
Defines functions binTimeData

Documented in binTimeData

#' Bin Simulated Temporal Ranges in Discrete Intervals
#' Converts a matrix of simulated continuous-time first occurrences and last
#' occurrences for fossil taxa into first and last occurrences given in some set
#' of discrete-time intervals, either simulated or place \emph{a priori},
#' which is output along with
#' information of the dates of the given intervals.
#' @details This function takes a simulated matrix of per-taxon first and last
#' occurrences and, by dividing the time-scale into time intervals of non-zero
#' length, lists taxon occurrences within those interval. By default, a set of
#' sequential non-overlapping time-interval of equal non-zero length are used,
#' with the length controlled by the argument int.length.
#' Alternatively, a two column matrix of interval start and end times to be
#' used can be input via the argument \code{int.times}. None of these intervals can
#' have a duration (temporal length) greater than zero. If a first or last
#' appearance in the input range data could fit into multiple intervals (i.e.
#' the input discrete time intervals are overlapping), then the appearance data
#' is placed in the interval of the shortest duration. When output, the
#' interval times matrix (see below) will be sorted from first to last.
#' As with many functions in the \code{paleotree} package, absolute time is always
#' decreasing, i.e. the present day is zero. However, the numbering of
#' intervals giving in the output increases with time, as these are numbered
#' relative to each other, from first to last.
#' As of version 1.7 of \code{paleotree}, taxa which are
#' extant as indicated in \code{timeData} as being
#' in a time interval bounded \code{(0, 0)}, unless time-bins are preset using
#' argument \code{int.times} (prior to version 1.5 they were erroneously listed as
#' NA).

#' @note
#' This function is \emph{SPECIFICALLY} for simulating the effect of having a discrete
#' time-scale for analyses using simulations. This function should not be used
#' for non-simulations uses, such as binning temporal occurrences for analyses
#' of real data. In those case, the temporal ranges (which, in real data, will
#' probably be given as discrete time intervals) should already be tabulated
#' within discrete intervals prior to use in \code{paleotree}. The user should place
#' the temporal information in a \code{list} object, as described for the output of
#' \code{binTimeData}.

#' @param timeData Two-column matrix of simulated first and last occurrences in
#' absolute continuous time.

#' @param int.length Time interval length, default is 1 time-unit.

#' @param start Starting time for calculating the intervals.

#' @param int.times A two column matrix with the start and end times of the
#' intervals to be used.

#' @return A list containing: \item{\code{int.times}}{A 2-column matrix with the start
#' and end times of the intervals used; time decreases relative to the
#' present.} \item{\code{taxon.times}}{A 2-column matrix with the first and last
#' occurrences of taxa in the intervals listed in \code{int.times}, with numbers
#' referring to the row of \code{int.times}.}

#' @seealso \code{\link{simFossilRecord}}, \code{\link{sampleRanges}},
#' \code{\link{taxicDivCont}}

#' @author David W. Bapst

#' @examples
#' # Simulate some fossil ranges with simFossilRecord
#' set.seed(444)
#' record <- simFossilRecord(p = 0.1, 
#'                           q = 0.1, 
#'                           nruns = 1,
#'                           nTotalTaxa = c(30,40), 
#'                           nExtant = 0
#'                           )
#' taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
#' # simulate a fossil record with imperfect sampling via sampleRanges
#' rangesCont <- sampleRanges(taxa,r = 0.5)
#' # Now let's use binTimeData() to bin in intervals of 1 time unit
#' rangesDisc <- binTimeData(rangesCont,int.length = 1)
#' # plot with taxicDivDisc()
#' equalDiscInt <- taxicDivDisc(rangesDisc)
#' # example with pre-set intervals input (including overlapping)
#' presetIntervals <- cbind(
#'     c(1000, 990, 970, 940),
#'     c(980, 970, 950, 930)
#'     )
#' rangesDisc1 <- binTimeData(rangesCont,
#'     int.times = presetIntervals)
#' # plot the diversity curve with these uneven bins
#' taxicDivDisc(rangesDisc1)
#' # now let's plot the diversity from these unequal-length bins
#'    # with the original equal length intervals from above
#' taxicDivDisc(rangesDisc1, int.times = equalDiscInt[,1:2])
#' ####################################
#' #example with extant taxa
#' set.seed(444)
#' record <- simFossilRecord(p = 0.1, 
#'                           q = 0.1, 
#'                           nruns = 1,
#'                           nTotalTaxa = c(30,40)
#'                           )
#' taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
#' # simulate a fossil record 
#'     # with imperfect sampling via sampleRanges
#' rangesCont <- sampleRanges(
#'     taxa, r = 0.5,
#'     modern.samp.prob = 1)
#' # Now let's use binTimeDat to bin into intervals of 1 time-unit
#' rangesDisc <- binTimeData(rangesCont,
#'     int.length = 1)
#' # plot with taxicDivDisc()
#' taxicDivDisc(rangesDisc)
#' # example with pre-set intervals input
#'     # (including overlapping)
#' presetIntervals <- cbind(
#'     c(40, 30, 20, 10),
#'     c(30, 20, 10, 0)
#'     )
#' rangesDisc1 <- binTimeData(rangesCont,
#'     int.times = presetIntervals)
#' taxicDivDisc(rangesDisc1)

#' @export binTimeData
binTimeData <- function(timeData,int.length = 1,start = NA,int.times = NULL){
	#bin temporal data
	#input: continuous time data (two column of FADs and LADs)
	#output: a list with two 2-col matrices as elements, bin-times and taxon occurences
			#intervals, UNLIKE TIME, always go up (earliest is 1 and increase...)
		#arbitrarily starts bin at the first fad; this can be changed by setting 'start'
			#start must be greater than max(timeData)
			#the last bin is cut off at zero (present day)
	#x <- c(0,runif(99));timeData <- cbind(x+rexp(100),x);int.length = 1;start = NA;int.times = NULL
	timeData <- timeData[!is.na(timeData[,1]),]
		stop("Weird NAs in Data?")
		stop("timeData is not in time relative to modern (decreasing to present)")
		stop("Some dates in timeData <0 ?")
			start <- max(timeData)+int.length
		end <- start-(ceiling((start-min(timeData))/int.length)+1)*int.length
		bins <- seq(start,end,by = -int.length)
		#get rid of any extra zeroes or negative numbers
		bins <- unique(ifelse(bins<0,0,bins))	
		fads <- sapply(timeData[,1],function(x) which(bins<x)[1]-1)
		lads <- sapply(timeData[,2],function(x) which(bins<x)[1]-1)
		if(any(timeData[,1] == 0) | any(timeData[,2] == 0)){
			bins <- c(bins,0)
			fads[timeData[,1] == 0] <- length(bins)-1
			lads[timeData[,2] == 0] <- length(bins)-1
		res <- list(
			int.times = cbind(int.start = bins[1:(length(bins)-1)],
			int.end = bins[2:length(bins)]),
			taxon.times = cbind(first.int = fads,last.int = lads)
		int.durs <- int.times[,1]-int.times[,2]
		if(any(int.durs <= 0)){
			stop("Some input time intervals have zero or negative durations?")
		int.times <- int.times[order(int.durs),]
		Fint <- sapply(timeData[,1],function(x)
			which(apply(int.times,1,function(y) y[1] >= x & y[2]<x))[1]
		Lint <- sapply(timeData[,2],function(x)
			which(apply(int.times,1,function(y) y[1] >= x & y[2]<x))[1]
		if(any(int.times[,2] == 0)){
			Fint[timeData[,1] == 0] <- which(int.times[,2] == 0)[1]
			Lint[timeData[,2] == 0] <- which(int.times[,2] == 0)[1]
		taxon.times <- cbind(first.int = Fint,last.int = Lint)
		rownames(taxon.times) <- rownames(timeData)
		taxon.times <- taxon.times[
			!apply(taxon.times,1, function(x) any(is.na(x))),
		new.order <- rank(-int.times[,1])	
		taxon.times[,1] <- new.order[taxon.times[,1]]
		taxon.times[,2] <- new.order[taxon.times[,2]]
		int.times <- int.times[order(-int.times[,1]),]
		res <- list(
			int.times = int.times,
			taxon.times = taxon.times
dwbapst/paleotree documentation built on Aug. 30, 2022, 6:44 a.m.