable(df, format = "markdown"))

# no longer use this as linux was not supported. use clipr instead.
#' Read windows/mac clipboard into lines
# clip_read_lines <- function(){
#   os <- Sys.info()[['sysname']]
#   if (os == "Windows") {
#     return(utils::readClipboard())
#   } else if (os == "Darwin") {
#     pb_read_lines <- function(){
#       clip_r_mac <- pipe("pbpaste")
#       lines <- readLines(clip_r_mac)
#       close(clip_r_mac)
#       return(lines)
#     }
#     return(pb_read_lines())
#   }
# }

#' Write lines into windows/mac clipboard
#' If windows, call \code{utils::writeClipboard()}. If mac os, use
#' \code{pipe("pbcopy", "w")}.
#' Note there could be an extra new line in the end for mac os version.
# clip_write_lines <- function(lines) {
#   os <- Sys.info()[['sysname']]
#   if (os == "Windows") {
#     return(utils::writeClipboard(lines))
#   } else if (os == "Darwin") {
#     pb_write_lines <- function(lines){
#       clip_w_mac <- pipe("pbcopy", "w")
#       # if using write, will have extra new line in end
#       cat(lines, file = clip_w_mac, sep = "\n")
#       close(clip_w_mac)  # close to flush
#     }
#     return(pb_write_lines(lines))
#   }
# }

# get text in selection, which could be source editor or console editor. if no selection, return current line.
get_selection <- function(editor = "active", or_current_line = TRUE) {
  # context <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
  context <- switch(editor,
                    active = rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext(),
                    source = rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext(),
                    console = rstudioapi::getConsoleEditorContext())
  selection_start <- context$selection[[1]]$range$start
  selection_end <- context$selection[[1]]$range$end
  selection <- NULL
  if (any(selection_start != selection_end)) { # text selected
    selection <- context$selection[[1]]$text
  } else if (or_current_line) {
    current_row_no <- context$selection[[1]]$range$start[1]
    selection <- context[["contents"]][current_row_no]
# given selected content, and new formated command and run in console. need the original content to check if it's NULL
run_command <- function(selected, formated_cmd) {
  if (!is.null(selected)) {
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(formated_cmd, execute = TRUE)
# insert text in editor cursor
insert_text <- function(text_formated) {
  context <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
  rstudioapi::insertText(context$selection[[1]]$range, text_formated, id = context$id)

unwrap_core <- function(source, extra_blank_line = FALSE) {
  text_original <- if (source == "clip") {
    # clipboard <- stringr::str_trim(utils::readClipboard(), side = "right")
    stringr::str_trim(clipr::read_clip(), side = "right")
  } else {
    # clipboard function always return all line as a line vector, the code was expecting this structure, so we need to split by new line.
    stringr::str_split(get_selection(), "\n")[[1]]
  if (is.null(text_original)) return()
  # use character class [] because each symbol are single characters, no need to use |. the Chinese quote have to be inside a double quote
  non_terminating_match <- stringr::str_c("[^\\.!?:", "\\u201d", "]") # terminating punctuation in end of line.
  # str_view_all(clipboard, str_c(".*", non_terminating_match, "$"))
  to_remove_wrap <- stringr::str_detect(text_original, stringr::str_c(".*", non_terminating_match, "$"))
  # use space for soft wrap lines, new line for other wrap
  line_connector <- rep(ifelse(extra_blank_line, "\n\n", "\n"), length(text_original))
  line_connector[to_remove_wrap] <- " "
  text_formated <- stringr::str_c(text_original, line_connector, collapse = "")
  # # remove extra white spaces caused by end of line
  text_formated <- stringr::str_replace_all(text_formated, "\\s+", " ")

#' Unwrap clipboard
#' \code{unwrap} Remove unneeded hard line breaks of text in clipboard, then
#' insert text.
#' @param extra_blank_line Whether to insert extra blank line between paragraphs.
#' @export
unwrap_clip <- function() {
  unwrap_core(source = "clip")

#' Unwrap selection
#' \code{unwrap} Remove unneeded hard line breaks of selected, then
#' update the selection.
#' @param extra_blank_line Whether to insert extra blank line between paragraphs.
#' @export
unwrap_selection <- function() {
  unwrap_core(source = "selection")

#' Unwrap with blank line
#' Remove unneeded hard line breaks of text in clipboard, insert extra blank
#' line between paragraphs, then paste into current cursor position.
#' Need this helper because RStudio Addin doesn't support function with
#' parameters.
#' @export
unwrap_extra_blank <- function(){
  unwrap(source = "selection", extra_blank_line = TRUE)

#' Flip windows path
#' \code{flip_windows_path} convert "\" in clipboard to "/", then paste into
#' current cursor position
#' @export
flip_windows_path <- function(){
  p2 <- stringr::str_replace_all(clipr::read_clip(), "\\\\", "/")
  context <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
  rstudioapi::insertText(context$selection[[1]]$range, p2, id = context$id)

#' microbenchmark selected
#' microbenchmark selected code for 10 runs in console without changing the
#' source code.
#' \code{microbenchmark()} parameters can be changed by recalling history in
#' console then editing the last line.
#' @export
benchmark <- function(runs = 10){
  # context <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
  # selection_start <- context$selection[[1]]$range$start
  # selection_end <- context$selection[[1]]$range$end
  selected <- get_selection()
  formated <- stringr::str_c("microbenchmark::microbenchmark(selected_code = {\n",
                             selected, "}, times = ", runs, ")")
  run_command(selected, formated)
  # if (!is.null(selected)) {
  # # }
  # # if (any(selection_start != selection_end)) { # text selected
  # #   selected <- context$selection[[1]]$text
  #   formated <- stringr::str_c("microbenchmark::microbenchmark(selected_code = {\n",
  #     selected, "}, times = ", runs, ")")
  #   rstudioapi::sendToConsole(formated, execute = TRUE)
  # }

#' time selected code
#' Easier way to measure time cost of expression or selected code. Underthehood
#' it's just microbenchmark run once instead of 10.
#' @export
time_it <- function(){

#' Render RMarkdown in global environment
#' Knit document will start from scratch, this will use global environment
#' instead. So you don't have to run some expensive operations like read huge
#' file from disk every time in rendering.
#' @export
render_rmd <- function(){
  context <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
  formated <- paste0('rmarkdown::render("', context$path, '")')
  run_command(selected, formated)
  # rstudioapi::sendToConsole(formated, execute = TRUE)

#' profvis selected
#' profvis selected code in console without changing source code. RStudio have a
#' similar builtin menu in editor toolbar, but that only works with .R script,
#' not working in .Rmd or unsaved file.
#' @export
profv <- function(){
  # if (!requireNamespace("profvis", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #     stop("profvis needed but not automatically installed.\nInstall the package with install.packages(\"profvis\")",
  #          call. = FALSE)
  # }
  # context <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
  # selection_start <- context$selection[[1]]$range$start
  # selection_end <- context$selection[[1]]$range$end
  # if (any(selection_start != selection_end)) { # text selected
  selected <- get_selection()
  if (!is.null(selected)) {
    # selected <- context$selection[[1]]$text
    formated <- stringr::str_c("profvis::profvis({\n",
      selected, "})")
    rstudioapi::sendToConsole(formated, execute = TRUE)

#' View selected list with listviewer
#' Select a list, view it with listviewer in viewer pane. This is less relevant
#' now with RStudio data viewer started to support list.
#' @export
view_list <- function(){
  # if (!requireNamespace("listviewer", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   stop("listviewer needed but not automatically installed.\nInstall the package with install.packages(\"listviewer\")",
  #        call. = FALSE)
  # }
  # context <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
  # selection_start <- context$selection[[1]]$range$start
  # selection_end <- context$selection[[1]]$range$end
  # if (any(selection_start != selection_end)) { # text selected
  selected <- get_selection()
  formated_cmd <- stringr::str_c("listviewer::jsonedit(",
                             selected, ', mode = "view", modes = c("code", "view"))')
  run_command(selected, formated_cmd)
  # if (!is.null(selected)) {
  #   # selected <- context$selection[[1]]$text
  #   formated <- stringr::str_c("listviewer::jsonedit(",
  #     selected, ', mode = "view", modes = c("code", "view"))')
  #   rstudioapi::sendToConsole(formated, execute = TRUE)
  # }

#' Open Data Viewer on Selected expression
#' The RStudio Environment pane variable name column could be too narrow for
#' long names, and it can be difficult to identify one among similar names.
#' Sometimes it's also useful to check an filter expression on a data.frame.
#' Select a variable or expression then use this feature to open the data viewer
#' for it. With RStudio Viewer working on list/objects now, this become even
#' more useful.
#' @export

view_current <- function(){
  # context <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
  # selection_start <- context$selection[[1]]$range$start
  # selection_end <- context$selection[[1]]$range$end
  # if (any(selection_start != selection_end)) { # text selected
  selected <- get_selection()
  run_command(selected, stringr::str_c("View(", selected, ')'))
  # if (!is.null(selected)) {
  #   # selected <- context$selection[[1]]$text
  #   # this will show "View(get(selected))" in viewer, not optimal
  #   # View(get(selected))
  #   formated <- stringr::str_c("View(", selected, ')')
  #   rstudioapi::sendToConsole(formated, execute = TRUE)
  # }

#' Convert Console Print Out to Script
#' Read console input and output from clipboard, format as script(remove the >
#' prompt, convert output as comments).
#' Formated script is written back to clipboard, and inserted to current cursor
#' location
#' @export
format_console <- function(){
  # clipboard only work in windows/mac. switch to clipr to work on linux too.
  input_lines <- clipr::read_clip()
  # this doesn't work. console editor only get the current editing area, i.e. commands not executed. Selected lines of console output is not part of console editor. have to use clipboard.
  # input_lines <- stringr::str_split(get_selection(editor = "console"), "\n")[[1]]
  empty_index <- stringr::str_detect(input_lines, "^\\s*$")
  commands_index <- stringr::str_detect(input_lines, "^\\+|^>")
  input_lines[!(commands_index | empty_index)] <-
    stringr::str_c("# ", input_lines[!(commands_index | empty_index)], sep = "")
  input_lines[commands_index] <-
    stringr::str_replace_all(input_lines[commands_index], "^\\+", " ")
  input_lines[commands_index] <-
    stringr::str_replace_all(input_lines[commands_index], "^>\\s?", "")
  output <- stringr::str_c(input_lines, "\n", collapse = "")
  context <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
  rstudioapi::insertText(context$selection[[1]]$range, output, id = context$id)
#' Generate the literal c() of a character vector
#' It's often needed to create a vector literally even the vector can be
#' obtained in code. For example a sbuset of column names can be get with number
#' index, but it's not safe to use number index in code. Use this function to
#' turn the output of number index into literal format, then you can copy the
#' output to code.
#' @param x a vector holding items x1, x2, ...
#' @return string of "c("x1", "x2")"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' printc(names(mtcars)[1:3])
printc <- function(x){
  cat(paste0('c("', paste(x, collapse = '", "'), '")'))
get_current_editor_path <- function() {
  context <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
#' Navigate File Pane to folder of current file in editor
#' @export
file_cd_current <- function() {
# scan external functions ----
# should organize by funs_inside, so we can replace all usage in one run
organize_fun_table <- function(dt) {
  new_dt <- dt[!(fun_inside %in% fun)][, usage := list(list(fun)),
                                       by = fun_inside]
  # data.table order sort by C-locale, which sort capitalized letter first
  unique(new_dt[, .(fun_inside, usage)], by =
#' Scan Function Object For External Functions
#' @param fun_obj
#' @return result table
#' @export
#' @examples mischelper::scan_fun(sort)
scan_fun <- function(fun_obj) {
  # function parameter lost its name so have to use generic name
  organize_fun_table(data.table(fun = "fun_obj",
             fun_inside = codetools::findGlobals(
               fun_obj, merge = FALSE)$functions))
# code string
scan_string <- function(code_string) {
  temp_fun <- eval(parse(text = paste0("function() {\n", code_string, "\n}")))
  organize_fun_table(data.table(fun = "code_string",
             fun_inside = codetools::findGlobals(
               temp_fun, merge = FALSE)$functions))
#' Scan Source File For External Functions
#' The file must be able to be sourced without error to be scanned, so packages
#' or data need to be prepared before scanning.
#' @param code_file The path of source file
#' @param organize If FALSE, return table of `fun`, `fun_inside`; If TRUE, return
#'   table of `fun_inside`, `list of fun`
#' @return Result table
#' @export
scan_file <- function(code_file, organize = TRUE) {
  source(code_file, local = TRUE, chdir = TRUE)
  names_in_fun <- ls(sorted = FALSE)
  funs_in_each_name <- lapply(names_in_fun, function(f_name) {
    obj <- get(f_name, parent.env(environment()))
    if (is.function(obj)) {
      data.table(fun = f_name,
                 fun_inside = codetools::findGlobals(
                   obj, merge = FALSE)$functions)
  res <- rbindlist(funs_in_each_name)
  if (organize) {
  } else {
#' Scan External Functions
#' If some code was selected, scan selected code, otherwise scan current file.
#' Result table will also be opened in RStudio data viewer. The current file
#' must be able to be sourced without error to be scanned, so packages or data
#' need to be prepared before scanning.
#' @return A data.table of functions.
#' @export
scan_externals <- function() {
  # context <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
  # selection_start <- context$selection[[1]]$range$start
  # selection_end <- context$selection[[1]]$range$end
  # if (any(selection_start != selection_end)) { # text selected
  selected <- get_selection()
  if (!is.null(selected)) {
    # selected <- context$selection[[1]]$text
    external_funs <- scan_string(selected)
  } else {
    file_path <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path
    external_funs <- scan_file(file_path)
dracodoc/mischelper documentation built on March 25, 2022, 4:38 a.m.