
Defines functions sits_regularize.default sits_regularize.derived_cube sits_regularize.dem_cube sits_regularize.sar_cube sits_regularize.raster_cube sits_regularize

Documented in sits_regularize sits_regularize.default sits_regularize.dem_cube sits_regularize.derived_cube sits_regularize.raster_cube sits_regularize.sar_cube

#' @title Build a regular data cube from an irregular one
#' @name sits_regularize
#' @description Produces regular data cubes for analysis-ready data (ARD)
#' image collections. Analysis-ready data (ARD) collections available in
#' AWS, MPC, USGS and DEAfrica are not regular in space and time.
#' Bands may have different resolutions,
#' images may not cover the entire time, and time intervals are not regular.
#' For this reason, subsets of these collection need to be converted to
#' regular data cubes before further processing and data analysis.
#' This function requires users to include the cloud band in their ARD-based
#' data cubes.
#' @references Appel, Marius; Pebesma, Edzer. On-demand processing of data cubes
#'  from satellite image collections with the gdalcubes library. Data, v. 4,
#'  n. 3, p. 92, 2019. DOI: 10.3390/data4030092.
#' @param cube       \code{raster_cube} object whose observation
#'                   period and/or spatial resolution is not constant.
#' @param ...        Additional parameters for \code{fn_check} function.
#' @param period     ISO8601-compliant time period for regular
#'                   data cubes, with number and unit, where
#'                   "D", "M" and "Y" stand for days, month and year;
#'                    e.g., "P16D" for 16 days.
#' @param res        Spatial resolution of regularized images (in meters).
#' @param roi        A named \code{numeric} vector with a region of interest.
#' @param tiles      MGRS tiles to be produced (only for Sentinel-1 cubes)
#' @param multicores Number of cores used for regularization;
#'                   used for parallel processing of input (integer)
#' @param output_dir Valid directory for storing regularized images.
#' @param progress   show progress bar?
#' @note
#'      The "roi" parameter defines a region of interest. It can be
#'      an sf_object, a shapefile, or a bounding box vector with
#'      named XY values ("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax") or
#'      named lat/long values ("lat_min", "lat_max", "long_min", "long_max").
#'      \code{sits_regularize()} function will crop the images
#'      that contain the region of interest().
#' @note
#'      The aggregation method used in \code{sits_regularize}
#'      sorts the images based on cloud cover, where images with the fewest
#'      clouds at the top of the stack. Once
#'      the stack of images is sorted, the method uses the first valid value to
#'      create the temporal aggregation.
#' @note
#'      The input (non-regular) ARD cube needs to include the cloud band for
#'      the regularization to work.
#' @return A \code{raster_cube} object with aggregated images.
#' @examples
#' if (sits_run_examples()) {
#'     # define a non-regular Sentinel-2 cube in AWS
#'     s2_cube_open <- sits_cube(
#'         source = "AWS",
#'         collection = "SENTINEL-2-L2A",
#'         tiles = c("20LKP", "20LLP"),
#'         bands = c("B8A", "CLOUD"),
#'         start_date = "2018-10-01",
#'         end_date = "2018-11-01"
#'     )
#'     # regularize the cube
#'     rg_cube <- sits_regularize(
#'         cube = s2_cube_open,
#'         period = "P16D",
#'         res = 60,
#'         multicores = 2,
#'         output_dir = tempdir()
#'     )
#'     ## Sentinel-1 SAR
#'     roi <- c("lon_min" = -50.410, "lon_max" = -50.379,
#'              "lat_min" = -10.1910, "lat_max" = -10.1573)
#'     s1_cube_open <- sits_cube(
#'         source = "MPC",
#'         collection = "SENTINEL-1-GRD",
#'         bands = c("VV", "VH"),
#'         orbit = "descending",
#'         roi = roi,
#'         start_date = "2020-06-01",
#'         end_date = "2020-09-28"
#'     )
#'     # regularize the cube
#'     rg_cube <- sits_regularize(
#'         cube = s1_cube_open,
#'         period = "P12D",
#'         res = 60,
#'         roi = roi,
#'         multicores = 2,
#'         output_dir = tempdir()
#'     )
#' }
#' @export
sits_regularize <- function(cube, ...,
                            roi = NULL,
                            tiles = NULL,
                            multicores = 2L,
                            progress = TRUE) {
    # Pre-conditions
    UseMethod("sits_regularize", cube)
#' @rdname sits_regularize
#' @export
sits_regularize.raster_cube <- function(cube, ...,
                                        roi = NULL,
                                        multicores = 2L,
                                        progress = TRUE) {
    # Preconditions
    .check_num_parameter(res, exclusive_min = 0)
    output_dir <- .file_path_expand(output_dir)
    .check_num_parameter(multicores, min = 1, max = 2048)
    # Does cube contain cloud band?
    if (!all(.cube_contains_cloud(cube)) && .check_warnings()) {
        warning(.conf("messages", "sits_regularize_cloud"),
                call. = FALSE,
                immediate. = TRUE
    if (.has(roi)) {
        crs <- NULL
        if (.roi_type(roi) == "bbox" && !.has(roi[["crs"]])) {
            crs <- .crs(cube)
            if (length(crs) > 1 && .check_warnings()) {
                warning(.conf("messages", "sits_regularize_crs"),
                        call. = FALSE,
                        immediate. = TRUE
        roi <- .roi_as_sf(roi, default_crs = crs[[1]])
    # Display warning message in case STAC cube
    if (!.cube_is_local(cube) && .check_warnings()) {
        warning(.conf("messages", "sits_regularize_local"),
                    call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE
    # Regularize
        cube = cube,
        period = period,
        res = res,
        roi = roi,
        output_dir = output_dir,
        multicores = multicores,
        progress = progress
#' @rdname sits_regularize
#' @export
sits_regularize.sar_cube <- function(cube, ...,
                                     roi = NULL,
                                     tiles = NULL,
                                     multicores = 2L,
                                     progress = TRUE) {
    # Preconditions
    .check_num_parameter(res, exclusive_min = 0)
    output_dir <- .file_path_expand(output_dir)
    .check_num_parameter(multicores, min = 1, max = 2048)
    # Check for ROI and tiles
    .check_roi_tiles(roi, tiles)
    # Display warning message in case STAC cube
    # Prepare parallel processing
    .parallel_start(workers = multicores)
    on.exit(.parallel_stop(), add = TRUE)
    # Convert input sentinel1 cube to sentinel2 grid
    cube <- .reg_s2tile_convert(cube = cube, roi = roi, tiles = tiles)
    .check_that(nrow(cube) > 0,
        msg = .conf("messages", "sits_regularize_roi")
    # Filter tiles
    if (is.character(tiles)) {
        cube <- .cube_filter_tiles(cube, tiles)
    # Call regularize in parallel
    cube <- .reg_cube(
        cube = cube,
        res = res,
        roi = roi,
        period = period,
        output_dir = output_dir,
        progress = progress

#' @rdname sits_regularize
#' @export
sits_regularize.dem_cube <- function(cube, ...,
                                     roi = NULL,
                                     tiles = NULL,
                                     multicores = 2L,
                                     progress = TRUE) {
    # Preconditions
    .check_num_parameter(res, exclusive_min = 0)
    output_dir <- .file_path_expand(output_dir)
    .check_num_parameter(multicores, min = 1, max = 2048)
    # Check for ROI and tiles
    .check_roi_tiles(roi, tiles)
    # Display warning message in case STAC cube
    # Prepare parallel processing
    .parallel_start(workers = multicores)
    on.exit(.parallel_stop(), add = TRUE)
    # Convert input sentinel1 cube to sentinel2 grid
    cube <- .reg_s2tile_convert(cube = cube, roi = roi, tiles = tiles)
    .check_that(nrow(cube) > 0,
                msg = .conf("messages", "sits_regularize_roi")
    # Filter tiles
    if (is.character(tiles)) {
        cube <- .cube_filter_tiles(cube, tiles)
    # DEMs don't have the temporal dimension, so the period is fixed in 1 day.
    period <- "P1D"
    # Call regularize in parallel
    cube <- .reg_cube(
        cube = cube,
        res = res,
        roi = roi,
        period = period,
        output_dir = output_dir,
        progress = progress

#' @rdname sits_regularize
#' @export
sits_regularize.derived_cube <- function(cube, ...) {
    stop(.conf("messages", "sits_regularize_default"))
#' @rdname sits_regularize
#' @export
sits_regularize.default <- function(cube, ...) {
    stop(.conf("messages", "sits_regularize_default"))
e-sensing/sits documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 9:08 a.m.