#' @title Single point firehose
#' @description Using the default web link, this package retrieves daily gridded data sets of General Circulation Model
#' (GCM) runs clipped to areas of interest and returns a data frame of the
#' file names and they're storage paths. Each of these data sets represent
#' a single GCM, climate variable and Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP)
#' from 1950 to 2099. The 1950 to 2005 portion of this time period represents
#' historical data while the 2006 to 2099 portion represents modeled data.
#' The original data sets may be found at
#' \url{http://thredds.northwestknowledge.net:8080/thredds/reacch_climate_CMIP5_aggregated_macav2_catalog.html}
#' @param web_link A web link to the api data source you want to read (character)
#' @param verbose Should the api outputs be combined with internal metadata? (logical)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @return Data.frame of requested data
#' @export
single_point_firehose <- function(input_variables, lat, lon,
web_link = "https://cida.usgs.gov/thredds/dodsC/macav2metdata_daily_future",
verbose = TRUE){
require(tidync, quietly = TRUE)
#doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = 3)
n_cores <- availableCores() - 1
plan(multisession, workers = n_cores)
message('Trying to connect to the USGS.gov API')
src <- tidync::tidync(web_link)
new_lat <- lat
new_lon <- lon
OISST_load <- function(column, input_variables, new_lat, new_lon){
web_link = "https://cida.usgs.gov/thredds/dodsC/macav2metdata_daily_future"
src <- tidync::tidync(web_link)
Pulled_data_single_space_single_timepoint <- inputs$src %>%
hyper_filter(lat = lat == c(new_lat)) %>%
hyper_filter(lon = lon == c(new_lon)) %>%
#hyper_filter(time = times$`Available times` == 44558) %>%
hyper_tibble(select_var = input_variables[column]) %>%
error = function(e){
Pulled_data_single_space_single_timepoint <-
data.frame( matrix(rep(NA, 34333) ))
colnames(Pulled_data_single_space_single_timepoint) <- input_variables[column]
start_time <- Sys.time()
mp <- future_map(1:181 ,OISST_load, .progress=TRUE, input_variables= input_variables,
new_lat = new_lat, new_lon = new_lon)
end_time <- Sys.time()
print(end_time - start_time)
need_rerun <- mp %>%
list.filter(ncol(.) == 1) %>%
rr <- future_map(which( input_variables %in% colnames(need_rerun) ),OISST_load, .progress=TRUE, input_variables= input_variables,
new_lat = new_lat, new_lon = new_lon)
mps <- mp %>>% list.filter( nrow(.) == 34333 & ncol(.) == 2) %>>% list.cbind()
rrs <- rr %>>% list.filter( nrow(.) == 34333& ncol(.) == 2) %>>% list.cbind()
if(length(rrs) == 0){
first_pass <- mps %>% as.data.frame()
first_pass <- cbind(mps, rrs) %>% as.data.frame()
#all(first_pass[,which(names(first_pass) == "time")])
#all(first_pass[,which(names(first_pass) == "lon")])
#all(first_pass[,which(names(first_pass) == "lat")])
first_pass_clean <- first_pass[ , !duplicated(colnames(first_pass))]
odd_balls <- mp %>>% list.filter( nrow(.) != 34333 & ncol(.) == 2)
dfs <- list(first_pass_clean)
outs <- join_all(append(dfs, odd_balls))
lat_lon <- data.frame(cbind( rep(as.numeric(new_lon), nrow(outs)), rep(as.numeric(new_lat), nrow(outs))))
colnames(lat_lon) <- c("lon", "lat")
outs_spatial <- cbind(outs,lat_lon)
pulled_data_sf <- st_as_sf(outs_spatial, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = "WGS84", agr = "constant")
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