
Ideas for Code Analysis

TODO (20 June 18):

Goals for the paper:

Aim for September 2018 to submit this.

TODO: Write more about the examples. Why is this cool / interesting? Can we explain it in a conversational way? Even before writing code.

Organizational: We can split these up into sub directories for each task. Use plain text.

Possible Running Examples: 1. Matt's yield gap analysis project 1. Scott's code (data not available)


  1. [partially done] [Nick thesis] Identify when a variable can be rm()'ed (since no longer used) and so garbage collected. See CodeDepends for this.
  2. [Nick thesis] Replace identical calls with variables so you don't compute the same thing multiple times.
  3. [Nick / Duncan] Dead code removal - remove expressions which are not used later; whose result is not used). Recursing into functions to identify possible side effects.
  4. [partially done] [Clark thesis / Duncan] Loop "correction" that lacks preallocation See explorations/findConcat.R and explorations/concat.R example. Identify and rewrite.
  5. [TOP] [Clark / Duncan] Map code inside for loops into apply() -- simple examples. Check RLoopFusion.
  6. ?(maybe better in different package?)[TOP] [Clark] Opportunities for parallelization, for example replacing lapply with parallel::mclapply in an intelligent way to avoid nesting.
  7. [TOP] [Matt / Duncan] Identify input/output data files (see CodeDepends).
    • See CodeAnalysis::getInputFiles(), getOutputFiles(), getGraphicsOutputFiles()
  8. [TOP] [Matt / Duncan] Summarize code from a project (see RCleanProject). Find minimal example: create graph of scripts for directory?
  9. Identify repetitive blocks of code, i.e. the same code evaluated in multiple places with just one argument changed. Find expressions that differ only by one term and that look like they should be in a loop.
  10. [see getGlobals() lot done] findGlobals() alternative that handles, e.g., pkg::fun as a single entity and not ::, pkg, fun. See explorations/findGlobals.R. (Nick: also done in rstatic, see here) and also recognizes fun in lapply(x, fun) as function and not a variable. Find use of undefined variables. CodeDepends:::freeVariables(readScript(file))
    • CodeAnalysis::getGlobals() handles pkg::fun and lapply() and other indirect calls, e.g.,


Improve the general well being of the R session, and may improve clarity.

  1. Identify invariants that are recomputed, e.g. within loops, or in multiple expressions.
  2. Check for possible subclass relationships among S3 objects.
  3. [Clark] Identify code which can be safely evaluated during static analysis, ie. c(1:2, 4:6). Example using this information for another part of analysis.
  4. Make Vectorize() recognize when everything in it is vectorized and then don't change it into mapply. Related- identify calls to vectorized functions in calls to apply family.

Data Related

  1. [DONE] Identify unused columns in a data frame read via read.table()/etc. so that we can add colClasses = NULL for these. The code for this is now here in the package, see R/readFaster.R. Also colClasses and type inference.
  2. [Nick / Duncan] Check whether fields in S3 object exist or are defined.
  3. Validation of slots and fields in S4, Ref classes, R6
  4. [MED] change sapply -> vapply or lapply based on type and dimension inference.
  5. Identify objects that are supposed to have the same length.
  6. [Nick (probably not in this paper)] General object dimension inference
  7. Identify when x[, , drop = TRUE] will produce result of different type than x.


  1. (see functionDivision) Refactoring functions to smaller, more modular functions. Detect blocks of expressions that have direct data dependence and make these into functions.
  2. [LAST] [Nick] Extract functions defined inside functions that do not modify the shared variables. To allow testing.
  3. [DONE Duncan] Later, grow our findGlobals() to a) descend into nested function definitions and thus handle closures correctly, b) identify variables that are used before being defined.
  4. [?DONE Duncan] Rewrite functions to make explicit dependence on global variables, ie:
f = function(x) x + y
# becomes:
f = function(x, .y = y) x + .y
  1. [MED] Identify self-referencing parameters, e.g.
function(x = length(y), y = sum(x))

and strict/lazy eval 1. Identify recursive functions so can change name throughout if change name of top-level function.

fns = getFunctionDefs("R")  # CodeAnalysis package
isRecursive = sapply(names(fns), function(id) id %in% getGlobals(fns[[id]])$functions)
  1. Infer where parameters might be evaluated.
  2. Change all instances of a name in a package to another name. For example, foo is the name of a function and a parameter. Very difficult with regex.
  3. Identify probable mistakes in S3/S4 method definitions. For example, a package defines a class "MyWonderfulClass" and then goes on to define a method for "MeWonderfulClass".
  4. Visualizing functions with clickable explorable connections.

General & Packaging

  1. [MED] Identify checkpoints where intermediate results can be saved to resume later (see Drake).
  2. Extend CodeDepends to handle S4 methods.
  3. ?Documentation generation?
  4. Global changes between coding naming conventions, i.e. snake_case and CamelCase. This requires some care to avoid writing over existing variable names.

duncantl/CodeAnalysis documentation built on Feb. 21, 2024, 10:49 p.m.