
Defines functions checkRootTime fixRootTime

Documented in fixRootTime

#' Modify, Drop or Bind Terminal Branches of Various Types (Mainly for Paleontological Phylogenies)
#' Modifying a dated tree with \code{$root.time} elements often
#' changes the actual timing of the root relative to the 
#' tips, such as when dropping tips, extending branches, or
#' shift node ages backwards. When such modifications occur, 
#' the function \code{fixRootTime} can be used to find
#' the correct root age. 

#' This function is mainly used as a
#' utility function called by other tree-modifying functions discussed
#' in the manual page for \code{\link{modifyTerminalBranches}}.

#' This is typically performed via the function \code{\link{fixRootTime}}.

#' @param treeOrig A \code{phylo} object of a time-scaled
#' phylogeny with a \code{$root.time} element.

#' @param treeNew A \code{phylo} object containing a
#' modified form of \code{treeOrig} (with
#' no extra tip taxa added, but possibly with
#' some tip taxa removed).

#' @param testConsistentDepth A logical, either \code{TRUE}
#' or \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE} (the default)
#' the tree's root-to-furthest-tip depth is tested
#' to make sure this depth is
#' not greater than the new \code{$root.time}
#' appended to the output tree.

#' @param fixingMethod must be an character value, with a length of 1.
#' The default option \code{fixingMethod = "matchCladeTransferNodeAge"}, 
#' will determine the \code{$root.time} of the new tree by
#' comparing the clades of taxa between the two input
#' trees. The new root age assigned is the age of
#' (\emph{1}) the \code{treeOrig} clade that contains \emph{all}
#' taxa present in \code{treeNew} and, if the set of (1)
#' contains multiple clades, (\emph{2}) the clade in the
#' first set that contains the fewest taxa not in
#' \code{treeNew}. 
#' If \code{fixingMethod = "rescaleUsingTipToRootDist"}, 
#' the \code{root.time} assigned to \code{treeNew} is the
#' \code{$root.time} of \code{treeOrig}, adjusted
#' based on the change in total tree depth between \code{treeOrig} and
#' \code{treeNew}, as measured between the root and
#' the first matching taxon in both trees. The
#' \code{"rescaleUsingTipToRootDist"} option was the default for 
#' \code{fixRootTime} prior to paleotree v2.3, and is the
#' option used by function \code{\link{minBranchLength}} when
#' applied to a tree with pre-existing root age element.

# @param nodeAgeTransfer A logical. If \code{TRUE}, the
# \code{$root.time} of the new tree is determined by
# comparing the clades of taxa between the two input
# trees. The new root age assigned is the age of
# (\emph{1}) the \code{treeOrig} clade that contains \emph{all}
# taxa present in \code{treeNew} and, if the set of (1)
# contains multiple clades, (\emph{2}) the clade in the
# first set that contains the fewest taxa not in
# \code{treeNew}. If \code{FALSE}, the \code{root.time} assigned to
# \code{treeNew} is the \code{$root.time} of \code{treeOrig}, adjusted
# based on the change in total tree depth between \code{treeOrig} and
# \code{treeNew}, as measured between the root and
# the first matching taxon in both trees. The later is 
# how \code{fixRootTime} functioned by default
# prior to paleotree v2.3.

#' @return Gives back a modified phylogeny as a \code{phylo} object, with a
#' modified \code{$root.time} element.

#' @author David W. Bapst

#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{modifyTerminalBranches}},
#' \code{\link{minBranchLength}} 

#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #testing dropPaleoTip... and fixRootTime by extension
#' #simple example
#' tree <- read.tree(text = "(A:3,(B:2,(C:5,D:3):2):3);")
#' tree$root.time <- 10
#' plot(tree,no.margin = FALSE)
#' axisPhylo()
#' # now a series of tests, dropping various tips
#' (test <- dropPaleoTip(tree,"A")$root.time) #  = 7
#' (test[2] <- dropPaleoTip(tree,"B")$root.time) #  = 10
#' (test[3] <- dropPaleoTip(tree,"C")$root.time) #  = 10
#' (test[4] <- dropPaleoTip(tree,"D")$root.time) #  = 10
#' (test[5] <- dropPaleoTip(tree,c("A","B"))$root.time) #  = 5
#' (test[6] <- dropPaleoTip(tree,c("B","C"))$root.time) #  = 10
#' (test[7] <- dropPaleoTip(tree,c("A","C"))$root.time) #  = 7
#' (test[8] <- dropPaleoTip(tree,c("A","D"))$root.time) #  = 7
#' # is it all good? if not, fail so paleotree fails...
#' if(!identical(test,c(7,10,10,10,5,10,7,7))){stop("fixRootTime fails!")}
#' }

#' @rdname fixRootTime
#' @export
fixRootTime <- function(
		treeOrig, treeNew,
		testConsistentDepth = TRUE,
		fixingMethod = "matchCladeTransferNodeAge"){
	if(!inherits(treeOrig, "phylo")){
		stop("treeOrig is not of class phylo")
	if(!inherits(treeNew, "phylo")){
		stop("treeNew is not of class phylo")
		stop("ERROR: treeOrig passed to fixRootTime with no $root.time??")
	#also need a warning message if taxa present in treeNew that aren't in treeOrig
	taxaNewNM <- treeNew$tip.label[
			!any(x == treeOrig$tip.label))
			"are present in treeNew but not treeOrig"))
	# test fixingMethod
	if(length(fixingMethod) != 1){
		stop("fixingMethod must be length 1")
	if(fixingMethod != "matchCladeTransferNodeAge" & fixingMethod != "rescaleUsingTipToRootDist"){
		stop('fixingMethod must be one of "matchCladeTransferNodeAge" or "rescaleUsingTipToRootDist"')
	#two different ways to fix the root time
	if(fixingMethod == "matchCladeTransferNodeAge"){
		##NEW WAY 11-28-14
			#If TRUE, the root.time of the new tree is determined by
			#comparing the clades of taxa between the two input trees.
			#The new root age assigned is the age of
			#(\emph{1}) the treeOrig clade that contains *all* taxa
			#present in treeNew and, if the set of (1)
			#contains multiple clades, (\emph{2}) the clade in the
			#(1) set that contains the fewest taxa not in
		dates <- dateNodes(treeOrig,labelDates = FALSE,tolerance = 0.001)
		treeDesc <- lapply(Descendants(treeOrig),function(x)
		#treeRootNew <- sort(treeNew$tip.label[Descendants(treeNew)[[Ntip(treeNew)+1]]]) #no
		#the descendants of treeNew's root are ALL the taxa in treeNEW
		#So which treeOrig clades contain ALL taxa in treeNew?
		allNewTaxa <- sapply(treeDesc,function(x) 
			all(sapply(treeNew$tip.label,function(y) any(y == x))) #logical vector
		#now, if more than one contains all-new-taxa, which of these treeOrig clades minimizes not-shared taxa?
			nUnshared <- sapply(treeDesc,function(x) 
				sum(sapply(x, function(y)
					all(y != treeNew$tip.label))
			matchRootNew <- which(allNewTaxa & 
				nUnshared == min(nUnshared[allNewTaxa]))
			matchRootNew <- which(allNewTaxa)
			#maybe sort by age
			stop("More than one node contains these taxa")
			stop("No nodes match the new tree's root, a root age can not be obtained")
		treeNew$root.time <- unname(dates[matchRootNew])
	if(fixingMethod == "rescaleUsingTipToRootDist"){
			#If FALSE, the root.time assigned to treeNew is the root.time of treeOrig, adjusted
			# based on the change in total tree depth between treeOrig and treeNew,
				# as measured between the root and the first matching taxon in both trees.
			# The later is how fixRootTime functioned by default prior to paleotree v2.3.
		orig_dist <- node.depth.edgelength(treeOrig)[
			which(treeNew$tip.label[1] == treeOrig$tip.label)
		new_dist <- node.depth.edgelength(treeNew)[1]
		treeNew$root.time <- treeOrig$root.time-(orig_dist-new_dist)
		#if(round(max(node.depth.edgelength(treeNew)) - treeNew$root.time)>0){
		#	stop("fixRootTime isn't fixing correctly, root.time less than max tip-to-root length!")}
		checkRootTime(treeNew, stopIfFail = TRUE)

# not exported
checkRootTime <- function(tree, stopIfFail = FALSE){	
	# check that the tree and its root age makes sense
	res <- TRUE
	if(!is.null(tree$root.time) & !is.null(tree$edge.length)){
		if(round(max(node.depth.edgelength(tree)) - tree$root.time)>0){
			#tree$root.time < max(node.depth.edgelength(tree))
				stop(paste0("Max tip-to-root tree depth (",
					") is greater than root age(",
					"), so tips are in the future",
					"\nSomething has probably gone very wrong"))
				warning(paste0("Max tip-to-root tree depth (",
					") is greater than root age(",
					"), so tips are in the future",
					"\nSomething has probably gone very wrong"))
			res <- FALSE
dwbapst/paleotree documentation built on Aug. 30, 2022, 6:44 a.m.