
Defines functions updateState

Documented in updateState

#' Update state sequence
#' @param obs Matrix of observations, with columns `x`, `y`, `time`, and `state`
#' @param knownStates Vector of known, fixed states
#' @param switch Matrix of state switches, with columns `time` and `state`
#' @param updateLim Vector of two elements: min and max length of updated interval
#' (each an integer, corresponding to a number of observations)
#' @param updateProbs Vector of probabilities of picking each number from
#' updateLim[1] to updateLim[2], for the length of the update interval
#' @param kappa Upper bounds of transition rate
#' @return List of two elements:
#'   * newSwitch: Updated matrix of transitions
#'   * newData: Updated matrix of all data (observations and transitions)
#' @details The update is done with the function \code{sample_path} from the
#' package ECctmc (Fintzi, 2017).
#' @references
#' Jon Fintzi (2017). ECctmc: Simulation from Endpoint-Conditioned Continuous
#' Time Markov Chains. R package version 0.2.4.
#' https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ECctmc
#' @export
updateState <- function(obs, nbStates, knownStates, switch, updateLim, param, mu, Hmat, updateProbs=NULL, Q = NULL, rateparam = NULL, kappa = NULL, model = NULL)
    nbObs <- nrow(obs)

    if (is.null(updateProbs))
        updateProbs <- rep(1, length(updateLim[1]:updateLim[2])) / length(updateLim[1]:updateLim[2])

    # select interval to update
    if (updateLim[1] < updateLim[2]) {
        len <- sample(updateLim[1]:updateLim[2], size = 1, prob = updateProbs)
    } else {
        len <- updateLim[1]
    begin <- sample(1:(nbObs - len), size = 1)
    end <- begin + len
    Tbeg <- obs[begin, "time"]
    Tend <- obs[end, "time"]

    # sample state sequence conditional on start and end state
    if (!is.null(Q)) {
      path <- sample_path_mr(
        a = obs[begin, "state"],
        b = obs[end, "state"],
        t0 = Tbeg,
        t1 = Tend,
        Q = Q,
        k = kappa
    } else if (!is.null(kappa)) {
      path <- sample_path_mr2(
        a = obs[begin, "state"],
        b = obs[end, "state"],
        t0 = Tbeg,
        t1 = Tend,
        lng0 = obs[begin, "x"],
        lat0 = obs[begin, "y"],
        lng1 = obs[end, "x"],
        lat1 = obs[end, "y"],
        group = obs[begin, "group"],
        k = kappa,
        nbStates = nbStates,
        param = param,
        mu = mu,
        Hmat = Hmat[c(begin, end), ],
        rateparam = rateparam,
        model = model

    # check for autoreject
    if (nrow(path) == 1 && all(path == -1)) {
      stop("Exceeded path simulation iteration limit")

    path <- path[-c(1, nrow(path)), ] # remove 1st and last rows (observations)

    # update state sequence
    newSwitch <- as.matrix(
        switch[switch[ , "time"] < Tbeg, ],
        switch[switch[ , "time"] > Tend, ],
        deparse.level = 0)
    , ncol = 2, drop = FALSE)

    # remove switches into same state
    fakeSwitch <- which(newSwitch[-1, "state", drop = FALSE] == newSwitch[-nrow(newSwitch), "state", drop = FALSE]) + 1

    if (length(fakeSwitch) > 0)
        newSwitch <- newSwitch[-fakeSwitch, , drop = FALSE]
    if (nrow(newSwitch) > 0) {
        newData <- rbind(
          cbind("x" = NA, "y" = NA, "time" = newSwitch[ , "time"], "ID" = rep(obs[1, "ID"], nrow(newSwitch)), "state" =  newSwitch[ , "state"], "group" = rep(obs[1, "group"], nrow(newSwitch))))
        rownames(newData) <- NULL
    } else {
        newData <- obs

    newData <- newData[order(newData[,"time"]), c("x", "y", "time", "ID", "state", "group")]

    # update state sequence for new switches
    ind <- which(newData[, "time"] > Tbeg & newData[, "time"] < Tend)
    for (t in ind) {
        if (!is.na(newData[t, "x"])) {
            newData[t, "state"] <- newData[t - 1, "state"]

    #knownStates override
    newData[which(!is.na(newData[,"x"])), ][which(!is.na(knownStates)), "state"] <- knownStates[which(!is.na(knownStates))]

    return(list(newSwitch = newSwitch, newData = newData, len = len))
dylanirion/MSctmm documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 3:41 a.m.