
Defines functions probAnc

Documented in probAnc

#' Probability of being a sampled ancestor of another sampled taxon
#' This function uses models from Foote (1996) to calculate the probability 
#' of sampling a descendant of a morphotaxon in the fossil record, given the sampling probability 
#' and estimates of origination and extinction rates. 
#' These values are always calculated assuming infinite time for the potential ancestor
#' to produce daughter taxa (assuming it lives that long) and under 
#' homogenous birth, death and sampling rates/probabilities, which is a
#' situation that may be overly ideal relative to many real fossil records.
#' These probabilities can be calculated for either direct descendants, i.e. the probability 
#' of sampling any morphotaxa that arise immediately from the particular 
#' morphotaxon that could be an ancestor, or indirect descendants, i.e. the 
#' probability for any morphotaxon that has the morphotaxon of question as an
#' ancestor, no matter how distant. See the argument \code{analysis} for 
#' details. Mode of differentiation can also be varied
#' for three different models, see the argument \code{mode}.
#' The probability of sampling a taxon's ancestor 
#' is calculated while accounting for the probability that extinction might
#' occur before any descendants are produced. Thus, if \code{p = q}, the probability of 
#' a taxon going extinct before it produces any descendants will be 0.5, which 
#' means that even when sampling is perfect (\code{R = 1}, meaning completeness of 
#' 100%) the probability of a taxon being an ancestor of another sampled taxon
#' can be no higher than 0.5. See Foote (1996) for a graphic depiction of this
#' non-intuitive ceiling. For reasons (probably?) having to do with finite
#' approximations of infinite summations, values close to perfect sampling
#' may have values slightly higher than this ceiling, which is also apparent
#' visually in the figures in Foote (1996). Thus, values higher than 0.5 when p = q
#' should be discounted, and in general when sampling rate is high, results should
#' be treated cautiously as overestimates.

#' @inheritParams SamplingConv

#' @param analysis The type of analysis to be performed, either the probability of sampling direct
#' descendants (\code{"directDesc"}) or of sampling indirect descendants (\code{"indirectDesc"}).

#' @param Mmax The maximum number of direct descendants (M) to sum over in the function, which
#' is ideally meant to be a sum from zero to infinity, like \code{nrep}. Unfortunately,
#' \code{(2*M)} is used in a factorial, which means we are limited to a relatively
#' small upper bound on M.

#' @seealso \code{\link{SamplingConv}} 

#' @references 
#' Foote, M. 1996 On the Probability of Ancestors in the Fossil
#' Record. \emph{Paleobiology} \bold{22}(2):141--151.

#' @examples
#' # examples, run at very low nrep for sake of speed (examples need to be fast)
#' # default options 
#'     # probability of sampling a direct descendant
#' probAnc(p = 0.1, q = 0.1, R = 0.5, 
#'         mode = "budding", 
#'         analysis = "directDesc",
#'         nrep = 100)
#' # other modes
#' probAnc(p = 0.1, q = 0.1, R = 0.5, 
#'         mode = "bifurcating", 
#'         analysis = "directDesc",
#'         nrep = 100)
#' probAnc(p = 0.1, q = 0.1, R = 0.5, 
#'         mode = "anagenesis", 
#'         analysis = "directDesc",
#'         nrep = 100)
#' # probability of having sampled indirect descendants of a taxon
#' # first, the default
#' probAnc(p = 0.1, q = 0.1, R = 0.5, 
#'         mode = "budding", 
#'         analysis = "indirectDesc",
#'         nrep = 100)
#' probAnc(p = 0.1, q = 0.1, R = 0.5, 
#'         mode = "bifurcating", 
#'         analysis = "indirectDesc", 
#'         nrep = 100)
#' probAnc(p = 0.1, q = 0.1, R = 0.5, 
#'         mode = "anagenesis", 
#'         analysis = "indirectDesc",
#'         nrep = 100)

probAnc <- function(p,q,R,mode = "budding",analysis = "directDesc",Mmax = 85,nrep = 10000){
	# see Foote, 1996	
	# calculates prob of taxa with indirect desc under budding speciation
		# under infinite time, with p = q or p<q
	# When mode = anagenesis, p is taken to be the rate of anagenesis
	# unused equations related to estimating indirect ancestry? DWB 12-09-13
		# Pinf <- function(p,q,Pp){
		#	res <- numeric()
		#	for(M in 1:80){
		#	res[M] <- Qm(p,q,M)*(1-(1-Pp)^M)
		#		}
		#	sum(res)
		#	}
	if(!any(mode == c("budding","bifurcating","anagenesis"))){
		stop("Mode not designated, must be 'budding', 'bifurcating' or 'anagenesis'")}
	if(mode == "anagenesis"){
	    message("p will be treated as the rate of anagenesis/pseudospeciation")
	if(!any(analysis == c("directDesc","indirectDesc"))){
		stop("Analysis type not designated, must be 'directDesc' or 'indirectDesc'")}
	if(nrep<0){stop("Nrep is less than zero?")}
	if(analysis == "directDesc"){
		#get completeness
		Pp <- qsProb2Comp(R = R,p = p,q = q,mode = mode)
		#functions dependent on mode
		if(mode == "budding"){
			Pd <- function(p,q,Ti){
			PN <- function(p,q,Ti,Ni){
			#should approximate 2*(p/q)*Pp when R and p are both <<1
			#approx <- 2*(p/q)*Pp
			maxN <- 100
		if(mode == "bifurcating"){
			Pd <- function(p,q,Ti){exp(-(p+q)*(Ti-1))-exp(-(p+q)*Ti)}
			PN <- function(p,q,Ti,Ni){
				if(Ni == 0){res <- q/(p+q)}
				if(Ni == 2){res <- p/(p+q)}
				if(Ni != 2 & Ni != 0){res <- 0}
			#approx <- 2*(p/(p+q))*Pp
			maxN <- 2
		if(mode == "anagenesis"){
			Pd <- function(p,q,Ti){exp(-(p+q)*(Ti-1))-exp(-(p+q)*Ti)}
			PN <- function(p,q,Ti,Ni){
				if(Ni == 0){res <- q/(p+q)}
				if(Ni == 1){res <- p/(p+q)}
				if(Ni != 1 & Ni != 0){res <- 0}
			#approx <- 2*(p/(p+q))*Pp
			maxN <- 1
		#now get PA, the probability of a direct descendant of a taxon being sampled
		res <- numeric()
		for(t in 1:nrep){
			Nres <- numeric()
			for(N in 0:maxN){
				Nres[N] <- PN(p = p,q = q,Ti = t,Ni = N)*(1-((1-Pp)^N))
			res[t] <- (1-((1-R)^t))*Pd(p = p,q = q,Ti = t)/Pp*sum(Nres)
	#now prob of sampling an indirect descendant over indefinite time 
		#(nrep in the case of anagenesis)
	if(analysis == "indirectDesc"){
		if(mode == "budding" | mode == "bifurcating"){
			  "Indirect Descendant formulae are unsolved if p>q, see Foote 1996"
			Qm <- function(p,q,M){
				x <- (4*p*q)/((p+q)^2)
				res <- ((p+q)/(2*p))*(factorial(2*M)/((2^(2*M))*factorial(M)^2))*((x^M)/((2*M)-1))
			Pp <- qsProb2Comp(R = R,q = q,mode = "budding")	
			    #as per instructions in Foote, 1996, use 'budding' for both
			#get prob using P'		
			res <- numeric()
			for(M in 1:Mmax){	
			    #85 is the maximum number we can do factorial(2*M) too... 
			        # but doesn't matter mostly
				res[M] <- Qm(p = p,q = q,M = M)*(1-(1-Pp)^M)
		if(mode == "anagenesis"){
			Pp <- qsProb2Comp(R = R,q = q,mode = "anagenesis")
			QmStar <- function(p,q,M,T){
				firstTerm <- numeric()
				for(t in 1:(T-1)){
					firstTerm <- (exp(-q*(t-1))-exp(-q*t))*(
				secondTerm <- exp(-q*(T-1))*(
				res <- sum(firstTerm)+secondTerm
			res <- numeric()
			for(T in 1:nrep){
				Tres <- numeric()
				for(M in 1:Mmax){	
					Tres[M] <- QmStar(p = p,
					                  q = q,
					                  M = M,
					                  T = T
					                 ) * (1 - (1 - Pp) ^ M)
				res[T] <- sum(Tres)
		message("Input parameters and nrep produce NaN\n values, which are replaced with zeroes.")
		message("May want to decrease nrep to see if returned estimate holds.")
		res[is.nan(res)] <- 0
	res <- sum(res)
	names(res) <- NULL
	if(res>0.5 & p == q){
		message("Treat result with caution:\n if p = q, then prob of a taxon being an\n ancestor should be no greater than 0.5.")
		message("Values higher than 0.5 result from\n limits of finite calculates, particularly\n with high sampling probabilities.")
		message("See documentation.")
dwbapst/paleotree documentation built on July 9, 2024, 9:18 a.m.