
Defines functions .band_set_case .band_samples .band_derived .band_eo .band_cloud .band_rename.raster_cube .band_rename.sits .band_rename

#' @title Rename bands (S3 Generic function)
#' @name .band_rename
#' @noRd
#' @param x sits object (time series or cube)
#' @param bands new bands for the object
#' @return updated sits object
.band_rename <- function(x, bands) {
    UseMethod(".band_rename", x)
#' @title Rename bands for sits tibble (S3 Generic function)
#' @name .band_rename.sits
#' @noRd
#' @param x sits object (time series)
#' @param bands new bands for the object
#' @return Updated sits object
#' @export
.band_rename.sits <- function(x, bands) {
    data_bands <- .samples_bands.sits(x)
    # pre-condition
        allow_empty = FALSE, len_min = length(data_bands),
        len_max = length(data_bands)
    .apply(x, col = "time_series", fn = function(x) {
        # create a conversor
        new_bands <- colnames(x)
        names(new_bands) <- new_bands

        # rename
        new_bands[data_bands] <- toupper(bands)
        colnames(x) <- unname(new_bands)

#' @title Rename bands for data cube (S3 Generic function)
#' @name .band_rename.raster_cube
#' @noRd
#' @param x sits object (cube)
#' @param bands new bands for the object
#' @return updated sits object
#' @export
.band_rename.raster_cube <- function(x, bands) {
    data_bands <- .cube_bands(x)
    # pre-condition
        allow_empty = FALSE,
        len_min = length(data_bands),
        len_max = length(data_bands)
    .apply(x, col = "file_info", fn = function(x) {
        x <- tidyr::pivot_wider(x,
            names_from = "band",
            values_from = "path"

        # create a conversor
        new_bands <- colnames(x)
        names(new_bands) <- new_bands

        # rename
        new_bands[data_bands] <- toupper(bands)
        colnames(x) <- unname(new_bands)

        x <- tidyr::pivot_longer(
            cols = toupper(bands),
            names_to = "band",
            values_to = "path"
#' @title Return cloud band
#' @name .band_could
#' @noRd
#' @return name used in SITS for cloud band
.band_cloud <- function() {
#' @title Convert band names in case of eo_cubes (non-processed)
#' @name .band_eo
#' @noRd
#' @param band band name (may be lower or upper case)
#' @return band name in upper case
.band_eo <- function(band) {
    gsub("_", "-", toupper(band), fixed = TRUE)
#' @title Convert band names for derived cubes
#' @name .band_derived
#' @noRd
#' @param band band name (may be lower or upper case)
#' @return band name in lower case
.band_derived <- function(band) {
    gsub("_", "-", tolower(band), fixed = TRUE)
#' @title Convert band names for time series
#' @name .band_samples
#' @noRd
#' @param band band name (may be lower or upper case)
#' @return band name in upper case
.band_samples <- function(band) {
    gsub("_", "-", toupper(band), fixed = TRUE)
#' @title Convert band names for data cube
#' @name .band_set_case
#' @description non-processed cubes (eo_cubes) use upper case
#'              processed cubes (results_cubes) use lower case
#' @noRd
#' @param bands band names (may be lower or upper case)
#' @return band names in case required by SITS
.band_set_case <- function(bands) {
    if (.has(bands)) {
        if (all(tolower(bands) %in% .conf("sits_results_bands"))) {
            bands <- tolower(bands)
        } else {
            bands <- toupper(bands)
e-sensing/sits documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 9:08 a.m.