
chp1.Muaggregate.by.year.R taken from Scott Devine's GreenWater repository repository and specifically the Analysis/chp1.Muaggregate.by.year.R file. (Copied to here for convenience.)

The purpose of this is to take a script and find the expressions that read data. We can then examine those to see how we might modify/rewrite them to read the data in chunks that can be run in parallel.

This also relates to finding input and output files in file dependencies explorations.

This uses static analysis.

We start with a script, rather than a function We want to find + expressions that call known input/data-reading functions, e.g., read.csv, scan, ... + find aliases for these functions that are used, e.g., f = read.csv f(file) but not aliases that are not used + function definitions in the script that themselves call known input/data-reading functions that are then used


This feels akwardly written and includes symbols in the results that we may not want.



kk = to_ast(parse("readEg.R"))
e = findReadDataCalls( kk)
<Call> $args $fn $parent

<Assign> $parent $read $write
f = read.csv 

<Call> $args $fn $parent

<Call> $args $fn $parent

<Call> $args $fn $parent
lapply(files, getData) 


kk2 = to_ast(parse("chp1.Muaggregate.by.year.R"))
findReadDataCalls( kk2)
<Call> $args $fn $parent
data.to.allyrs("pistachios", "Pistachios") 

<Call> $args $fn $parent
data.to.allyrs("almond.mature", "Almonds") 

<Call> $args $fn $parent
data.to.allyrs("walnut.mature", "Walnuts") 

<Call> $args $fn $parent
data.to.allyrs("grapes.table", "Grapes") 

<Call> $args $fn $parent
data.to.allyrs("grapes.wine", "Grapes") 

<Call> $args $fn $parent
data.to.allyrs("alfalfa.CV", "Alfalfa") 

<Call> $args $fn $parent
data.to.allyrs("alfalfa.intermountain", "Alfalfa") 

<Call> $args $fn $parent
data.to.allyrs("alfalfa.imperial", "Alfalfa") 

These are 8 calls to data.to.allyrs. This function reads 7 different

funs = getDefinedFuns(kk2)
e2 = findReadDataCalls(funs$data.to.allyrs)
<Call> $args $fn $parent
read.csv("cropscape_legend.txt", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 

<Call> $args $fn $parent
read.csv("PRISM.precip.data.updated9.13.17.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 

<Call> $args $fn $parent
read.csv("SpatialCIMIS.ETo.updated9.13.17.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 

<Call> $args $fn $parent
read.csv("SpatialCIMIS.U2.updated9.13.17.csv", stringsAsFactors = F) 

<Call> $args $fn $parent
read.csv("SpatialCIMIS.RHmin.updated9.13.17.csv", stringsAsFactors = F) 

<Call> $args $fn $parent
read.csv("cell_counts.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 

<Call> $args $fn $parent
read.csv("P.WY.summary.10.6.17.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 

<Call> $args $fn $parent
read.csv(list.files(pattern = glob2rx("*_model_metadata.csv")), 
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 

<Call> $args $fn $parent
read.csv(fnames[i], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 

We can see that there are 7 calls to read.csv with fixed/literal file names. The last two calls to read.csv() are computed and are call-specific.

Since there are 8 calls to this data.to.allyrs function, and it reads these 7 CSV files each time, we can certainly read them once and pass them to the 8 calls to data.to.allyrs.

It is possible that these 8 calls to read.csv() are conditional. Let's write a little function that gets the classes of the ancestor nodes in the AST (up to the Function)

ancestorASTClass = 
function(x, reverse = TRUE, stopAtFunctionDef = TRUE) {
  ans = class(x)[1]
  while(!is.null(x <- x$parent)) {
     ans = c(ans, class(x)[1])
     if(stopAtFunctionDef && is(x, "Function"))
sapply(e2[1:7], ancestorASTClass)
     [,1]       [,2]       [,3]       [,4]       [,5]       [,6]       [,7]      
[1,] "Function" "Function" "Function" "Function" "Function" "Function" "Function"
[2,] "Brace"    "Brace"    "Brace"    "Brace"    "Brace"    "Brace"    "Brace"   
[3,] "Assign"   "Assign"   "Assign"   "Assign"   "Assign"   "Assign"   "Assign"  
[4,] "Call"     "Call"     "Call"     "Call"     "Call"     "Call"     "Call"    

So these are simple assignments at the top-level of the function's body (the Brace).

duncantl/CodeAnalysis documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 10:10 a.m.