GetConfidenceColors: Get Colors for Displaying Confidence of OCR

GetConfidenceColorsR Documentation

Get Colors for Displaying Confidence of OCR


This is a convenience function for computing the color values to indicate the confidence/certainty of each of the recognized elements in the OCR. This computes the color palette, by default, and then maps the confidence values into bins. By default, the more green the value, the more certainty. A caller can specify different end points of the color range (via colorEnds).


GetConfidenceColors(bbox, confidences = bbox[, "confidence"],
                    numColors = 10,
                    colors = colorRampPalette(colorEnds)(numColors),
                    colorEnds = getOption("OCRConfidenceColors", c("red", "lightgreen")),  
                    intervals = quantile(confidences, seq(0, 1, by = 1/numColors)))



the matrix of matched elements returned from GetBoxes


the vector of confidence values. These are extracted from bbox or can be specified directly as the return value from GetConfidences


the number of colors to use in the color palette


a vector of color values (as a character vector) in case the caller wants to specify the colors directly.


a character vector of two colors giving the color for the minimum and maximum confidence. These are used to interpolate the other color values for the confidences. The caller can specify these two color values via the R session option named OCRConfidenceColors.


the bins by which to group the confidences


A character vector of colors corresponding to the rows in bbox or elements in confidences


Duncan Temple Lang

See Also

GetConfidences, GetBoxes, plot


f = system.file("trainingSample", "eng.tables.exp0.png", package = "Rtesseract")
ts = tesseract(f)
bbox = GetBoxes(ts)
colors = GetConfidenceColors(bbox) 
plot(ts, bbox = bbox, border = colors)

m = plot(ts, img = NULL, bbox = bbox, border = colors)
rect(m[,1], m[,2], m[,3], m[,4], col = colors)

duncantl/Rtesseract documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 8:38 a.m.