
Defines functions collapseNodes degradeTree

Documented in collapseNodes degradeTree

#' Randomly Collapse a Portion of Nodes on a Phylogeny
#' \code{degradeTree} removes a proportion of the total nodes in a tree, chosen
#' randomly, collapsing the nodes to produce a less-resolved tree. The related function \code{collapseNodes} 
#' given a tree and a vector of nodes to collapse, removes those nodes from a tree, creating a polytomy.

#' @details In the function \code{degradeTree}, the nodes are removed at random
#' using the basic R function \code{sample}. \code{degradeTree}
#' can be conditioned to remove nodes of a particular depth with greater
#' probability/frequency by setting node.depth to a value between zero
#' (favoring the removal of deep nodes close to the root) or one (shallow nodes
#' far from the root). Depth is evaluated based on the number of descendant
#' tips. If node.depth is not NA, the relative proportion of descendants from
#' each node is calculated, summed to 1 and the node.depth value subtracted
#' from this proportion. These values are then squared, normalized again to
#' equal to 1 and then used as the probabilities for sampling nodes for
#' removal.
#' By default, branch lengths are removed from the input tree prior to
#' degradation and entirely absent from the output tree. This is changed if
#' argument \code{leave.zlb} is TRUE.
#' @param tree A phylogeny of class \code{phylo}

#' @param prop_collapse Proportion of nodes to collapse

#' @param nCollapse Number of nodes to collapse, can be supplied as an
#' alternative to \code{prop_collapse}

#' @param node.depth A number between 0 to 1, which conditions the depth of
#' nodes removed. If \code{NA}, no conditioning (this is the default).

#' @param leave.zlb If \code{FALSE}, the default option, the original branch length
#' distribution is destroyed and branches set to zero by this function will
#' return polytomies. If \code{TRUE}, then the original edge lengths are kept for
#' unmodified edges, and modified edges are changed to zero length, and are not
#' collapsed into polytomies. The removed branch length is not shifted to other
#' edges.

#' @param nodeID The node ID number(s) to be collapsed into a polytomy, as identified in
#' the \code{$edge} matrix of the \code{phylo} object. Must be a vector of one or more ID numbers.

#' @param collapseType Whether to collapse the edge leading the listed node
#' (if \code{collapseType = "forward"}), or to collapse the child edges leading
#' away from the node (if \code{collapseType = "backward"}). Collapsing a node
#'' 'into' a polytomy conceptually could be either and users should heed this
#' option carefully. A third option, if \code{"collapseType = clade"} is to
#' collapse the entire clade that is descended from a node (i.e. forward).

#' @return Returns the modified tree as an object of class \code{phylo}, with no edge
#' lengths by default.

#' @seealso \code{\link{di2multi}},\code{\link{timeLadderTree}}

#' @author David W. Bapst

#' @examples
#' set.seed(444)
#' tree <- rtree(100)
#' tree1 <- degradeTree(tree,prop_collapse = 0.5) 
#' tree3 <- degradeTree(tree,nCollapse = 50) 
#' #let's compare the input and output
#' layout(matrix(1:2,,2))
#' plot(tree,show.tip.label = FALSE,use.edge.length = FALSE)
#' plot(tree1,show.tip.label = FALSE,use.edge.length = FALSE)
#' #now with collapseNodes
#' tree <- rtree(10)
#' #collapse nodes backwards
#'    #let's collapse lucky node number 13!
#' tree1 <- collapseNodes(nodeID = 13,tree = tree,collapseType = "backward")  
#' #collapse nodes forwards 
#' tree2 <- collapseNodes(nodeID = 13,tree = tree,collapseType = "forward")
#' #collapse entire clade
#' tree3 <- collapseNodes(nodeID = 13,tree = tree,collapseType = "clade")
#' #let's compare
#' layout(1:4)
#' plot(tree,use.edge.length = FALSE,main = "original")
#' plot(tree1,use.edge.length = FALSE,main = "backward collapse")
#' plot(tree2,use.edge.length = FALSE,main = "forward collapse")
#' plot(tree3,use.edge.length = FALSE,main = "entire clade")
#' layout(1)
#' @name degradeTree
#' @rdname degradeTree
#' @export degradeTree
degradeTree <- function(tree,prop_collapse = NULL,nCollapse = NULL,node.depth = NA,leave.zlb = FALSE){
	#collapses a given proportion of internal edges, creating polytomies
		#node.depth conditions on depth of edge in tree
			# 1 removes more shallow nodes, 0 removes deeper nodes
	if(!inherits(tree, "phylo")){stop("tree is not of class phylo")}
	if(is.null(nCollapse) & is.null(prop_collapse)){
		stop("One of either 'prop_collapse' or 'nCollapse' must be provided")}
		if(nCollapse<1){stop("nCollapse must be greater than 1")}
		if(prop_collapse>1){stop("prop_collapse must be less than 1")}
	if(!is.null(nCollapse) & !is.null(prop_collapse)){
		stop("Providing both 'prop_collapse' and 'nCollapse' are conflicting choices")}			
	edge <- (1:length(tree$edge))[which(tree$edge[,2]>Ntip(tree))]	#internal edges
	if(is.null(nCollapse)){nCollapse <- round(prop_collapse*length(edge))}
		cedge <- sample(edge,nCollapse)	#edges chosen to collapse
		node_pdesc <- sapply(prop.part(tree),length)/Ntip(tree)	#prop desc per int node
		edge_pdesc <- node_pdesc[tree$edge[edge,2]-Ntip(tree)]
		edge_prob <- (edge_pdesc-node.depth)^2;edge_prob <- edge_prob/sum(edge_prob)
		cedge <- sample(edge,nCollapse,prob = edge_prob)	#chosen edges	
		tree$edge.length[cedge] <- 0
		tree$edge.length <- NULL
		tree <- collapse.singles(tree)
		tree$edge.length <- rep(1,Nedge(tree))
		tree$edge.length[cedge] <- 0
		tree <- di2multi(tree)
		tree <- collapse.singles(tree)
		tree$edge.length <- NULL		

#' @rdname degradeTree
#' @export 
collapseNodes <- function(tree,nodeID,collapseType,leave.zlb = FALSE){
	if(!inherits(tree, "phylo")){
		stop("tree is not of class phylo")
	if(!all(nodeID>0) | !all(nodeID<(Ntip(tree)+Nnode(tree)+1))){
		stop("some nodeID values outside the range of tip and node IDs")}
		message("Warning: Some nodeID values indicate terminal tips; collapsing these generally doesn't do anything")}
	if(length(collapseType) != 1){stop("collapseType must be a single selected option (length = 1)")}
	if(!any(collapseType == c("forward","backward","clade"))){
		stop("collapseType must be either 'forward', 'backward' or 'clade'")}
	if(collapseType == "backward"){
		# 01-15-14 if the edge is collapsed backward, then its the edges who have that node as a descendant!!!
		cedge <- which(sapply(tree$edge[,2],function(x) any(x == nodeID)))
	if(collapseType == "forward"){
		cedge <- which(sapply(tree$edge[,1],function(x) any(x == nodeID)))
	if(collapseType == "clade"){
		descNodes <- unique(sapply(nodeID,function(x) Descendants(tree,x,"all")))
		cedge <- which(sapply(tree$edge[,2],function(x) any(x == descNodes)))
		tree$edge.length[cedge] <- 0
		tree$edge.length <- NULL
		tree <- collapse.singles(tree)
		tree$edge.length <- rep(1,Nedge(tree))
		tree$edge.length[cedge] <- 0
		tree <- di2multi(tree)
		tree <- collapse.singles(tree)
		tree$edge.length <- NULL		
dwbapst/paleotree documentation built on Aug. 30, 2022, 6:44 a.m.