
getNumDevices =

getDeviceProps = getDeviceProperties =
  # Simpler wrapper to get the device properties
  # We use 1-based counting here. libcuda uses
  #' @example  getDeviceProps(1L)
function(num = 1L)
  if(num < 1L || num > getNumDevices())
    stop("invalid GPU device number ", num)
  .cudaGetDeviceProperties(NULL, num - 1L)[[2]]

cuDeviceGetAttributes =
    # Allow caller to specify subset of the attributes. Gets a  little messier.
function(dev = 1L)
  attrs = CUdevice_attributeValues
  tmp = sapply(unclass(attrs)[-length(attrs)], cuDeviceGetAttribute, as(dev, "CUdevice"))
  structure(tmp, names = gsub("CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_", "", names(tmp)))
duncantl/RCUDA documentation built on May 15, 2019, 5:26 p.m.