
Defines functions check_data_stag extract_covariates demean_data format_synth format_data_stag format_data_multi format_data

Documented in check_data_stag

## Scripts to format panel data into matrices

#' Format "long" panel data into "wide" program evaluation matrices
#' @param outcome Name of outcome column
#' @param trt Name of treatment column
#' @param unit Name of unit column
#' @param time Name of time column
#' @param t_int Time of intervention
#' @param data Panel data as dataframe
#' @noRd
#' @return \itemize{
#'          \item{"X"}{Matrix of pre-treatment outcomes}
#'          \item{"trt"}{Vector of treatment assignments}
#'          \item{"y"}{Matrix of post-treatment outcomes}
#'         }
format_data <- function(outcome, trt, unit, time, t_int, data) {

    ## pre treatment outcomes
    X <- data %>%
        filter(!!time < t_int) %>%
        select(!!unit, !!time, !!outcome) %>%
        spread(!!time, !!outcome) %>%
        select(-!!unit) %>%

    ## post treatment outcomes
    y <- data %>%
        filter(!!time >= t_int) %>%
        select(!!unit, !!time, !!outcome) %>%
        spread(!!time, !!outcome) %>%
        select(-!!unit) %>%

    ## treatment status
    trt <- data %>%
        select(!!unit, !!trt) %>%
        group_by(!!unit) %>%
        summarise(trt = max(!!trt)) %>%
        ungroup() %>%

    return(list(X=X, trt=trt, y=y))

#' Format "long" panel data into "wide" program evaluation matrices
#' @param outcomes Vectors of names of outcome columns
#' @param trt Name of treatment column
#' @param unit Name of unit column
#' @param time Name of time column
#' @param t_int Time of intervention
#' @param data Panel data as dataframe
#' @noRd
#' @return \itemize{
#'          \item{"X"}{List of matrices of pre-treatment outcomes}
#'          \item{"trt"}{Vector of treatment assignments}
#'          \item{"y"}{List of matrices of post-treatment outcomes}
#'         }
format_data_multi <- function(outcomes, trt, unit, time, t_int, data) {

        function(outcome) format_data(outcome, trt, unit, 
                                     time, t_int, data)
          ) -> formats

    # X <- simplify2array(lapply(formats, function(x) x$X))
    # y <- simplify2array(lapply(formats, function(x) x$y))
    # X <- lapply(formats, function(x) t(na.omit(t(x$X))))
    X <- lapply(formats, `[[`, "X")
    y <- lapply(formats, function(x) t(na.omit(t(x$y))))
    trt <- formats[[1]]$trt
    return(list(X = X, trt = trt, y = y))

#' Format "long" panel data into "wide" program evaluation matrices with staggered adoption
#' @param outcome Name of outcome column
#' @param trt Name of treatment column
#' @param unit Name of unit column
#' @param time Name of time column
#' @param data Panel data as dataframe
#' @noRd
#' @return \itemize{
#'          \item{"X"}{Matrix of pre-treatment outcomes}
#'          \item{"trt"}{Vector of treatment assignments}
#'          \item{"y"}{Matrix of post-treatment outcomes}
#'         }
format_data_stag <- function(outcome, trt, unit, time, data) {

    # arrange data by time first
    data <- data %>% arrange(!!time)
    ## get first treatment times
    trt_time <- data %>%
        group_by(!!unit) %>%
        summarise(trt_time=(!!time)[(!!trt) == 1][1]) %>%
        mutate(trt_time=replace_na(as.numeric(trt_time), Inf))

    t_int <- trt_time %>% filter(is.finite(trt_time)) %>%
        summarise(t_int=max(trt_time)) %>% pull(t_int)

    ## ## boolean mask of available data for treatment groups
    ## mask <- data %>% inner_join(trt_time %>%
    ##                             filter(is.finite(trt_time))) %>%
    ##     filter(!!time < t_int) %>%
    ##     mutate(trt=1-!!trt) %>%
    ##     select(!!unit, !!time, trt_time, trt) %>%
    ##     spread(!!time, trt) %>% 
    ##     group_by(trt_time) %>% 
    ##     summarise_all(list(max)) %>%
    ##     arrange(trt_time) %>% 
    ##     select(-trt_time, -!!unit) %>%
    ##     as.matrix()

    ## boolean mask of available data for treatment groups
    mask <- data %>% inner_join(trt_time %>%
                                by = rlang::as_name(unit)) %>%
        filter(!!time < t_int) %>%
        mutate(trt=1-!!trt) %>%
        select(!!unit, !!time, trt_time, trt) %>%
        spread(!!time, trt) %>% 
        ## arrange(!!unit) %>% 
        select(-trt_time, -!!unit) %>%
    # outcomes as a matrix
    Xy <- data %>%
        select(!!unit, !!time, !!outcome) %>%
        spread(!!time, !!outcome) %>%
        select(-!!unit) %>%

    pre_times <- data %>% filter(!!time < t_int) %>%
        distinct(!!time) %>% pull(!!time)
    post_times <- data %>% filter(!!time >= t_int) %>%
        distinct(!!time) %>% pull(!!time)
    X <- Xy[, as.character(pre_times), drop = F]
    y <- Xy[, as.character(post_times), drop = F]

    if(nrow(X) != nrow(y)) {
      stop("There are not the same number of units after the last unit is treated as before the last unit is treated")

    t_vec <- data %>% pull(!!time) %>% unique() %>% sort()
    trt <- sapply(trt_time$trt_time, function(x) which(t_vec == x)-1) %>%
        as.numeric() %>%

    units <- data %>%
        filter(!!time < t_int) %>%
        select(!!unit, !!time, !!outcome) %>%
        spread(!!time, !!outcome) %>%

                time = t_vec,

#' Format program eval matrices into synth form
#' @param X Matrix of pre-treatment outcomes
#' @param trt Vector of treatment assignments
#' @param y Matrix of post-treatment outcomes
#' @noRd
#' @return List with data formatted as Synth::dataprep
format_synth <- function(X, trt, y) {

    synth_data <- list()

    ## pre-treatment values as covariates
    synth_data$Z0 <- t(X[trt==0,,drop=F])

    ## average treated units together
    synth_data$Z1 <- as.matrix((colMeans(X[trt==1,,drop=F])), ncol=1)

    ## combine everything together also
    synth_data$Y0plot <- t(cbind(X[trt==0,,drop=F], y[trt==0,,drop=F]))
    synth_data$Y1plot <- as.matrix(colMeans(
        cbind(X[trt==1,,drop=F], y[trt==1,,drop=F])), ncol=1)

    ## predictors are pre-period outcomes
    synth_data$X0 <- synth_data$Z0
    synth_data$X1 <- synth_data$Z1


#' Remove unit means 
#' @param wide_data X, y, trt
#' @param synth_data List with data formatted as Synth::dataprep
#' @noRd
demean_data <- function(wide_data, synth_data) {

    # pre treatment means
    means <- rowMeans(wide_data$X)

    new_wide_data <- list()
    new_X <- wide_data$X - means
    trt <- wide_data$trt

    new_wide_data$X <- new_X
    new_wide_data$y <- wide_data$y - means
    new_wide_data$trt <- trt

    new_synth_data <- list()
    new_synth_data$X0 <- t(new_X[trt == 0,, drop = FALSE])
    new_synth_data$Z0 <- new_synth_data$X0
    new_synth_data$X1 <- as.matrix((colMeans(new_X[trt==1,,drop = F])), 
                                   ncol = 1)
    new_synth_data$Z1 <- new_synth_data$X1

    # estimate post-treatment as pre-treatment means
    mhat <- replicate(ncol(wide_data$X) + ncol(wide_data$y), means)

    return(list(wide = new_wide_data,
                synth_data = new_synth_data,
                mhat = mhat))

#' Helper function to extract covariate matrix from data
#' @param form Formula as outcome ~ treatment | covariates
#' @param unit Name of unit column
#' @param time Name of time column
#' @param t_int Time of intervention
#' @param data Panel data as dataframe
#' @param cov_agg Covariate aggregation function
#' @noRd
extract_covariates <- function(form, unit, time, t_int, data, cov_agg) {

    ## if no aggregation functions, use the mean (omitting NAs)
    if(is.null(cov_agg)) {
        cov_agg <- c(function(x) mean(x, na.rm=T))

    cov_form <- update(formula(delete.response(terms(form, rhs=2, data=data))),
                        ~. - 1) ## ensure that there is no intercept

    ## pull out relevant covariates and aggregate
    pre_data <- data %>% 
        filter(!! (time) < t_int)

                    model.frame(cov_form, pre_data,
                                na.action=NULL) ) %>%
        data.frame() %>%
        mutate(unit=pull(pre_data, !!unit)) %>%
        group_by(unit) %>%
        summarise_all(cov_agg) -> Z

    # recombine with any missing units and convert to matrix
    data %>% distinct(!!unit) %>%
      rename(unit = !!unit) %>%
      left_join(Z, by = "unit") %>%
      arrange(unit) %>%
      select(-unit) %>%
      as.matrix() -> Z
    if(nrow(distinct(data, !!unit))  != nrow(Z)) {
      stop("Some units missing all covariate data")

    # check if any covariates have no variation
    Zsds <- apply(Z, 2, sd)

    if(any(Zsds == 0)) {
      zero_covs <- paste(colnames(Z)[Zsds == 0], collapse = ", ")
      stop(paste("The following covariates have no variation across units:",

#' Check that we can actually run multisynth on the data
#' @param wide Output of format_data_stag
#' @param fixedeff Whether to include a unit fixed effect
#' @param n_leads How long past treatment effects should be estimated for, default is number of post treatment periods for last treated unit
#' @param n_lags Number of pre-treatment periods to balance, default is to balance all periods
check_data_stag <- function(wide, fixedeff, n_leads, n_lags) {

  # If there are less than 5 pre-treatment outcomes, give a warning
  less_5 <- wide$units[wide$trt < 5]
  warn_msg <- ""
  if(length(less_5) != 0) {
    warn_msg <- paste0(
      "The following units have less than 5 pre-treatment outcomes: (",
      paste(less_5, collapse = ","),
      "). Be cautious!"

  # check if there are any always treated units
  always_trt <- wide$units[wide$trt == 0]

  # If including a fixed effect, check that there is more than one pretreatment
  # outcome for each unit
  n1 <- wide$units[wide$trt == 1]

  err_msg <- ""
  if(length(always_trt) != 0) {
    err_msg <- paste0(
      "The following units are always treated and should be removed: (",
      paste(always_trt, collapse = ","),

  if(length(n1) != 0 & fixedeff) {
    if(nchar(err_msg) > 0) {
      err_msg <- paste0(err_msg, "  Also: ")
    err_msg <- paste0(
      "You are including a fixed effect with `fixedeff = T`, but the ",
      "following units only have one pre-treatment outcome: (",
      paste(n1, collapse = ","),
      "). Either remove these units or set `fixedeff = F`.\n"
  # check if there are never treated units
  if(max(wide$trt) < ncol(wide$X) + ncol(wide$y)) {
    if(nchar(err_msg) > 0) {
      err_msg <- paste0(err_msg, "  Also: ")
    err_msg <- paste0(
      "All units are eventually treated. The last treatment time is ",
      ". To run multisynth, remove all periods after this time. ",
      "Units treated at this time will be considered 'never treated' in the ",
      "narrowed sample.\n"

  if(nchar(warn_msg) > 0) {
  if(nchar(err_msg) > 0) {

ebenmichael/augsynth documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 3:29 p.m.