
Some people like to write helper functions within the primary function that uses them. For example, the summarize_CRAN_check_status() in the tools package defines the summarize_results(), summarize_details(), summarize_issues() and summarize() functions near the beginning of that function. This avoids cluttering the workspace with functions that are only used within function. These functions can also access non-local variables that are in the primary function. This simplifies calling these helper functions as we don't have to pass these additional arguments. However, within a package, we hide these by simply not exporting these internal helper functions. This style means we cannot easily test these functions separately from the primary function. Similarly, nobody else can reuse these functions (including the author) unless they manually extract them from the text of the code and create a copy that may diverge from the original. Generally, we often only want to define a function within the body of a function when we are creating a closure that can update non-local variables.

An example of defining functions within functions is in the file FAO56_dualcropcoeff.R. (This comes from github.com/smdevine/GreenWater.) This starts with a collection of comments and then has some code that creates data objects within the global works space. Next "we" define a function named FAO56DualCropCalc. In this function, we define 36 functions, e.g. CropParametersDefine, KcbDefine, alfalfa.Kcb.cycles, KepCalc, EpCalc, etc.

In an effort to make this code more efficient, we wanted to experiment with different implementations of some of these functions. Also, we wanted to get a better understanding of the code and see which pieces relied on other pieces and see the actual computations within the primary function FAO56DualCropCalc(). So we want to extract all the function definitions in the body of the primary function, specifically those that don't use the <<- operator to modify non-local variables. In our example, none of the functions do this, so we want to extract all 36 functions. We'll move these functions to a separate file and also remove them from FAO56DualCropCalc().

To extract these functions, we don't want to run the code in FAO56_dualcropcoeff.R as the code to create the data objects takes some time. We could manually edit the file and move the function FAO56DualCropCalc to a separate file. However, we will find the definition for FAO56DualCropCalc in FAO56_dualcropcoeff.R and process the code directly. To do this, we use

kode = parse("../extractFuns/example/FAO56_dualcropcoeff.R")
isFunction = function(x) is(x, "<-") && is.call(x[[3]]) && x[[3]][[1]] == "function"
isFun = sapply(kode, isFunction)

This finds the one expression in the file that defines a function and assigns it to a variable. So we take that expression and evaluate the right-hand side which is the function definition:

f = kode[[which(isFun)]]
fun = eval(f[[3]])

We now have the function which contains the calls to define the 36 internal functions. We pass this to the extractFunctions() function:

library(rstatic)#XXX FIX
e = CodeAnalysis:::extractFunctions(fun)

extractFunctions() returns a list with two elements. The first (fun) is the updated primary function with the function definitions removed. The second element (externalFunctions) is a list of those function definitions, specifically the expressions of the form name = function(...) ..., i.e. the assignments. We still have to evaluate these expressions to both define the function and assign it to the variable name.

We can write the externalFunctions to a separate file or keep them in the R session.

Of course, some of these functions may use variables defined within their enclosing/primary function. When these functions are defined separately, we would have to arrange to call these functions with these extra arguments. Also, we have to add extra parameters to these functions to accept these additional arguments. This is topic of section ?? (and now below).

(See eg2.R and eg.R. Also, see ../globalsRewrite/)

Identifying the Non-Local Variables in the Extracted Functions

We first evaluate the code for each of the extracted functions to create them as regular functions (not parse trees):

env = new.env()
invisible(sapply(e$externalFunctions, function(f) eval(f, env)))

Next, we find the global variables in each of these extracted functions.

globals = lapply(ls(env), function(var) codetools::findGlobals(get(var, env), FALSE))
names(globals) = ls(env)

There are only 12 of the 36 functions that reference external variables:

ng = sapply(globals, function(x) length(x$variables))
w = ng > 0

The function GreenWaterIrr1Calc refers to the now non-local variable Jdev. We need to add that as a parameter to the function. The function mkGlobalsLocal does this.

f = mkGlobalsLocal(env$GreenWaterIrr1Calc)

Here we see Jdev has a new parameter named .Jdev. All of the code in this function that originally referred to Jdev now refers to .Jdev. We can either make the Jdev the default value for .Jdev or alternatively provide no default. In this case, it makes sense to provide no default.

We can pass all of the extracted functions to mkGlobalsLocal in one step and will only update the relevant ones, i.e. that refer to global variables:

updatedFuns = mkGlobalsLocal(.funs = as(env, "list", strict = FALSE))

Updating the Original/Primary Function to Pass Extra Arguments

We also need to change the calls to GreenWaterIrr1Calc in the (now modified) original function. We first turn this code into an actual function by evaluating it:

prim = eval(e[[1]], env)

duncantl/CodeAnalysis documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 10:10 a.m.