
cor_mutations() gives consistent result

  cor_mutations(data, response = "AUC")
Warning <lifecycle_warning_deprecated>
  Use of .data in tidyselect expressions was deprecated in tidyselect 1.2.0.
  i Please use `"gene"` instead of `.data$gene`
  # A tibble: 19,537 x 5
     gene    effect  p.value    adj.p significant
     <chr>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <lgl>      
   1 TP53    0.162  1.23e-65 2.39e-61 TRUE       
   2 RB1     0.0552 1.29e- 8 1.26e- 4 TRUE       
   3 EHD1   -0.0871 6.43e- 6 4.17e- 2 TRUE       
   4 GIGYF1 -0.0530 1.27e- 5 6.17e- 2 FALSE      
   5 PLXNB1 -0.0321 3.02e- 4 6.17e- 1 FALSE      
   6 RPL22  -0.0456 3.10e- 4 6.17e- 1 FALSE      
   7 MT-CYB  0.0345 3.67e- 4 6.17e- 1 FALSE      
   8 ASB11   0.0511 4.09e- 4 6.17e- 1 FALSE      
   9 FAM83F -0.0527 4.30e- 4 6.17e- 1 FALSE      
  10 PYCRL  -0.0496 4.72e- 4 6.17e- 1 FALSE      
  # ... with 19,527 more rows

dwassarman/cellpanelr documentation built on Jan. 3, 2023, 8:27 a.m.