
#' Lookup table for long, long with a period, and short WiDNR Fisheries Management database variable names.
#' Lookup table for long, long with a period, and short WiDNR Fisheries Management database variable names.
#' @name VarLookup
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame with 62 observations on the following 4 variables.
#' \item{DNR}{A character vector that contains the \dQuote{long} variable names as they appear in the WiDNR Fisheries Management central database.  These variable names have spaces as would appear when the database output is read into R with \code{read.table} or \code{read.csv} using \code{check.names=FALSE}.}
#' \item{RDNR}{A character vector that contains the \dQuote{long} variable names as from the central database but with spaces replaced by periods.  These variable names would appear when the database output is read into R with \code{read.table} or \code{read.csv} using \code{check.names=TRUE} (the default of those functions).}
#' \item{R}{A character vector that contains the \dQuote{short} variable names for ease of use in R scripts.} 
#' \item{type}{A character vector that contains the target mode for each of the variables.}
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
droglenc/fishWiDNR documentation built on May 15, 2019, 2:51 p.m.