PrintVariables: Query or Set Tesseract Variables

View source: R/ext.R

PrintVariablesR Documentation

Query or Set Tesseract Variables


These functions allow us to query all or some of the tesseract variables controlling the OCR behavior. We can also set these variables from within R.


GetVariables(api, var)
PrintVariables(api = tesseract(), asDataFrame = FALSE, file = tempfile())
SetVariables(api, ..., opts = list(...))



an instance of the TesseractBaseAPI-class, created via a call to tesseract


a character vector specifying the names of the variables to be queried. If this is omitted, GetVariables returns all of the tesseract variables.


the name of a file to which the variable name and values are written. If this is omitted, PrintVariables returns the list of variable values, just like GetVariables.


name = value pairs specifying the name of the variable and its new value to be set in the tesseract object.


an alternative way to specify the name = value pairs of variable name and values to set. This allows the caller to compute the variable names and values and pass the resulting list or vector as a single argument rather than as individual arguments in the call.


a logical value. If TRUE, the options, their values and information describing the purpose of the option are returned as 3-column data frame. If this is FALSE, a named character vector is returned giving the option value and the associated name. No description of the options is returned.


GetVariables returns a named list containing the values for the different tesseract variables. The names are the variable names. This is a list rather than a vector since the tesseract variables can be strings, logical/boolean values, or numbers - either integer or real valued.

PrintVariables called without a value for file returns a named character vector. The type of each variable is lost.


Duncan Temple Lang



See Also

tesseract, TesseractBaseAPI-class


  api = tesseract()
  v = GetVariables(api)
  table(sapply(v, class)) 

  out = tempfile()
  PrintVariables(api, file = out)

duncantl/Rtesseract documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 8:38 a.m.