#' @title Available data
#' @description Using the default web link, this package retrieves daily gridded data sets of General Circulation Model
#' (GCM) runs clipped to areas of interest and returns a data frame of the
#' file names and they're storage paths. Each of these data sets represent
#' a single GCM, climate variable and Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP)
#' from 1950 to 2099. The 1950 to 2005 portion of this time period represents
#' historical data while the 2006 to 2099 portion represents modeled data.
#' The original data sets may be found at
#' \url{http://thredds.northwestknowledge.net:8080/thredds/reacch_climate_CMIP5_aggregated_macav2_catalog.html}
#' @param web_link A web link to the api data source you want to read (character)
#' @param verbose Should the api outputs be combined with internal metadata? (logical)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @return Data.frame of requested data
#' @export
available_data <- function(web_link = "https://cida.usgs.gov/thredds/dodsC/macav2metdata_daily_future",
verbose = TRUE){
require(tidync, quietly = TRUE)
message('Trying to connect to the USGS.gov API')
src <- tidync::tidync(web_link)
message('Reading results')
variable_names <- src$variable %>% dplyr::select(name)
variable_names <- variable_names[-1:-4,]
available_times <- src %>% activate("D3") %>% hyper_tibble()
colnames(variable_names) <- "Available variable"
colnames(available_times) <- "Available times"
available_times$`Available times` <- as.numeric(available_times$`Available times`)
"variable_names" = variable_names,
"available_times" = available_times,
"src" = src
message('Converting into an R data.table')
mydates <- seq.Date(as.Date("2006-01-01"),
by = 1)
myjulian <- julian(mydates, origin=as.Date("1900-01-01"))
time_library <- as.data.frame(cbind("Available times" = myjulian, dates = as.character(julian2date(myjulian))))
time_library$`Available times` <- as.numeric(time_library$`Available times`)
available_times <- as.data.frame(available_times) %>% left_join(time_library, by = "Available times")
available_times$`Available times` <- as.numeric(available_times$`Available times`)
scenarios <- as.data.frame(matrix(c("rcp45", "rcp85", "RCP 4.5", "RCP 8.5"), 2,2, byrow=FALSE))
colnames(scenarios) <- c("scenario_abbreviation","scenario_name")
labels <- as.data.frame(matrix(c("tasmin" , "Minimum Temperature",
"tasmax" , "Maximum Temperature",
"rhsmin" , "Minimum Relative Humidity",
"rhsmax" , "Maximum Relative Humidity",
"pr" , "Precipitation",
"rsds" , "Surface Downswelling Shortwave Flux",
"uas" , "Eastward Wind",
"vas" , "Northward Wind",
"huss" , "Specific Humidity",
"vpd" , "Vapor Pressure Deficit",
"rcp45" , "Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5",
"rcp85" , "Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5",
"bcc-csm1-1" , "Beijing Climate Center - Climate System Model 1.1",
"bcc-csm1-1m" , "Beijing Climate Center - Climate System Model 1.1 Moderate Resolution",
"BNU-ESM" , "Beijing Normal University - Earth System Model",
"CanESM2" , "Canadian Earth System Model 2",
"CCSM4" , "Community Climate System Model 4",
"CNRM-CM5" , "Centre National de Recherches M\U00E9t\U00E9orologiques - Climate Model 5",
"CSIRO-Mk3-6-0" , "Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - Mk3.6.0",
"GFDL-ESM2M" , "Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory - Earth System Model 2 Modular Ocean",
"GFDL-ESM2G" , "Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory - Earth System Model 2 Generalized Ocean Layer Dynamics",
"HadGEM2-ES365" , "Hadley Global Environment Model 2 - Earth System 365 (day)",
"HadGEM2-CC365" , "Hadley Global Environment Model 2 - Climate Chemistry 365 (day) ",
"inmcm4" , "Institute of Numerical Mathematics Climate Model 4",
"IPSL-CM5A-LR" , "Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL) - Climate Model 5A - Low Resolution",
"IPSL-CM5A-MR" , "Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL) - Climate Model 5A - Medium Resolution",
"IPSL-CM5B-LR" , "Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL) - Climate Model 5B - Low Resolution",
"MIROC5" , "Model for Interdisciplinary Research On Climate 5",
"MIROC-ESM" , "Model for Interdisciplinary Research On Climate - Earth System Model",
"MIROC-ESM-CHEM" , "Model for Interdisciplinary Research On Climate - Earth System Model - Chemistry",
"MRI-CGCM3" , "Meteorological Research Institute - Coupled Global Climate Model 3",
"NorESM1-M" , "Norwegian Earth System Model 1 - Medium Resolution"), 32, 2, byrow=TRUE))
labels <- as.data.frame(cbind(labels[,1], labels[,1], labels[,2]))
colnames(labels) <- c("variable_abbreviation","model_abbreviation","name")
units <- as.data.frame(matrix(c("Minimum Temperature" , "K",
"Maximum Temperature" , "K",
"Minimum Relative Humidity" , "%",
"Maximum Relative Humidity" , "%",
"Precipitation" , "mm",
"Surface Downswelling Shortwave Flux" , "W m-2",
"Eastward Wind" , "m s-1",
"Northward Wind" , "m s-1",
"Specific Humidity" , "kg kg-1",
"Vapor Pressure Deficit" , "kPa"), 10,2, byrow=TRUE))
colnames(units) <- c("Variable","Units")
variable_names_verbose <- variable_names %>% tidyr::separate("Available variable", "_",
into = c("variable_abbreviation", "model_abbreviation", "ensemble","scenario_abbreviation"),
remove = FALSE)
variable_names_verbose <- variable_names_verbose %>%
left_join(labels %>% dplyr::select("variable_abbreviation","name"), by=c("variable_abbreviation")) %>%
left_join(labels %>% dplyr::select("model_abbreviation","name"), by=c("model_abbreviation")) %>%
left_join(scenarios, by=c("scenario_abbreviation"))
names(variable_names_verbose) <- c("Available variable", "Variable abbreviation",
"Model abbreviation",
"Model ensemble type (only CCSM4 relevant)",
"Scenario abbreviation",
variable_names_verbose <- variable_names_verbose %>%
left_join(units, by=c("Variable"))
variable_names_verbose <- variable_names_verbose %>% dplyr::select("Available variable",
"Model ensemble type (only CCSM4 relevant)",
"Variable abbreviation",
"Model abbreviation",
"Scenario abbreviation"
variable_names <- variable_names_verbose
"variable_names" = variable_names,
"available_times" = available_times,
"src" = src
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.