
tu = parseTU("tu.c.001t.tu")

  # need to handle case where src is empty character vector.
  # want to get rid of the ones that are system, leaving only the cuda/cublas ones.
  #  so not rusage
filep = function(src, files, ...) { if(length(src) == 0) FALSE else grepl("^cu", src)}

ods = ds = getDataStructures(tu, filep)
ds = resolveType(ds, tu)
 # force the stubborn ones!
ds = lapply(ds, resolveType, tu)
table(sapply(ds, class))
types = sapply(ds[sapply(ds, is, "TypedefDefinition")], function(x) class(x@type))
# 81.

names(ds)[!grepl("^(union )?[0-9]+$", names(ds))]

dc = DefinitionContainer(tu)
ss = generateStructInterface(ds[['cudaDeviceProp']], dc)
a = writeCode(ss, "native", "../src/cudaDeviceProp.c", includes = '"RCUDA.h"')
a = writeCode(ss, "r", "../R/cudaDeviceProp.R")
  # need to append to declarations.h, so open it as a connection.
a = writeCode(ss, "header", file = "../src/declarations.h")

a = generateStructInterface(ds[["cudaChannelFormatDesc"]], dc)
b = generateStructInterface(ds[["cudaMemcpy3DParms"]], dc)
pos = generateStructInterface(ds[["cudaPos"]], dc)
pitched = generateStructInterface(ds[["cudaPitchedPtr"]], dc)
extent = generateStructInterface(ds[["cudaExtent"]], dc)
d3 = writeCode(b, "native", "../src/memcpy3DParms.c", includes = '"RCUDA.h"')

filep = function(src, files, ...) { if(length(src) == 0) TRUE else grepl("^cu", src)}
r = getRoutines(tu, checkSourceFile = filep)
rr = resolveType(r, tu)

cuda = rr[grep("^cublas", names(rr), invert = TRUE)]
# 309 routines.

f = createRoutineBinding(cuda[["cudaGetDeviceProperties"]], addDot = TRUE)
g = writeCode(f, "native", file = "../src/getDevProps.c", includes = '"RCUDA.h"')
g = writeCode(f, "r", file = "../R/getDevProps.R")

classes = getClasses(tu)

 # Get the argument types
argTypes = lapply(cuda, function(x) sapply(x@parameters, function(x) class(x$type)))

table(sapply(argTypes, length))

# the ones that take no arguments are
names(cuda)[(sapply(argTypes, length)) == 0]


enums = getEnumerations(tu)
enums = enums[ !(names(enums) %in% "idtype_t") ]
r.enums = resolveType(enums, tu)

e = writeCode(r.enums, "native", file = "../src/enumConverters.c", includes = '"RCUDA.h"')
e = writeCode(r.enums, "r", file = "../R/enumDefs.R")
e = writeCode(r.enums, "header", file = "../src/enumDecls.h", includes = '"RCUDA.h"')
#con = file("../src/enumDecls.h", "w")
#invisible(lapply(r.enums, writeCode, "header", con))
duncantl/RCUDA documentation built on May 15, 2019, 5:26 p.m.