#' Calculate (column-wise) distances/similarity between two matrices
#' These matrices can be dense or sparse.
#' @param x A numeric matrix, dense or sparse.
#' @param y (Optional) a numeric matrix, dense or sparse, with `nrow(x) == nrow(y)`.
#' @param method Which distance method to use. Options are: `"cosine"`, `"pearson"`, `"spearman"`, `"euclidean"`, and `"manhattan"`.
#' @inheritParams proxyC::simil
#' @export
#' @importFrom proxyC dist
#' @examples
#' ## Generate two matrices with 50 and 100 samples
#' library(Matrix)
#' x <- Matrix::rsparsematrix(50, 1000, .01)
#' y <- Matrix::rsparsematrix(100, 1000, .01)
#' dist_euclidean <- calculate_distance(x, y, method = "euclidean")
#' dist_manhattan <- calculate_distance(x, y, method = "manhattan")
#' dist_spearman <- calculate_distance(x, y, method = "spearman")
#' dist_pearson <- calculate_distance(x, y, method = "pearson")
#' dist_angular <- calculate_distance(x, y, method = "cosine")
calculate_distance <- function(
y = NULL,
method = c("pearson", "spearman", "cosine", "euclidean", "chisquared",
"hamming", "kullback", "manhattan", "maximum", "canberra", "minkowski"),
margin = 1,
diag = FALSE,
drop0 = FALSE
) {
method <- match.arg(method)
input <- .process_input_matrices(x = x, y = y, margin = margin)
x <- input$x
y <- input$y
dis <-
if (method %in% c("cosine", "pearson", "spearman")) {
sim <- calculate_similarity(x = x, y = y, method = method, margin = 2, diag = diag, drop0 = drop0)
if (method == "cosine") {
1 - 2 * acos(sim) / pi
} else {
1 - (sim + 1) / 2
} else {
proxyC::dist(x = x, y = y, method = method, margin = 2, diag = diag, drop0 = drop0, use_nan = FALSE)
if (is.null(y)) {
diag(dis) <- 0
#' @rdname calculate_distance
#' @export
list_distance_methods <- function() eval(formals(calculate_distance)$method)
#' @rdname calculate_distance
#' @export
#' @importFrom proxyC simil
calculate_similarity <- function(
y = NULL,
margin = 1,
method = c("spearman", "pearson", "cosine"),
diag = FALSE,
drop0 = FALSE
) {
method <- match.arg(method)
input <- .process_input_matrices(x = x, y = y, margin = margin)
x <- input$x
y <- input$y
# run method
if (method %in% c("pearson", "spearman")) {
if (method == "spearman") {
x <- spearman_rank_sparse(x)
if (!is.null(y)) {
y <- spearman_rank_sparse(y)
method <- "correlation"
sim <- proxyC::simil(x = x, y = y, method = method, margin = 2, diag = diag, drop0 = drop0, use_nan = FALSE)
# set nans to 0
sim@x[is.nan(sim@x)] <- 0
# fixes due to rounding errors
if (method %in% c("pearson", "spearman", "cosine")) {
sim@x[sim@x > 1] <- 1
if (is.null(y)) {
diag(sim) <- 1
#' @rdname calculate_distance
#' @export
list_similarity_methods <- function() eval(formals(calculate_similarity)$method)
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom methods as
.process_input_matrices <- function(x, y, margin) {
if (is.data.frame(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
if (is.matrix(x)) x <- as(x, "CsparseMatrix")
if (!is.null(y)) {
if (is.data.frame(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)
if (is.matrix(y)) y <- as(y, "CsparseMatrix")
is.null(y) || is_sparse(y)
if (margin == 1) {
if (!is.null(y)) {
assert_that(ncol(x) == ncol(y))
y <- Matrix::t(y)
x <- Matrix::t(x)
} else {
if (!is.null(y)) {
assert_that(nrow(x) == nrow(y))
list(x = x, y = y)
.process_pairwise_matrix <- function(mat, x, y) {
ncol(x) == nrow(mat),
ncol(y) == ncol(mat)
dimnames(mat) <- list(colnames(x), colnames(y))
#' These functions will be removed soon
#' Use [calculate_distance()] instead.
#' @inheritParams calculate_distance
#' @export
#' @rdname deprecated
euclidean_distance <- function(x, y = NULL) {
as.matrix(calculate_distance(x, y, method = "euclidean"))
#' @export
#' @rdname deprecated
correlation_distance <- function(x, y = NULL) {
as.matrix(calculate_distance(x, y, method = "spearman"))
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