#'Generates a random model using RAM specification.
#'This function generates a single random path model.
#'Making restrictions is simple. For example, suppose one variable is Age.
#'Obviously, Age should probably not be endogenous, so the user can specify Age
#'as an endogenous variable. That is done by creating a matrix where the
#'columns correspond to "From", "To", and "Include." For example, to specify
#'that A must cause B, one would insert in the first row of the matrix c("A",
#'"B", "1"). To specify that nothing can cause a variable (i.e., to make a
#'variable exogenous), one would leave the "From" column as "". For example,
#'the Age example would have c("", "Age", "0").
#'Allowing any variable to correlate with an endogenous variable is equivalent to correlating with the residuals
#'of that endogenous variable. When the user specifies a non-zero value (k) for corr.residuals, the algorithm randomly selects
#'k*(number of paths) of the paths to be double-headed, thereby permitting correlated residuals. 
#'@param variable.names A vector of variable names.
#'@param paths The number of paths to be randomly generated. Can be a single value or a vector of two integers specifying a range. 
#'@param restrictions What kind of restrictions are set. (See details).
#'@param prop.arrows What proportion of exogenous variables should be correlated. Defaults to .2.
#'@param allow.orphaned Should orphaned variables be allowed when random models
#'are generated?
#'@param allow.bidir Should bidirectional arrows be allowed? (Note: this is not
#'the same as a correlation).
#'@param corr.exogenous Should exogenous variables be correlated?
#'@param corr.residuals a value between 0 and 1 indicating the proportion of residuals the user allows to be correlated
#'@return Returns a RAM matrix.
#'@author Dustin Fife
#'@seealso %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~
#'@references Fife, D.A., Rodgers, J.L., & Mendoza, J. L. (2013). Model
#'conditioned data elasticity in path analysis: Assessing the "confoundability"
#'rest = matrix(c("A", "B", "1", 1,
#'						"", "A", "0", 1), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)
#'DE(variable.names=LETTERS[1:6], paths=c(6,7), restrictions = NULL, prop.arrows = 0.2, allow.orphaned=FALSE, allow.bidir=FALSE, allow.cov.endogenous=FALSE)

#variable.names=LETTERS[1:6]; paths=8; restrictions=NULL; prop.arrows=.3; allow.orphaned=F; allow.bidir=F; allow.cov.endogenous=F; corr.exogenous=T; corr.residuals=.2
#variable.names=row.names(D.set); paths=c(16); restrictions=rest; corr.residuals=0; corr.exogenous=T)

#restrictions = matrix(c("A", "B", "1", 2,"", "A", "0", 2), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)
DE <-
function(variable.names, paths, restrictions=NULL, prop.arrows=.2, allow.orphaned=FALSE, allow.bidir=FALSE, corr.exogenous=FALSE, corr.residuals=0){
	variables = length(variable.names)
	#### alerts
	if (length(paths)==1){
		if (paths<variables){
			stop("The number of paths must be at least as great as the number of variables.")
	} else {
		cond = (paths<variables)
		if (cond[1] | cond[2]){
			stop("The number of paths must be at least as great as the number of variables.")
	if (length(variable.names) != variables){
		stop(paste("The object 'variable.names' must have exactly ", variables, " elements.", sep=""))
	# if (2 %in% restrictions[,4] & corr.exogenous==FALSE){
		# warnings("You have specified that two variables must be correlated, but have also disallowed exogenous variables
		# to be correlated. This may result in the restriction not being met.")
	# }
	#### randomly sample the number of paths, given constraints
	if (length(paths)>1){
		paths = round(runif(1, paths[1]-.5, paths[2]+.5))

	#### come up with all possible ways of connecting variables
	poss = expand.grid(variable.names, variable.names) 
	poss$must = 0 
	#### remove variances
	poss = poss[-which(poss[,1] == poss[,2]),] 

	#### check constraints
	if (!is.null(restrictions)){
		if (ncol(restrictions) != 4){
		stop("Your 'restrictions' matrix must have four columns: From, To, Include, and Arrows.")

	#### remove/add user-specified constraints
	if (!is.null(restrictions)){
		for (i in 1:nrow(restrictions)){  
			#### take care of whether a variable is specified as endogenous or not
			if (restrictions[i,1] == "" | restrictions[i,2] == ""){
				#### make sure they don't have both empty
				if (restrictions[i,1] == "" & restrictions[i,2] == "") {
					stop("You have a row where more than one slot is empty.")
				#### identify the variables and where they correspond
				column = which(restrictions[i,1:2] != "")
				#### find rows to delete (to avoid mutual causation)
				column2 = which(restrictions[i,1:2] == "")				
				if (length(column)>0 & length(column2)>0){
					rws2 = which(poss[,column] == restrictions[i,column])
					delRows = which(poss[,column2] == restrictions[i,column])
				} else {
					rws2 = NA
					delRows= NA

				##### include them
				if (restrictions[i,3] == 1){
					poss[rws2,3] = 1
					poss[rws2,4] = restrictions[i,4]
					### remove bidirectional
					if (length(delRows)>0 & !is.na(delRows)) poss = poss[-delRows,]
				} else {  ### or remove them
					if (length(rws2)>0 & !is.na(rws2)) poss = poss[-rws2,]
				##### take care of other restrictions
			} else {
				rws = which(as.character(poss[,1]) == restrictions[i,1] & 
							as.character(poss[,2]) == restrictions[i,2])
				rwsDel = which(as.character(poss[,2]) == restrictions[i,1] & 
							as.character(poss[,1]) == restrictions[i,2]) 			
				if (restrictions[i,3] == 1){
					poss[rws,3] = 1
					poss[rws,4] = restrictions[i,4]					
					### remove bidirectional
					if (length(rwsDel)>0) poss = poss[-rwsDel,] 
				} else {
					if (length(rws)>0) poss = poss[-rws,] 

	###### first make sure there's no "orphaned" variables
	if (!allow.orphaned){
	random.model = matrix(nrow=paths, ncol=2)
	for (i in 1:variables){
		#### see if that variable has a one next to it
		subset.poss = subset(poss, Var1==variable.names[i] | Var2==variable.names[i])
		#### if the variable doesn't yet have a one

		if (!(1 %in% subset.poss$must)){
			##### randomly select of the remaining
			remaining = which(poss$Var1==variable.names[i] | poss$Var2 == variable.names[i])
			rand.samp = sample(remaining, 1)
			##### make it a one
			poss$must[rand.samp] = 1
			##### remove bidirectional
			r = which(poss$Var2 == poss[rand.samp,"Var1"] & poss$Var1 == poss[rand.samp,"Var2"])
			if (length(r)>0) poss = poss[-r,]			
			#### randomly select one of those paths

	##### for the non-orphaned variables, randomly select remaining paths
	used = length(which(poss$must == 1))
	left = paths-used
	if (left<0){
		stop("The user-specified constraints cannot be met with the number of paths 
				you have selected. Either decrease the number of constraints or increase 
				the number of allowable paths.")
	} else if (left>0){
		for (i in 1:left) {
			###### randomly sample "left" paths from remaining, eliminating bidirectional			
			rem.rws = which(poss$must==0)
			rand.row = sample(rem.rws, 1)
			#### select that row
			poss[rand.row,3] = 1
			#### remove its twin (if specified)
			if (!allow.bidir){
				del.row = which(poss[,2] == poss[rand.row,1] & poss[,1] == poss[rand.row,2])
				if (length(del.row)>0) poss = poss[-del.row,]
	random.model = poss[which(poss$must==1),c(1,2)]

	##### determine number of arrows
	ar = rep(NA, times=nrow(random.model))

	#### fix user specified arrows
	if (!is.null(restrictions)){	
		for (i in 1:nrow(restrictions)){
			rw = which(as.character(random.model[,1]) == as.character(restrictions[i,1]) & as.character(random.model[,2]) == as.character(restrictions[i,2]))
			ar[rw] = as.numeric(restrictions[i,4])

	#### randomly specify remaining arrows
	# ar[is.na(ar)] = runif(length(which(is.na(ar))))
	# ar[ar<prop.arrows] = 2
	# ar[!(ar==1 | ar==2)] = 1
	ar[is.na(ar)] = 1

	##### set "values" column randomly
	vals = .2#runif(paths, 0, .4)
	##### combine into mxReady object
	random.model = data.frame(random.model)
	names(random.model) = c("From", "To")
	random.model$Arrows = ar
	random.model$Values = vals
	random.model$From = as.character(random.model$From)
	random.model$To = as.character(random.model$To)	

	##### correlate residuals
	if (corr.residuals>0){
		change.arrows = sample(1:nrow(random.model), size=corr.residuals*nrow(random.model))	
		#### figure out which of those arrows is not already a 2
		testit = which(random.model$Arrows[change.arrows] != 2)
		random.model$Arrows[change.arrows][testit] = 2
	##### make exogenous variables correlated (if specified)
	if (corr.exogenous){
		sb = subset(random.model, Arrows==1)
		##### find endogenous/exogenous variables
		end = variable.names[which(variable.names %in% sb$To)]				
		s.end = variable.names[which(!(variable.names %in% end))]
		##### if there's more than one exogenous variable
		if (length(s.end)>1){
			### come up with all possible ways of connecting endogenous variables
			allofem = data.frame(t(combn(s.end, 2)), stringsAsFactors=F); names(allofem) = c("From", "To")
			### randomly select which rows have arrows
			randnum = runif(nrow(allofem))
			whichrows = randnum<prop.arrows
			msg = paste(length(s.end), "exogenous variables with", sum(whichrows), "being double-headed.\n")
			### fill out rest of allofem

			#### fill in double headed arrows
			if (sum(whichrows)>0){
				allofem$Arrows[whichrows] = 2
			#### remove those that are not double-headed
			#allofem = allofem[-which(!(allofem$Arrows==2)),]

			#### put back with rest of model			
			random.model = rbind(random.model, allofem[allofem$Arrows==2,])
	###### return model
dustinfife/DE documentation built on May 15, 2019, 6:03 p.m.