
Defines functions .junction_filter_count junction_filter

Documented in junction_filter

#' @describeIn junction_process Filter junctions by count, width, annotation or region
#' @export
junction_filter <- function(junctions,
    count_thresh = c("raw" = 5),
    n_samp = c("raw" = 1),
    width_range = NULL,
    types = NULL,
    regions = NULL) {

    # keep in all junctions by default
    junctions_filter <- !logical(length = length(junctions))

    print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - Filtering junctions..."))

    # by count
    if (!is.null(count_thresh)) {
        print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - by count..."))
        count_filter <- .junction_filter_count(junctions, count_thresh, n_samp)
        junctions_filter <- junctions_filter & count_filter

    # by width
    if (!is.null(width_range)) {
        print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - by width..."))
        width_filter <- (width(junctions) >= width_range[1]) & (width(junctions) <= width_range[2])
        junctions_filter <- junctions_filter & width_filter

    # by type
    if (!is.null(types)) {
        print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - by type..."))
        # check that user has inputted junction categories that are expected
        exp_types <- c(
            "annotated", "novel_acceptor", "novel_donor", "novel_exon_skip",
            "novel_combo", "ambig_gene", "unannotated"

        mismatch <- exp_types[!(exp_types %in% exp_types)]

        if (length(mismatch) != 0) {
                "The following junction categories are not expected so ignored:\n",
                stringr::str_c(mismatch, collapse = ", ")

        type_filter <- !(mcols(junctions)[["type"]] %in% types)
        junctions_filter <- junctions_filter & type_filter

    # by region
    if (!is.null(regions)) {
        print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - by overlap with regions..."))
        hits <- findOverlaps(junctions, regions)
        region_filter <- !(seq_along(junctions_filter) %in% queryHits(hits))
        junctions_filter <- junctions_filter & region_filter

    print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - done!"))

    junctions <- junctions[junctions_filter]


#' Obtain junction count filter
#' `.junction_filter_count` obtains a logical vector with TRUE marking the
#' junctions that are above the count filter specified.
#' @inheritParams junction_filter
#' @return logical vector with length equal to the length of `junctions` with
#'   TRUE denoting junctions above the count filter.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.junction_filter_count <- function(junctions, count_thresh, n_samp) {
    count_filter_all <- !logical(dim(junctions)[1])

    for (i in seq_along(count_thresh)) {

        # how many samples for each junction have a count above count_thresh
        count_filter <-
            junctions %>%

        count_filter <- count_filter[[names(count_thresh)[i]]] %>%
                MARGIN = 1,
                FUN = function(x, count_thresh) {
                    sum(x >= count_thresh)
                count_thresh = count_thresh[i]

        count_filter <- count_filter >= n_samp

        count_filter_all <- count_filter_all & count_filter

dzhang32/dasper documentation built on April 3, 2022, 3:36 p.m.