
CF: It seems the only one we disagree on is this:

l5b = quote(
    for(i in x){
        z[y[i]] = foo()

If we pull out foo() because it is loop invariant, then yes, it can be parallel. I think it would be best to first transform the code to remove the loop invariants, and then check if the loop is parallel.

foo() might not be loop invariant, for example, if it's a closure:

foo_factory = function(){
    count = 0L
        count <<- count + 1L

foo = foo_factory()

Then the loop above is not parallel, since every iteration must run in order.

l5 = quote( for(i in x){ tmp = y[i] z[tmp] = foo() } ) p5 = checkParLoop(l5)

This amounts to z[y[i]] = foo() And one can do

const = foo()
u = unique(y[x])
z[u] = const

l6 = quote( for(i in x){ i = 1 y[i] = foo() } ) Ultimately, we want to reduce this to

y[1] = foo()

CF: Yes, we could make these changes statically. But who actually writes such code? Is this case a priority?

l7 = quote(
    for(i in x){
        y[i %% k] = foo(y[i %% k])

Again, we can reduce this to

u = unique(x %% k)
y[u] = foo(y[u])

CF: This code transformation is only valid if i < k for all iterations. If i < k, then there's no reason to do i %% k. Generally there's a true loop dependency here, for example:

n = 25
k = 10
y = rep(0, k)
x = seq(n)
x[x %% k == 0] = 1
foo = function(z) z + 1
for(i in x){
    y[i %% k] = foo(y[i %% k])
> y
 [1] 5 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 0

y2 = rep(0, k)
u = unique(x %% k)
y2[u] = foo(y2[u])
> y2
 [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

CF: I believe that you were thinking about this code:

l7b = quote(
    for(i in x){
        y[i %% k] = foo(y[i])

# For vectorized `foo` becomes:
u = unique(x %% k)
y[u] = foo(y[u])

Let's elevate the diagnosis here to the more general "what are you doing changing the iterator variable" If it is i = fun(i), that might be okay depending on how i is used later.

CF: Yes, that's what the diagnosis is.

From QTL/simulate.R quote( for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) { o <- grep("^QTL[0-9]+", colnames(cross$geno[[i]]$data)) if(length(o) != 0) { qtlgeno <- cbind(qtlgeno, cross$geno[[i]]$data[,o,drop=FALSE]) cross$geno[[i]]$data <- cross$geno[[i]]$data[,-o,drop=FALSE] if(is.matrix(cross$geno[[i]]$map)) cross$geno[[i]]$map <- cross$geno[[i]]$map[,-o,drop=FALSE] else cross$geno[[i]]$map <- cross$geno[[i]]$map[-o] } })

This says not parloop. But this is setting the i-th element and only the i-th element in the loop.

d2 = quote(for(i in 1:nchr(cross)) storage.mode(cross$geno[[i]]$data) <- "integer")

So we need to broaden the criteria and analysis. I think we need a predicate that says "only operates on the i-th element"

CF: Yes, have one, see updatesVarWithIterVar in checkParLoop.R.

d3 = quote( for(i in 1:n.qtl) { temp <- map[[model[i,1]]] if(model[i,2] < min(temp)) { temp <- c(model[i,2],temp) names(temp)[1] <- paste("QTL",i,sep="") } else if(model[i,2] > max(temp)) { temp <- c(temp,model[i,2]) names(temp)[length(temp)] <- paste("QTL",i,sep="") } else { j <- max((seq(along=temp))[temp < model[i,2]]) temp <- c(temp[1:j],model[i,2],temp[(j+1):length(temp)]) names(temp)[j+1] <- paste("QTL",i,sep="") } map[[model[i,1]]] <- temp })

So definitely not clear that model[i,j] is unique across iterations.

CF: I agree. Breaking it down a little more: Despite the length, it only uses these two global variables: map[[model[i, 1]]], model[i, 2]. The only global that this code assigns to in the body of the loop is map, specifically map[[model[i, 1]]], in the last statement. The problem is that we don't have any guarantee that the assignment index, model[i, 1], is unique across iterations. It's possible that model[i, 1] = 1 for all i, and this becomes a RAW dependency.

checkParLoop() doesn't get this right. It says variable buildOut is assigned to using an index which is not the iterator variable in the loop: buildOut[[i]] = tmpSeed"

e = quote(for (i in 1:max(ctrl$seed)) { ind <- ctrl$aID[ctrl$seed == i] buildSeed <- list() for (j in seq_along(ind)) { print(ind[j]) fileIn <- list.files("./", pattern = paste0("_", ind[j], ".rds"), full.names = T) tmp <- readRDS(fileIn) buildSeed[[j]] <- tmp } tmpSeed <- do.call(cbind.data.frame, buildSeed) buildOut[[i]] <- tmpSeed })

duncantl/CodeAnalysis documentation built on Feb. 21, 2024, 10:49 p.m.