
Defines functions `repro_prop<-` repro_prop getReproductionProportion `maturity<-` maturity getMaturityProportion setReproduction

Documented in getMaturityProportion getReproductionProportion maturity repro_prop setReproduction

#' Set reproduction parameters
#' Sets the proportion of the total energy available for reproduction and growth
#' that is invested into reproduction as a function of the size of the
#' individual and sets additional density dependence.
#' @section Setting reproduction:
#' For each species and at each size, the proportion \eqn{\psi}{psi} of the 
#' available energy 
#' that is invested into reproduction is the product of two factors: the
#' proportion `maturity` of individuals that are mature and the proportion
#' `repro_prop` of the energy available to a mature individual that is 
#' invested into reproduction. There is a size `w_repro_max` at which all the
#' energy is invested into reproduction and therefore all growth stops. There
#' can be no fish larger than `w_repro_max`. If you have not specified the
#' `w_repro_max` column in the species parameter data frame, then the maximum size
#' `w_max` is used instead.
#' \subsection{Maturity ogive}{
#' If the the proportion of individuals that are mature is not supplied via
#' the `maturity` argument, then it is set to a sigmoidal 
#' maturity ogive that changes from 0 to 1 at around the maturity size:
#' \deqn{{\tt maturity}(w) = \left[1+\left(\frac{w}{w_{mat}}\right)^{-U}\right]^{-1}.}{
#'   maturity(w) = [1+(w/w_mat)^(-U)]^(-1)}
#' (To avoid clutter, we are not showing the species index in the equations,
#' although each species has its own maturity ogive.)
#' The maturity weights are taken from the `w_mat` column of the 
#' species_params data frame. Any missing maturity weights are set to 1/4 of the
#' maximum weight in the `w_max` column.
#' The exponent \eqn{U} determines the steepness of the maturity ogive. By
#' default it is chosen as \eqn{U = 10}, however this can be overridden by
#' including a column \code{w_mat25} in the species parameter dataframe that
#' specifies the weight at which 25% of individuals are mature, which sets
#' \eqn{U = \log(3) / \log(w_{mat} / w_{mat25}).}{U = log(3) / log(w_mat /
#' w_mat25).}
#' The sigmoidal function given above would strictly reach 1 only
#' asymptotically. Mizer instead sets the function equal to 1 already at a size
#' taken from the `w_repro_max` column in the species parameter data frame, if it
#' exists, or otherwise from the `w_max` column. Also, for computational
#' simplicity, any proportion smaller than `1e-8` is set to `0`.
#' }
#' \subsection{Investment into reproduction}{
#' If the the energy available to a mature individual that is 
#' invested into reproduction is not supplied via the `repro_prop` argument,
#' it is set to the allometric form
#' \deqn{{\tt repro\_prop}(w) = \left(\frac{w}{w_{mat_max}}\right)^{m-n}.}{
#'   repro_prop(w) = (w/w_repro_max)^(m - n).}
#' Here \eqn{n} is the scaling exponent of the energy income rate. Hence
#' the exponent \eqn{m} determines the scaling of the investment into
#' reproduction for mature individuals. By default it is chosen to be 
#' \eqn{m = 1} so that the rate at which energy is invested into reproduction 
#' scales linearly with the size. This default can be overridden by including a 
#' column `m` in the species parameter dataframe. The maximum sizes are taken
#' from the `w_repro_max` column in the species parameter data frame, if it
#' exists, or otherwise from the `w_max` column.
#' The total proportion of energy invested into reproduction of an individual
#' of size \eqn{w} is then
#' \deqn{\psi(w) = {\tt maturity}(w){\tt repro\_prop}(w)}{psi(w) = maturity(w) * repro_prop(w)}
#' }
#' \subsection{Reproductive efficiency}{
#' The reproductive efficiency \eqn{\epsilon}, i.e., the proportion of energy allocated to
#' reproduction that results in egg biomass, is set through the `erepro`
#' column in the species_params data frame. If that is not provided, the default
#' is set to 1 (which you will want to override). The offspring biomass divided
#' by the egg biomass gives the rate of egg production, returned by
#' [getRDI()]:
#' \deqn{R_{di} = \frac{\epsilon}{2 w_{min}} \int N(w)  E_r(w) \psi(w) \, dw}{R_di = (\epsilon/(2 w_min)) \int N(w)  E_r(w) \psi(w) dw}
#' }
#' \subsection{Density dependence}{
#' The stock-recruitment relationship is an emergent phenomenon in mizer, with
#' several sources of density dependence. Firstly, the amount of energy invested
#' into reproduction depends on the energy income of the spawners, which is
#' density-dependent due to competition for prey. Secondly, the proportion of
#' larvae that grow up to recruitment size depends on the larval mortality,
#' which depends on the density of predators, and on larval growth rate, which
#' depends on density of prey.
#' Finally, to encode all the density dependence in the stock-recruitment
#' relationship that is not already included in the other two sources of density
#' dependence, mizer puts the the density-independent rate of egg production
#' through a density-dependence function. The result is returned by
#' [getRDD()]. The name of the density-dependence function is
#' specified by the `RDD` argument. The default is the Beverton-Holt
#' function [BevertonHoltRDD()], which requires an `R_max` column
#' in the species_params data frame giving the maximum egg production rate. If
#' this column does not exist, it is initialised to `Inf`, leading to no
#' density-dependence. Other functions provided by mizer are
#' [RickerRDD()] and [SheperdRDD()] and you can easily use
#' these as models for writing your own functions.
#' }
#' @param params A MizerParams object
#' @param maturity Optional. An array (species x size) that holds the proportion
#'   of individuals of each species at size that are mature. If not supplied, a
#'   default is set as described in the section "Setting reproduction".
#' @param repro_prop Optional. An array (species x size) that holds the
#'   proportion of consumed energy that a mature individual allocates to
#'   reproduction for each species at size. If not supplied, a default is set as
#'   described in the section "Setting reproduction".
#' @param reset `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#'   If set to TRUE, then both `maturity` and `repro_prop` will be
#'   reset to the value calculated from the species parameters, even if they
#'   were previously overwritten with custom values. If set to FALSE (default)
#'   then a recalculation from the species parameters will take place only if no
#'   custom values have been set.
#' @param RDD The name of the function calculating the density-dependent 
#'   reproduction rate from the density-independent rate. Defaults to 
#'   "[BevertonHoltRDD()]".
#' @param ... Unused
#' @return `setReproduction()`: A MizerParams object with updated reproduction
#'   parameters.
#' @export
#' @family functions for setting parameters
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Plot maturity and reproduction ogives for Cod in North Sea model
#' maturity <- getMaturityProportion(NS_params)["Cod", ]
#' repro_prop <- getReproductionProportion(NS_params)["Cod", ]
#' df <- data.frame(Size = w(NS_params), 
#'                  Reproduction = repro_prop, 
#'                  Maturity = maturity, 
#'                  Total = maturity * repro_prop)
#' dff <- melt(df, id.vars = "Size", 
#'             variable.name = "Type", 
#'             value.name = "Proportion")
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(dff) + geom_line(aes(x = Size, y = Proportion, colour = Type))
#' }
setReproduction <- function(params, maturity = NULL,
                            repro_prop = NULL, reset = FALSE,
                            RDD = NULL, ...) {
    # check arguments ----
    assert_that(is(params, "MizerParams"),
    if (is.null(RDD)) RDD <- params@rates_funcs[["RDD"]]
    species_params <- params@species_params
    if (reset) {
        if (!is.null(maturity)) {
            warning("Because you set `reset = TRUE`, the value you provided ", 
                    "for `maturity` will be ignored and a value will be ",
                    "calculated from the species parameters.")
            maturity <- NULL
        comment(params@maturity) <- NULL
        if (!is.null(repro_prop)) {
            warning("Because you set `reset = TRUE`, the value you provided ", 
                    "for `repro_prop` will be ignored and a value will be ",
                    "calculated from the species parameters.")
            repro_prop <- NULL
        comment(params@psi) <- NULL
    # Check maximum sizes
    if (!("w_max" %in% colnames(species_params))) {
        stop("The maximum sizes of the species must be specified in the w_max ",
             "column of the species parameter data frame.")
    missing <- is.na(species_params$w_max)
    if (any(missing)) {
        stop("The following species are missing data for their maximum size w_max: ",
    if (any(species_params$w_max <= species_params$w_min)) {
        stop("Some of the maximum sizes are smaller than the egg sizes.")
    # # Round maximum sizes to nearest grid point
    # for (i in seq_along(species_params$w_max)) {
    #     idx <- which.min(abs(species_params$w_max[i] - params@w))
    #     params@species_params$w_max[i] < params@w[idx]
    # }
    # set maturity proportion ----
    if (!is.null(maturity)) {
                    identical(dim(maturity), dim(params@psi)))
        if (!is.null(dimnames(maturity)) && 
            !all(dimnames(maturity)[[1]] == species_params$species)) {
            stop("You need to use the same ordering of species as in the ",
                 "params object: ", toString(species_params$species))
        if (is.null(comment(maturity))) {
            if (is.null(comment(params@maturity))) {
                comment(maturity) <- "set manually"
            } else {
                comment(maturity) <- comment(params@maturity)
    } else {
        # Check maturity sizes
        if (!("w_mat" %in% colnames(species_params))) {
            species_params$w_mat <- rep(NA, nrow(species_params))
        missing <- is.na(species_params$w_mat)
        if (any(missing)) {
            message("Note: The following species were missing data for ",
                    "their maturity size w_mat: ",
                    ". These have been set to 1/4 w_max.")
            species_params$w_mat[missing] <- species_params$w_max[missing] / 4
        assert_that(all(species_params$w_mat > species_params$w_min))
        assert_that(all(species_params$w_mat < species_params$w_max))
        params@species_params$w_mat <- species_params$w_mat
        # Set defaults for w_mat25
        species_params <- set_species_param_default(
            species_params, "w_mat25",       
            species_params$w_mat / (3 ^ (1 / 10)))
        # Check w_mat25
        assert_that(all(species_params$w_mat25 > species_params$w_min))
        assert_that(all(species_params$w_mat25 < species_params$w_mat))
        params@species_params$w_mat25 <- species_params$w_mat25
        maturity <- params@maturity  # To get the right dimensions
        maturity[] <- 
                tapply(params@w, seq_along(params@w),
                       function(wx, w_mat, w_mat25) {
                           U <- log(3) / log(w_mat / w_mat25)
                           return((1 + (wx / w_mat)^-U)^-1)
                       w_mat = species_params$w_mat,
                       w_mat25 = species_params$w_mat25
        # For reasons of efficiency we next set all very small values to 0 
        maturity[maturity < 1e-8] <- 0
        # If maturity is protected by a comment, keep the old value
        if (!is.null(comment(params@maturity))) {
            if (different(params@maturity, maturity)) {
                message("The maturity ogive has been commented and therefore will ",
                        "not be recalculated from the species parameters.")
            maturity <- params@maturity
    assert_that(all(maturity >= 0 & maturity <= 1))
    # Need to update psi because it contains maturity as a factor
    if (different(params@maturity, maturity)) {
        params@psi[] <- params@psi / params@maturity * maturity
        params@psi[is.nan(params@psi)] <- 0
    params@maturity[] <- maturity
    comment(params@maturity) <- comment(maturity)
    # set reproduction proportion ----
    if (!is.null(repro_prop)) {
                    identical(dim(repro_prop), dim(params@psi)))
        if (!is.null(dimnames(repro_prop)) && 
            !all(dimnames(repro_prop)[[1]] == species_params$species)) {
            stop("You need to use the same ordering of species as in the ",
                 "params object: ", toString(species_params$species))
        if (is.null(comment(repro_prop))) {
            if (is.null(comment(params@psi))) {
                comment(repro_prop) <- "set manually"
            } else {
                comment(repro_prop) <- comment(params@psi)
    } else {
        # Set defaults for m
        species_params <- set_species_param_default(species_params, "m", 1)
        params@species_params$m <- species_params$m
        if (any(species_params$m < species_params[["n"]])) {
            stop("The exponent `m` must not be smaller than the exponent `n`.")
        # Set defaults for w_repro_max
        species_params <- set_species_param_default(species_params, "w_repro_max",
        repro_prop <- array(
                tapply(params@w, seq_along(params@w),
                       function(wx, w_repro_max, mn) (wx / w_repro_max)^(mn),
                       w_repro_max = species_params$w_repro_max,
                       mn = species_params[["m"]] - species_params[["n"]]
            ), dim = c(nrow(species_params), length(params@w)))
        repro_prop[repro_prop > 1] <- 1
    psi <- params@maturity * repro_prop
    # psi should never be larger than 1
    psi[psi > 1] <- 1
    # Set psi for all w > w_repro_max to 1
    psi[outer(species_params$w_repro_max, params@w, "<")] <- 1
    assert_that(all(psi >= 0 & psi <= 1))
    # if the slot is protected and the user did not supply a new repro_prop
    # then don't overwrite the slot with auto-generated values. We can
    # detect whether repro_prop is user-supplied by checking whether it has 
    # a comment.
    if (!is.null(comment(params@psi)) && is.null(comment(repro_prop))) {
        if (different(params@psi, psi)) {
            message("The reproductive proportion has been commented and therefore ",
                    "will not be recalculated from the species parameters.")
    } else {
        params@psi[] <- psi
        comment(params@psi) <- comment(repro_prop)
    # If no erepro (reproductive efficiency), then set to 1
    params <- set_species_param_default(params, "erepro", 1)
    if (!all(params@species_params$erepro > 0)) {
        stop("Some species have negative reproductive efficiency.")
    # RDD function is currently called only with three arguments
    if (!all(names(formals(RDD)) %in%  c("rdi", "species_params", "params", "t", "..."))) {
        stop("Arguments of RDD function can only contain 'rdi', 'species_params' and `t`.")
    params@rates_funcs$RDD <- RDD
    if (identical(params@rates_funcs$RDD, "BevertonHoltRDD")) {
        # for legacy reasons (R_max used to be called r_max):
        if ("r_max" %in% names(params@species_params)) {
            params@species_params$R_max <- params@species_params$r_max
            params@species_params$r_max <- NULL
            message("The 'r_max' column has been renamed to 'R_max'.")
        params <- set_species_param_default(params, "R_max", Inf)
    params@time_modified <- lubridate::now()

#' @rdname setReproduction
#' @return `getMaturityProportion()` or equivalently `maturity(): 
#'   An array (species x size) that holds the proportion
#'   of individuals of each species at size that are mature.
#' @export
getMaturityProportion <- function(params) {
    assert_that(is(params, "MizerParams"))

#' @rdname setReproduction
#' @export
maturity <- function(params) {

#' @rdname setReproduction
#' @param value .
#' @export
`maturity<-` <- function(params, value) {
    setReproduction(params, maturity = value)

#' @rdname setReproduction
#' @return `getReproductionProportion()` or equivalently `repro_prop()`:
#'   An array (species x size) that holds the
#'   proportion of consumed energy that a mature individual allocates to
#'   reproduction for each species at size. For sizes where the maturity
#'   proportion is zero, also the reproduction proportion is returned as zero.
#' @export
getReproductionProportion <- function(params) {
    assert_that(is(params, "MizerParams"))
    repro_prop <- params@psi / params@maturity
    repro_prop[is.nan(repro_prop)] <- 0
    comment(repro_prop) <- comment(params@psi)

#' @rdname setReproduction
#' @export
repro_prop <- function(params) {

#' @rdname setReproduction
#' @param value .
#' @export
`repro_prop<-` <- function(params, value) {
    setReproduction(params, repro_prop = value)
drfinlayscott/mizer documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 9:18 p.m.