
In the indexWalkCode, I defined functions getParent, getAncestors, getSiblings and getByIndex to each take the AST and the index path in that order. These are consistent with each other which is good.

When using these (in FunctionsInFunctions.md), I need to use these when looping over a collection of index paths, e.g.,

lapply(idx, function(i) getParent(ast, i))
lapply(idx, function(i) getAncestors(ast, i))

It is more convenient to reverse the order of the arguments so we can use

lapply(idx, getParent, ast)
lapply(idx, getAncestors, ast)

This is a small benefit (and we can use the notation \(i) to avoid function(i)) but it is convenient. It is also probably appropriate to think of the IndexPath object as being the primary object and the AST as the context. Indeed, if we attached the AST as an attribute to each IndexPath, we wouldn't need to provide that context.

So we'll change the signatures. Before we do this, we want to know how much code we will have to change. If it is too much, we may decide not to make the change.

Of course, if these functions are being in other code outside of the package, they will have to change too. But for now, let's focus on the code in this package. We need to find all calls to these four functions. There are 3 places we need to look for such calls

We'll start by creating a vector of the function names of interest to avoid repeating them in several places:

idxFuns = c("getParent", "getAncestors", "getSiblings", "getByIndex")

Note: Rather than finding calls to any of these functions, we probably want to find any reference to these symbols. findCallsTo() finds direct calls to a function name. However, it doesn't include indirect calls via do.call or any of the apply functions.

Note: What about insertByIndex()? Should we change the order of its arguments to be consistent? It is less important as the first argument is the object to be inserted. So we won't loop over. However, we might want to use mapply( , newVals, indices, MoreArgs = list(ast = ast)) and would again have to write an intermediate function to map the arguments to the first and third.

R/ directory

fns = getFunctionDefs("R")
k = lapply(fns, findCallsTo, idxFuns)
sapply(k, length)

tests/ directory

rf = list.files("tests", pattern = "\\.R$", full = TRUE)
e = lapply(rf, parse)
k2 = lapply(e, findCallsTo, idxFuns)
sapply(k2, length)

Examples from Rd files

Looking at the code in the example() function, we find the call to tools::Rd2ex(). This takes the name of the Rd file and a place to write the output. It would be simpler/better if it returned the text of the example rather than indirectly putting it in a file. However, we can use this but put it into a textConnection.

rd = list.files("man", pattern = "\\.Rd$", full = TRUE)
egs = lapply(rd, function(file) { 
             con = textConnection("eg", "w", local = TRUE)
             tools::Rd2ex(file, con)
             parse(text = textConnectionValue(con))
names(egs) = rd      
kegs = lapply(egs, findCallsTo, idxFuns)
sapply(kegs, length)

Of course, we will also have to change the usage sections and should reverse the order of the items in the arguments sections.

Total number of calls to change?

How many calls do we have ?

length(unlist(list(k, k2, kegs)))

At the time of writing, we have 16 calls in total.

And we have to change the definitions of the functions themselves.

R/ directory

k = k[sapply(k, length) > 0]

This identifies 2 calls to getParent() in getByIndex() and getSiblings(). (We could use pkgCodeInfo() to get a data.frame describing all the functions in the R/ directory and know which files these are in. However, we already know this and will make the changes manually.)

tests/ directory

For the tests/ directory, we have

k2 = k2[sapply(k2, length) > 0]

which identifies 3 files

[1] "tests/predParent.R"  "tests/rewrite2.R"    "tests/rewriteCode.R"

and 5 calls with 3 in predParent.R and 1 in each of the other 2.

Now we'll find which functions are called in which files:

sapply(k2, function(x) sapply(x, function(x) as.character(x[[1]])))
[1] "getParent"  "getByIndex" "getParent" 

[1] "getByIndex"

[1] "getByIndex"

man/ and Rd files

k3 = kegs[sapply(kegs, length) > 0]
[1] "man/getByIndex.Rd"    "man/getParent.Rd"     "man/indexWalkCode.Rd" "man/insertByIndex.Rd"

The number of calls in each file is

sapply(k3, length)
   man/getByIndex.Rd     man/getParent.Rd man/indexWalkCode.Rd man/insertByIndex.Rd 
                   2                    4                    2                    1 

And the functions being called in each are

sapply(k3, function(x) sapply(x, function(x) as.character(x[[1]])))
[1] "getParent"  "getByIndex"

[1] "getParent"    "getByIndex"   "getAncestors" "getAncestors"

[1] "getByIndex" "getParent" 

[1] "getByIndex"

So now we know what we have to change. We can also rerun this code at the end to find the calls and then programmatically ensure that the changes are correct.

duncantl/CodeAnalysis documentation built on April 28, 2024, 6:01 p.m.