parent_finder: This function finds a set of potential parents from an...

View source: R/parent_finder.R

parent_finderR Documentation

This function finds a set of potential parents from an offspring.


This is a general exclusion finder for a single parent. For dual parent exclusion, you can use the paternity() function.


parent_finder(df, ID = "ID", OffID = "OffID")



A data.frame of individuals adults individuals. This will be the population from which the identification of potential parentage will be examined..


The adult "ID" column designator (default="ID"). All adults have a unique ID designation. This will be how each adult is identified.


This is a non-zero number for each offspring. The combination of ID and OffID should be able to be used to identify each offspring uniquely. All adults have OffID=0, by definition.


A data.frame with the following columns. ID = the offspring id, OffID = the offspring OffID (these two will identify the offspring uniquely), ParentID = the putative parent identified, T = the multilocus transition probability associated with the offspring and parent.


Rodney J. Dyer <>

dyerlab/gstudio documentation built on Jan. 17, 2025, 11:17 a.m.