
Defines functions getDims toAlpha plotSubsets compGrid plotSubImage.numeric plotSubImage.matrix plotSubImage.OCRResults plotSubImage plot.ConfusionMatrix plot.OCR

Documented in plotSubImage plotSubsets

#         function(x, y, level = "word", ...) {
#             plot.OCR(x, level = level, ...)
#         })

plot.OCR =
function(x, y = "word",
         filename = if(!missing(x)) GetInputName(x) else "",         
         img = if(!missing(x)) GetImage(x) else readImage(filename) ,
         bbox = GetBoxes(x),
         border = if(confidence) GetConfidenceColors(bbox) else "red",
         outer.border = border,
         cropToBoxes = FALSE, margin = .05,
         main = basename(filename),
         confidence = TRUE, fillBoxes = FALSE,
         alpha = 0.4,
         dims = NULL,
         legend = FALSE,
    if(!is.matrix(bbox) && !is.data.frame(bbox))
       m = do.call(rbind, bbox)
        m = bbox

    if(is.null(dims)) {
           dims = GetImageDims(x)
        else if(!missing(bbox))
           dims = c(max(bbox[, c(2, 4)]), max(bbox[, c(1, 3)]))
        else if(is.null(img))
           stop("We need a way to get the image dimensions - the tesseract object, the bounding box (bbox) or the image")

    if(is.null(img)) {
        nrow = dims[1]
        ncol = dims[2]
    } else {
        nrow = nrow(img)
        ncol = ncol(img)

         # put the y's going from bottom to top, unlike their originals which are top to bottom.
    m[,2] = nrow - m[,2]
    m[,4] = nrow - m[,4]    

    if(cropToBoxes) {
       # The intent here is to crop the image so that we don't show it all but limit
       # it to a range that only includes the bounding boxes we observe.
       if(length(margin) == 1)
          margin = c(1 - margin, 1 + margin)

       mx = c(min(m[,1]), max(m[,3]))*margin
       my = c(min(m[,2]), max(m[,4]))*margin

        # make certain mx and my are > 0.  Could mx[2] or my[2] be negative
        # Needs to be >= 1, since we are using this as an index
        mx[1] = max(1, mx[1])
        my[1] = max(1, my[1])
        # Need to make sure the max value is not larger than the biggest dim
        mx[2] = min(mx[2], ncol)
        my[2] = min(my[2], nrow)
       img = img[ sort(nrow - seq(as.integer(my[1]), as.integer(my[2]))), seq(as.integer(mx[1]), as.integer(mx[2])), ]
    } else {  # show whole image
       mx = c(0, ncol)
       my = c(0, nrow)

    plot(0, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", xlim = mx, ylim = my, ..., xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")
    if(!is.null(img)) # && !is.na(img))
       rasterImage(as.raster(img), mx[1], my[1], mx[2], my[2])    

           # plot the boxes in decreasing order of area so that very large boxes are on the bottom and don't occlude others.
        m = m[ order( (m$right - m$left) * (m$bottom - m$top), decreasing = TRUE), ]

        # Draw the bounding boxes for the detected elements.
    rect(m[,1],  m[,2], m[,3],  m[,4], border = border,
         col = if(fillBoxes) toAlpha(border, alpha = alpha) else NULL,

        # And now the outer containing rectangle enclosing all the bounding boxes
    rect(min(m[,1]),  min(m[,4]), max(m[,3]),  max(m[,2]), border = outer.border)

        leg = border[sort(unique(names(border)), decreasing = TRUE)]
        legend("topright", legend = names(leg), fill = leg)


     # return the modified bounding box so that people can continue to add the plot.
     # Recall the top and bottom have been "corrected" for use on this plot.

#setMethod("plot", "TesseractBaseAPI",   plot.OCR)
setMethod("plot", "TesseractBaseAPI",
            function(x, y, ...) {
                 y = "word"
             plot.OCR(x, y, ...)

plot.ConfusionMatrix =
function(x, y, col = rgb(seq(1, 0, length = max(x)), 1, 1), xlab = "Actual", ylab = "Predicted", ...)
  image(x, col = col, axes = FALSE, ..., xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
  u = par()$usr
  d = (u[2] - u[1])/nrow(x)
  axis(1, seq(u[1] + d/2, by = d, length = nrow(x)), rownames(x))

  d = (u[4] - u[3])/ncol(x)
  axis(2, seq(u[3] + d/2, by = d, length = ncol(x)), colnames(x))  

plotSubImage = 
function(box, img, text = character(), ...)

plotSubImage.OCRResults = 
function(box, img, text =box[, "text"], ...)
  plotSubImage(as.matrix(box[, 1:4]), img, text = text, ...)

#XXX  We may want to keep the aspect ratios the same for all of the plots/panels.
# We might also want to keep the vertical ranges the same for all panels using the maximum height within box.

plotSubImage.matrix = 
function(box, img, text = character(), ...)
  if(nrow(box) == 0)
  opar = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  par(mfrow = compGrid(nrow(box)))
  sapply(1:nrow(box), function(i) plotSubImage.numeric(box[i,], img = img, text = text[i], ...))

plotSubImage.numeric = 
function(box, img, text = character(), ...)
    i = box[2]:box[4]
    j = box[1]:box[3]
    k = if(length(dim(img)) > 2)  img[ i, j , ] else img[i, j]
  plot(0, type = "n", xlim = c(0, ncol(k)), ylim = c(0, nrow(k)), xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE, ...)
     # Draw the part of the image.
  rasterImage(as.raster(k), 0, 0, ncol(k), nrow(k))
   # Put the tick marks corresponding to the column and row positions in the images.
  ax2 = axTicks(2)
  axis(2, at = ax2, pretty(box[2]:box[4], length(ax2) - 1)[seq(along = ax2)])
  ax1 = axTicks(1)
  axis(1, at = ax1, pretty(box[1]:box[3], length(ax1) - 1)[seq(along = ax1)])  

    # Add a title if we are given one. This is typically the OCR value of the sub-region, i.e. the recognized text.
  if(length(text) && !is.na(text) && nchar(text))  title(text)

compGrid =
    r = ceiling(sqrt(num))
    c(r, ceiling(num/r))

plotSubsets =
function(bbox, img, nrow = 4, ncol = 4,
         titles = paste("OCR: ", row.names(bbox),
                        ", conf: ", round(bbox[,"confidence"],0)),

    old.par = par()[c("mfrow","mar","oma")]
    par(mfrow = c(nrow, ncol),
        mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
        oma = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
    sapply(1:nrow(bbox), function(i)
        plotSubImage(box = bbox[i, 1:4], img,
                     xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
                     main = titles[i], ...))

GetConfidenceColors =
    # Set
    #   options(OCRConfidenceColors = c("#f7fcf5", "#005a32"))
    # to use the original colors.
function(bbox, confidences = bbox[, "confidence"],
         numColors = 10,
         colors = colorRampPalette(colorEnds)(numColors),
         colorEnds = getOption("OCRConfidenceColors", c("red", "lightgreen")),  
         intervals = quantile(confidences, seq(0, 1, by = 1/numColors)))
    # prevent cut from returning NAs for values that are exactly 0 or 100.
    intervals[1] = 0 - .Machine$double.eps
    intervals[numColors+1] = 100 
    i = cut(confidences, unique(intervals) )
    structure(colors[ i ], names = as.character(i))

toAlpha =
    function(colors, alpha)
    # Converts colors to versions with some transparency
    if(any(alpha < 0 | alpha > 1))
       stop("Alpha must be between 0 and 1")
    col = col2rgb(colors, TRUE) / 255
    col["alpha",] = alpha
    rgb(col["red",], col["green",], col["blue",], col["alpha",])

getDims =
    c(max(bbox[, c(2, 4)]), max(bbox[, c(1, 3)]))

showBoxes =
    # getDims(bbox)
function(bbox, dim = par()$usr[c(4, 2)], ...)
    m = bbox
    m[,2] = dim[1] - m[,2]
    m[,4] = dim[1] - m[,4]
    rect(m[,1], m[,2], m[,3], m[,4], ...)
duncantl/Rtesseract documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 8:38 a.m.