plotSubsets: Plot a collection of individual a Bounding Boxes

View source: R/plot.R

plotSubsetsR Documentation

Plot a collection of individual a Bounding Boxes


This is a convenience wrapper to apply the plotSubImage function over a collection of bounding boxes. It takes a collection of bounding boxes from GetBoxes and an image and displays the subset of the image specified by the bounding box arranged in a panel grid, with the recognized output and associated confidences printed in the title. This is useful for looking at misclassified terms.

This is unrelated to the tesseract API and is used for examining the region of the image in R.


plotSubsets(bbox, img, nrow = 4, ncol = 4,
            titles = paste("OCR: ", row.names(bbox),
                            ", conf: ", round(bbox[,"confidence"],0)),



bounding boxes as created by GetBoxes, with columns left, bottom, right, top, and confidences and rownames of the recognized characters.


the image object read using the appropriate function in the appropriate package for the image type. See png, rjpeg, or tiff.


the number of rows in the panel.


the number of columns in the panel.


character vector of plot titles for the different panels/plots.


additional arguments passed to the inherited plotSubImage methods.


The purpose of this function is the side-effect of plotting the sub-image The result is NULL.


Matthew Espe

See Also

GetBoxes plotSubImage


f = system.file("images", "OCRSample2.png", package = "Rtesseract")
pix = pixRead(f)
api = tesseract(pix)
bbox = GetBoxes(api, "textline")
#bbox = lapply(api, BoundingBox, "textline")

if(FALSE && require("png")) {
  img = png::readPNG(f)
  plotSubsets(bbox, img, nrow = 10, ncol = 1)

duncantl/Rtesseract documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 8:38 a.m.