
#' @title Torch module for spatial encoder
#' @name .torch_pixel_spatial_encoder
#' @author Charlotte Pelletier, \email{charlotte.pelletier@@univ-ubs.fr}
#' @author Gilberto Camara, \email{gilberto.camara@@inpe.br}
#' @author Rolf Simoes, \email{rolf.simoes@@inpe.br}
#' @author Felipe Souza, \email{lipecaso@@gmail.com}
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @description Defines a torch module for spatial encoding.
#' This function is based on the paper by Vivien Garnot referenced below
#' and code available on github at
#' https://github.com/VSainteuf/pytorch-psetae.
#' We also used the code made available by Maja Schneider in her work with
#' Marco Körner referenced below and available at
#' https://github.com/maja601/RC2020-psetae.
#' There is an important difference: the model
#' proposed by Garnot assumes that the samples are available by parcel.
#' In his model, the samples from the same parcel are averaged using an MLP.
#' The current function implements an alternative to Garnot's pixel set
#' encoder for the case when only individual pixels are available.
#' The spatial encoder is run for each temporal instance of the observations.
#' Thus it transforms a pixel with n bands to a pixel associated with an output
#' dimension of a linear encoder.
#' The input of the PSE is a 3D tensors with shape
#' (batch_size x n_times x n_bands]
#' Since the input tensors have a temporal dimension, this dimension
#' will be combined with the batch dimension so that the complete sequences
#' are processed at once. Then the temporal dimension is separated back
#' to produce a tensor of shape batch_size x n_times x embedding_dim
#' Embedding dimension is the number of nodes in the last layer of the
#' MLP used to process the input sequence.
#' If you use this method, please cite Garnot's and Schneider's work.
#' @references
#' Vivien Garnot, Loic Landrieu, Sebastien Giordano, and Nesrine Chehata,
#' "Satellite Image Time Series Classification with Pixel-Set Encoders
#' and Temporal Self-Attention",
#' 2020 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
#' pages 12322-12331.
#' DOI: 10.1109/CVPR42600.2020.01234
#' Schneider, Maja; Körner, Marco,
#' "[Re] Satellite Image Time Series Classification
#' with Pixel-Set Encoders and Temporal Self-Attention."
#' ReScience C 7 (2), 2021.
#' DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4835356
#' @param n_bands                   Number of bands per pixel.
#' @param layers_spatial_encoder    Layers of MLP spatial encoder
#' @return A 3D shape tensor block.

# module for spatial encoding
.torch_pixel_spatial_encoder <- torch::nn_module(
    classname = "torch_pixel_spatial_encoder",
    initialize = function(n_bands,
                          layers_spatial_encoder = c(32, 64, 128)) {
        self$layers_spatial_encoder <- layers_spatial_encoder
        self$spatial_encoder <- .torch_multi_linear_batch_norm_relu(
            input_dim = n_bands,
            hidden_dims = layers_spatial_encoder
    forward = function(values) {
        # batch size is the first dimension of the input tensor
        batch_size <- values[["shape"]][[1]]
        # n_times is the second dimension
        n_times <- values[["shape"]][[2]]
        # n_bands is the third dimension
        n_bands <- values[["shape"]][[3]]
        # reshape the input
        # from a 3D shape [batch_size, n_times, n_bands]
        # to a 2D shape [(batch_size * n_times), n_bands]
        values <- values$view(c(batch_size * n_times, n_bands))
        # run the the 2D shape by a multi-layer perceptron
        # input is 2D shape [(batch_size * n_times), n_bands]
        dim_enc <-
        values <- self$spatial_encoder(values)
        # output is a 2D shape[(batch_size * n_times), dim_enc]
        # reshape the output
        # from a 2D shape [(batch_size * n_times), n_bands]
        # to a 3D shape [batch_size, n_times, dim_enc]
        values <- values$view(c(batch_size, n_times, dim_enc))
#' @title Torch module for positional encoder
#' @name .torch_positional_encoder
#' @author Charlotte Pelletier, \email{charlotte.pelletier@@univ-ubs.fr}
#' @author Gilberto Camara, \email{gilberto.camara@@inpe.br}
#' @author Rolf Simoes, \email{rolf.simoes@@inpe.br}
#' @author Felipe Souza, \email{lipecaso@@gmail.com}
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @description Defines a torch module for positional encoding, based on
#' the concepts of Vaswani et al (2017) and Garnot et al ()
#' This function part of the implementation of the paper by Vivien Garnot
#' referenced below. We used the code made available by Maja Schneider in her
#' work with Marco Körner referenced below and available at
#' https://github.com/maja601/RC2020-psetae.
#' @references
#' Vivien Sainte Fare Garnot and Loic Landrieu,
#' "Lightweight Temporal Self-Attention for Classifying Satellite Image
#' Time Series", https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.00586
#' Schneider, Maja; Körner, Marco,
#' "[Re] Satellite Image Time Series Classification
#' with Pixel-Set Encoders and Temporal Self-Attention." ReScience C7(2), 2021.
#' This function part of the implementation of the paper by Vivien Garnot
#' referenced below.
#' We used the code made available by Maja Schneider in her work with
#' Marco Körner referenced below and available at
#' https://github.com/maja601/RC2020-psetae.
#' @references
#' Vivien Sainte Fare Garnot and Loic Landrieu,
#' "Lightweight Temporal Self-Attention for Classifying Satellite Image
#' Time Series", https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.00586
#' Schneider, Maja; Körner, Marco,
#' "[Re] Satellite Image Time Series Classification
#' with Pixel-Set Encoders and Temporal Self-Attention." ReScience C7(2), 2021.
#' @param timeline          Timeline of input time series.
#' @param dim_encoder       Dimension of the positional encoder.
#' @return A tensor block.

# Positional Encoder
.torch_positional_encoding <- torch::nn_module(
    classname = "positional_encoding",
    # timeline is a vector with the observation dates
    initialize = function(timeline, dim_encoder = 128) {
        # length of positional encoder is the length of dates vector
        len_max <- length(timeline)
        # keep the dates vector
        self$dates <- timeline
        # initialize 'days' vector as the difference in days btw
        # each date and the first date
        days <- unlist(purrr::map(
            function(d) {
                lubridate::interval(timeline[[1]], d) / lubridate::days(1)
        # create a days tensor
        days_t <- torch::torch_tensor(days)
        days_t <- torch::torch_unsqueeze(days_t, 2)

        # Calculate the positional encoding p
        # 2D shape [(len_max, dim_encoder:128)]
        p <- torch::torch_zeros(len_max, dim_encoder)
        # calculate an exponential distance measure for the positions
        div_term <- torch::torch_exp(
                start = 0,
                end = dim_encoder - 1,
                step = 2
            * (-log(1000.0) / dim_encoder)
        div_term <- torch::torch_unsqueeze(div_term, 1)
        # fill the tensor p
        p[, seq(1, dim_encoder, 2)] <- torch::torch_sin(days_t * div_term)
        p[, seq(2, dim_encoder, 2)] <- torch::torch_cos(days_t * div_term)
        # here p is a 2D shape [(len_max, dim_encoder:128)]
        p <- torch::torch_unsqueeze(p, 1)
        # after unsqueeze p is a 3D shape [(1, len_max, dim_encoder:128)]
        self$register_buffer("p", p)
    forward = function(x) {
        x <- x + self$p

#' @title Torch module for temporal attention encoder
#' @name .torch_temporal_attention_encoder
#' @author Charlotte Pelletier, \email{charlotte.pelletier@@univ-ubs.fr}
#' @author Gilberto Camara, \email{gilberto.camara@@inpe.br}
#' @author Rolf Simoes, \email{rolf.simoes@@inpe.br}
#' @author Felipe Souza, \email{lipecaso@@gmail.com}
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @description
#' Defines a torch module for temporal attention encoding, inspired by the
#' work of Vaswani et al(2017). Since Attention models contain
#' no convolution, the model injects information about the relative
#' position of the tokens in the sequence. Vaswani et al use
#' sine and cosine functions of different frequencies.
#' This function is based on the paper by Vivien Garnot referenced below
#' and code available on github at
#' https://github.com/VSainteuf/pytorch-psetae.
#' We also used the code made available by Maja Schneider in her work with
#' Marco Körner referenced below and available at
#' https://github.com/maja601/RC2020-psetae.
#' If you use this method, please cite Garnot's and Schneider's work.
#' @references
#' Vivien Garnot, Loic Landrieu, Sebastien Giordano, and Nesrine Chehata,
#' "Satellite Image Time Series Classification with Pixel-Set Encoders
#' and Temporal Self-Attention",
#' 2020 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
#' pages 12322-12331.
#' DOI: 10.1109/CVPR42600.2020.01234
#' Schneider, Maja; Körner, Marco,
#' "[Re] Satellite Image Time Series Classification
#' with Pixel-Set Encoders and Temporal Self-Attention."
#' ReScience C 7 (2), 2021.
#' DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4835356
#' @param timeline                  Timeline of input time series.
#' @param dim_encoder               Dimension of the positional encoder.
#' @param n_heads                   Number of attention heads..
#' @param input_out_enc_mlp         Dimensions of multi-layer perceptron
#'                                  used to encode the output
#'                                  (MLP3 in Garnot's paper)
#' @param hidden_nodes_out_enc_mlp  Hidden nodes in MLP used for output encoding
#'                                  (MLP3 in Garnot's paper)
#' @return A linear tensor block.
.torch_temporal_attention_encoder <- torch::nn_module(
    classname = "torch_temporal_attention_encoder",
    initialize = function(timeline,
                          dim_encoder = 128,
                          n_heads = 4,
                          input_out_enc_mlp = 512,
                          hidden_nodes_out_enc_mlp = c(128, 128)) {
        # store parameters
        self$dim_encoder <- dim_encoder
        self$n_heads <- n_heads
        # calculate the dimension of split encoder
        self$dim_k <- dim_encoder %/% n_heads
        # obtain the positional encoding
        self$pos_encoding <- .torch_positional_encoding(
            timeline = timeline,
            dim_encoder = dim_encoder
        # fully connected layer for keys and queries processing
        self$fc <- torch::nn_linear(dim_encoder, dim_encoder)
        # final multi-layer perceptron
        self$mlp <- .torch_multi_linear_batch_norm_relu(
            input_dim = input_out_enc_mlp,
            hidden_dims = hidden_nodes_out_enc_mlp
    forward = function(x) {
        # Follows figure 2 of Garnot's paper
        # "Satellite Image Time Series Classification
        # with Pixel-Set Encoders and Temporal Self-Attention"
        # obtain the input parameters
        batch_size <- x[["shape"]][[1]]
        # seq_len is the
        seq_len <- x[["shape"]][[2]]
        hidden_state <- x[["shape"]][[3]]
        # Calculate the positional encoding
        # result is 3D shape [batch_size x seq_len x dim_encoder:128]
        e_p <- self$pos_encoding(x)

        # Calculate the query and key tensors
        # FC is the fully-connected layer generating key-query pairs
        # for each head

        # Calculate the query tensor
        # Run the encoded position through FC
        # input is a tensor of shape [batch_size x seq_len x dim_encoder:128]
        # result is a tensor of shape [batch_size x seq_len x dim_encoder:128]
        query <- self$fc(e_p)
        # Calculate the mean of query tensor along dimension 2
        # result is a tensor of shape [batch_size x dim_encoder:128]
        query <- torch::torch_mean(query, dim = 2)
        # Run the mean by a FC (fully connected layer)
        query <- self$fc(query)
        # Reorganize the result as a 3D tensor
        # result is a tensor [batch_size x n_heads:4 x dim_k:32]
        query <- query$view(c(batch_size, self$n_heads, self$dim_k))
        query <- query$contiguous()
        # Reorganize the result as a 2D tensor
        # output shape is 2D [(batch_size * n_heads:4) x dim_k:32]
        query <- query$view(c(-1, self$dim_k))
        # Create an additional dimension
        # output shape is 3D [(batch_size * n_heads:4) x 1 x dim_k:32]
        query <- query$unsqueeze(dim = 2)

        # Calculate the key tensor
        # Run the encoded position through FC
        # result is a tensor of shape [batch_size x seq_len x dim_encoder:128]
        key <- self$fc(e_p)
        # Reorganize the tensor as a 4D shape
        # shape is 4D [batch_size x seq_len x n_heads:4 x dim_k:32]
        key <- key$view(c(batch_size, seq_len, self$n_heads, self$dim_k))
        # Permute dimensions (2,3) of the 4D tensor
        key <- key$permute(c(1, 3, 2, 4))
        # shape is 4D [batch_size x n_heads:4 x seq_len x dim_k:32]
        key <- key$contiguous()
        # Reduce the key tensor to 3D merging dimensions (1,2)
        # shape is 3D [(batch_size * n_heads:4) x seq_len x dim_k:32]
        key <- key$view(c(batch_size * self$n_heads, seq_len, self$dim_k))

        # transpose key tensor dimensions 2 and 3
        # input shape is 3D [(batch_size * n_heads) x seq_len x dim_k]
        # output shape is 3D [(batch_size * n_heads) x dim_k x seq_len]
        key <- torch::torch_transpose(key, dim0 = -2, dim1 = -1)

        # Calculate attention
        # Attention scores =  averaged product of query and key tensor
        # q_hat has shape 3D [(batch_size * n_heads) x 1 x dim_k]
        # k transposed has 3D shape  [(batch_size * n_heads) x dim_k x seq_len]
        # output scores has 3D shape [(batch_size * n_heads) x 1 x seq_len]
        attention_probs <- torch::torch_matmul(query, key) / sqrt(self$dim_k)

        # Attention probs are calculated as
        # softmax of the normalized query * key product using the last dimension
        # input shape is 3D  [(batch_size * n_heads) x 1 x seq_len]
        # output_shape is 3D [(batch_size * n_heads) x 1 x seq_len]
        attention_probs <- torch::nnf_softmax(attention_probs, dim = -1)

        # Values with positional encoding repeated over attention heads
        # input 3D shape [batch_size x seq_len x hidden_state:128]
        # output 3D shape [(batch_size * num_heads) x seq_len x hidden:128]
        values <- e_p$`repeat`(c(self$n_heads, 1, 1))

        # Multi-head self-attention
        # multiply values by product of query * key
        # attention_probs - 3D shape [(batch_size * n_heads) x 1 x seq_len]
        # values - 3D shape [(batch_size * num_heads) x seq_len x hidden:128]
        # result has 3D shape [(batch_size * num_heads) x 1 x hidden:128]
        attention_output <- torch::torch_matmul(attention_probs, values)

        # squeeze attention output
        # input shape 3D [(batch_size * n_heads) x 1 x hidden:128]
        # output shape 2D [(batch_size * n_heads) x hidden:128]
        attention_output <- torch::torch_squeeze(attention_output)

        # reshape attention output to 3D shape
        # input shape is 2D [(batch_size * n_heads) x hidden:128]
        # output shape is 3D [batch_size x n_heads x hidden_state:128]
        attention_output <- attention_output$contiguous()
        attention_output <- attention_output$view(
            c(batch_size, self$n_heads, -1)

        # reshape attention output to 2D shape
        # input shape is 3D [batch_size x n_heads x dim_encoder:128]
        # output shape is 2D [batch_size x (n_heads:4 * dim_encoder:128)]
        attention_output <- attention_output$contiguous()
        attention_output <- attention_output$view(c(batch_size, -1))

        # Run the output by a multi-layer perceptron
        # input shape is 2D [batch_size x (n_heads:4 * dim_encoder:128)]
        # output shape is 2D [batch_size x dim_encoder:128]
        o_hat <- self$mlp(attention_output)
#' @title Torch module for temporal attention encoder
#' @name .torch_light_temporal_attention_encoder
#' @author Charlotte Pelletier, \email{charlotte.pelletier@@univ-ubs.fr}
#' @author Gilberto Camara, \email{gilberto.camara@@inpe.br}
#' @author Rolf Simoes, \email{rolf.simoes@@inpe.br}
#' @author Felipe Souza, \email{lipecaso@@gmail.com}
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @description Defines a torch module for temporal attention encoding.
#' This implementation is based on the code made available by Vivien Garnot
#' https://github.com/VSainteuf/lightweight-temporal-attention-pytorch
#' @references
#' Vivien Sainte Fare Garnot and Loic Landrieu,
#' "Lightweight Temporal Self-Attention for Classifying Satellite Image
#' Time Series", https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.00586
#' @param timeline                  Timeline of input time series.
#' @param in_channels               Dimension of the positional encoder.
#' @param n_heads                   Number of attention heads.
#' @param n_neurons                 Dimensions of MLP that processes the
#'                                  output of the attention heads.
#' @param dropout_rate              Dropout_rate.
#' @return A linear tensor block.
.torch_light_temporal_attention_encoder <- torch::nn_module(
    classname = "torch_temporal_attention_encoder",
    initialize = function(timeline,
                          in_channels = 128,
                          n_heads = 16,
                          n_neurons = c(256, 128),
                          dropout_rate = 0.2) {
        # store parameters
        self$in_channels <- in_channels
        self$n_heads <- n_heads
        # calculate the dimension of key and query vectors
        self$d_key_query <- in_channels %/% n_heads
        # calculate the length of the time sequence
        seq_len <- length(timeline)

        # input layer normalization
        self$in_layer_norm <- torch::nn_layer_norm(
            normalized_shape = in_channels

        # Do a 1D convolution on the input sequence
        # input is 3D shape (batch_size x seq_len x in_channels:128)
        # output is 3D shape (batch_size x seq_len x d_model:256)
        self$d_model <- n_neurons[[1]]
        self$inconv <- torch::nn_sequential(
                in_channels   = in_channels,
                out_channels  = self$d_model,
                kernel_size   = 1
                normalized_shape = c(self$d_model, seq_len)

        # obtain the positional encoding
        self$pos_encoding <- .torch_positional_encoding(
            timeline = timeline,
            dim_encoder = self$d_model

        # calculate the attention heads
        self$attention_heads <- .torch_multi_head_attention(
            n_heads   = n_heads,
            d_k       = self$d_key_query,
            d_in      = self$d_model
        # output enconding
        # multi-layer perceptron with batch norm and relu
        hidden_dims <- n_neurons[[-1]]
        self$mlp <- .torch_multi_linear_batch_norm_relu(
            input_dim = n_neurons[[1]],
            hidden_dims = hidden_dims
        # dropout node
        self$dropout <- torch::nn_dropout(dropout_rate)

        # output layer normalization
        last_neuron <- n_neurons[length(n_neurons)]
        self$out_layer_norm <- torch::nn_layer_norm(
            normalized_shape = last_neuron
    forward = function(values) {
        # Follows figure 1 of Garnot's paper
        # "Lightweight Temporal Self-Attention
        #' for Classifying Satellite Image Time Series"
        # obtain the input parameters
        batch_size <- values[["shape"]][[1]]
        # seq_len is the size of the timeline
        seq_len <- values[["shape"]][[2]]

        # normalize the input layer
        # [batch_size x seq_len x in_channels:128]
        values <- self$in_layer_norm(values)

        # apply 1D conv to the reshaped input
        # convolution is performed in 3D shape
        # [batch_size x in_channels:128 x seq_len]
        # and returns a 3D shape [batch_size x d_model:256 x seq_len]
        values <- self$inconv(values$permute(c(1, 3, 2)))
        # reshape the input again
        # to 3D shape [batch_size x seq_len x d_model:256]
        values <- values$permute(c(1, 3, 2))

        # Calculate the positional encoding
        # result is 3D shape [batch_size x seq_len x d_model:256]
        values <- self$pos_encoding(values)

        # calculate multi-head attention
        # output is 3D shape [n_heads x  batch_size x d_model:256]
        values <- self$attention_heads(values)
        # permute dimensions of the output
        # result is 3D shape [batch_size x n_heads x d_model:256]
        values <- values$permute(c(2, 1, 3))$contiguous()
        # reshape the output
        values <- values$view(c(batch_size, -1))

        # apply multilayer processor
        values <- self$mlp(values)
        # apply dropout
        values <- self$dropout(values)
        # normalize output layer
        values <- self$out_layer_norm(values)

#' @title Torch module for calculating attention from query, keys and values
#' @name .torch_scaled_dot_product_attention
#' @author Charlotte Pelletier, \email{charlotte.pelletier@@univ-ubs.fr}
#' @author Gilberto Camara, \email{gilberto.camara@@inpe.br}
#' @author Rolf Simoes, \email{rolf.simoes@@inpe.br}
#' @author Felipe Souza, \email{lipecaso@@gmail.com}
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @description Defines a torch module for temporal attention encoding.
#' In order to calculate attentions with a query, as I said in the last article,
#' this function takes the dot product of query with the keys
#' and gets scores/weights for the values.
#' Each score/weight the relevance between the query and each key.
#' And you reweight the values with the scores/weights,
#' and take the summation of the reweighted values.
#' This implementation is based on the code made available by Vivien Garnot
#' https://github.com/VSainteuf/lightweight-temporal-attention-pytorch
#' @references
#' Vivien Sainte Fare Garnot and Loic Landrieu,
#' "Lightweight Temporal Self-Attention for Classifying Satellite Image
#' Time Series", https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.00586
#' @param temperature               Weight score of the attention module.
#' @param attn_dropout              Dropout rate to be applied to the attention
#'                                  module.
#' @param query                     Query tensor.
#' @param keys                      Tensor with keys.
#' @param values                    Tensor with values.
#' @return A list with the .
.torch_scaled_dot_product_attention <- torch::nn_module(
    classname = "scaled_dot_product_attention",
    initialize = function(temperature, attn_dropout = 0.1) {
        self$temperature <- temperature
        self$dropout <- torch::nn_dropout(attn_dropout)
        self$softmax <- torch::nn_softmax(dim = 3)
    forward = function(query, keys, values) {
        # calculate the dot product between query and keys
        # query has 2D shape [(n_heads * batch_size) x d_k]
        # after unsqueezing a 3D shape [(n_heads * batch_size) x 1 x d_k]
        # keys has 3D shape [(n_heads * batch_size) x  seq_len x d_k]
        # after transpose a 3D shape [(n_heads * batch_size) x d_k x seq_len]
        attn <- torch::torch_matmul(
            query$unsqueeze(dim = 2),
            keys$transpose(dim0 = 2, dim1 = 3)
        # attention tensor has 3D shape [(n_heads * batch_size) x 1 x seq_len]
        # weight the attention module
        attn <- attn / self$temperature
        # apply a software layer to the weighted query * keys product
        attn <- self$softmax(attn)
        # Detach attention mask
        # self$attention_mask <- attn$detach()
        # apply a dropout value to the attention tensor
        attn <- self$dropout(attn)
        # calculate the product attention * values
        # split_value: dim_encoder %/% n_heads
        # attention tensor has 3D shape [(n_heads * batch_size) x 1 x seq_len]
        # values has 3D shape [(num_heads * batch_size) x seq_len x split_value]
        # output has a 3D shape [(num_heads * batch_size) x 1 x split_value]
        values <- torch::torch_matmul(attn, values)

#' @title Torch module for calculating multi-head attention
#' @name .torch_multi_head_attention
#' @author Charlotte Pelletier, \email{charlotte.pelletier@@univ-ubs.fr}
#' @author Gilberto Camara, \email{gilberto.camara@@inpe.br}
#' @author Rolf Simoes, \email{rolf.simoes@@inpe.br}
#' @author Felipe Souza, \email{lipecaso@@gmail.com}
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @description
#' In order to calculate attentions with a query,
#' this function takes the dot product of query with the keys
#' and gets scores/weights for the values.
#' Each score/weight the relevance between the query and each key.
#' And you reweight the values with the scores/weights,
#' and take the summation of the reweighted values.
#' This implementation is based on the code made available by Vivien Garnot
#' https://github.com/VSainteuf/lightweight-temporal-attention-pytorch
#' @references
#' Vivien Sainte Fare Garnot and Loic Landrieu,
#' "Lightweight Temporal Self-Attention for Classifying Satellite Image
#' Time Series", https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.00586
#' @param n_heads         Number of attention heads.
#' @param d_k             Dimension of key tensor.
#' @param d_in            Dimension of input values.
#' @return An output encoder tensor.
.torch_multi_head_attention <- torch::nn_module(
    classname = "multi_head_attention",
    initialize = function(n_heads, d_k, d_in) {
        self$n_heads <- n_heads
        self$d_k <- d_k
        self$d_in <- d_in

        # create a base vector for queries
        # shape [n_heads x d_k]
        self$Q <- torch::nn_parameter(
            torch::torch_zeros(c(n_heads, d_k), requires_grad = TRUE)
        # initialization with a gaussian distribution
        torch::nn_init_normal_(self$Q, mean = 0, std = sqrt(2.0 / (d_k)))

        # d_in is equal to d_model:256
        # FC module for calculating keys
        self$fc_k <- torch::nn_linear(
            in_features  = d_in,
            out_features = n_heads * d_k
        # initialization with a gaussian distribution
            mean = 0,
            std = sqrt(2.0 / (d_k))

        # module to calculate attention by product of keys and queries.
        self$attention <- .torch_scaled_dot_product_attention(
            temperature = sqrt(d_k)
    forward = function(values) {
        d_k <- self$d_k
        d_in <- self$d_in
        n_heads <- self$n_heads

        # input values tensor is 3D [batch_size x seq_len x d_model:256]
        batch_size <- values$shape[[1]]
        seq_len <- values$shape[[2]]

        # calculate the query tensor
        # concatenate a sequence of tensors to match input batch_size
        tensors <- purrr::map(seq_len(batch_size), function(i) {
        # the query tensor has 3D shape [n_heads x batch_size x d_k]
        query <- torch::torch_stack(tensors, dim = 2)
        # drop a dimension in the query tensor
        # from 3D shape [n_heads x batch_size x d_k]
        # to 2D shape [(n_heads * batch_size) x d_k]
        query <- query$view(c(-1, d_k))

        # create the keys tensor by replicating the values tensor
        # keys tensor has 3D shape [batch_size x seq_len x d_model:256]
        # output tensor has 3D shape [batch_size x seq_len x (n_heads * d_k)]
        keys <- self$fc_k(values)
        # reshape the keys vector to 4D shape
        # [batch_size, seq_len, n_heads, d_k]
        keys <- keys$view(c(batch_size, seq_len, n_heads, d_k))
        # permute shape of keys tensor
        # from 4D shape [batch_size, seq_len, n_heads, d_k]
        # to 4D shape [n_heads, batch_size, seq_len, d_k]
        keys <- keys$permute(c(3, 1, 2, 4))$contiguous()
        # Reshape keys tensor to 3D [(n_heads * batch_size) x  seq_len x d_k]
        keys <- keys$view(c(-1, seq_len, d_k))

        # split the values tensor by attention heads
        dim_encoder <- values$shape[length(values$shape)]
        split_value <- dim_encoder %/% n_heads
        # reshape the values tensor by splitting
        # from 3D shape[batch_size x seq_len x dim_encoder:256]
        # to a 4D shape
        # [n_heads x batch_size x seq_len x (dim_encoder %/% n_heads)]
        values <- torch::torch_stack(values$split(split_value, dim = -1))
        # reshape the values tensor
        # from 4D shape
        # [n_heads x batch_size x seq_len x (dim_encoder %/% n_heads)]
        # to 3D shape
        # [(n_heads * batch_size) x seq_len x (dim_encoder %/% n_heads)]
        values <- values$view(c(n_heads * batch_size, seq_len, -1))
        # calculate the attention values
        values <- self$attention(query, keys, values)
        # output has 3D shape
        # [(num_heads * batch_size) x seq_len x (dim_encoder %/% n_heads)]
        # d_in = 256 and n_heads = 16, d_in %/% n_heads = 16
        # reshape to 4D shape [num_heads x batch_size x 1 x d_in %/% n_heads:16]
        values <- values$view(c(n_heads, batch_size, 1, d_in %/% n_heads))
        # reshape to 3D shape [num_heads:16 x  batch_size x dim_encoder:256]
        values <- values$squeeze(dim = 3)
e-sensing/sits documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 9:08 a.m.