
## Ridge-augmented SCM

fit_ridgeaug_formatted <- function(ipw_format, syn_format,
                                   lambda=NULL, scm=T, ridge=T) {
    #' Ridge augmented weights
    #' @param ipw_format Output of `format_ipw`
    #' @param syn_format Output of `syn_format`
    #' @param lambda Ridge hyper-parameter, if NULL use CV
    #' @param scm Include SCM or not
    #' @param ridge Include ridge or not
    #' @return inverse of predicted propensity scores
    #'         outcome regression parameters
    #'         control outcomes
    #'         treated outcomes
    #'         boolean for treated

    X <- ipw_format$X
    y <- ipw_format$y
    trt <- ipw_format$trt

    ## center covariates
    X_cent <- apply(X, 2, function(x) x - mean(x[trt==0]))
    X_c <- X_cent[trt==0,,drop=FALSE]
    X_1 <- colMeans(X_cent[trt==1,,drop=FALSE])
    ## use CV to choose lambda if it's null
    if(ridge) {
        if(is.null(lambda)) {
            if(ncol(y) > 1) {
                lambda <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(X_c, y[trt==0,,drop=FALSE], alpha=0, family="mgaussian")$lambda.min
            } else {
                lambda <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(X_c, y[trt==0], alpha=0, family="gaussian")$lambda.min
    ## if SCM fit scm
    if(scm) {
        syn <- fit_synth_formatted(syn_format)$weights
    } else {
        ## else use uniform weights
        syn <- rep(1/sum(trt==0), sum(trt==0))

    ## if ridge fit ridge
    if(ridge) {
        ridge_w <- t(X_1 - t(X_c) %*% syn) %*% solve(t(X_c) %*% X_c + lambda * diag(ncol(X_c))) %*% t(X_c)
    } else {
        ridge_w <- matrix(0, ncol=sum(trt==0), nrow=1)
    ## combine weights
    weights <- syn + t(ridge_w)

    data_out <- syn_format$synth_data

    primal_obj <- sqrt(sum((data_out$Z0 %*% weights - data_out$Z1)^2))
    ## primal objective value scaled by least squares difference for mean
    x <- t(data_out$Z0)
    y <- data_out$Z1
    unif_primal_obj <- sqrt(sum((t(x) %*% rep(1/dim(x)[1], dim(x)[1]) - y)^2))
    scaled_primal_obj <- primal_obj / unif_primal_obj        


get_ridgeaug <- function(outcomes, metadata, trt_unit=1,
                         lambda=NULL, scm=T, ridge=T,
                         cols=list(unit="unit", time="time",
                                   outcome="outcome", treated="treated")) {
    #' Fit synthetic controls on outcomes
    #' @param outcomes Tidy dataframe with the outcomes and meta data
    #' @param metadata Dataframe of metadata
    #' @param trt_unit Unit that is treated (target for regression), default: 0
    #' @param lambda Ridge hyper-parameter, if NULL use CV
    #' @param scm Include SCM or not
    #' @param ridge Include ridge or not
    #' @param cols Column names corresponding to the units,
    #'             time variable, outcome, and treated indicator
    #' @return outcomes with additional synthetic control added and weights
    #' @export

    ## get the synthetic controls weights
    syn_data <- format_data(outcomes, metadata, trt_unit, cols=cols)
    ipw_data <- format_ipw(outcomes, metadata, cols=cols)
    out <- fit_ridgeaug_formatted(ipw_data, syn_data, lambda, scm, ridge)

    ctrls <- impute_controls(syn_data$outcomes, out, syn_data$trt_unit)
    ctrls$primal_obj <- out$primal_obj
    ctrls$scaled_primal_obj <- out$scaled_primal_obj
    ctrls$lambda <- out$lambda

fit_ridgeaug_cov_formatted <- function(ipw_format, syn_format,Z,
                                   lambda=NULL, scm=T) {
    #' Ridge augmented weights with covariates
    #' @param ipw_format Output of `format_ipw`
    #' @param syn_format Output of `syn_format`
    #' @param Z Matrix of covariates
    #' @param lambda Ridge hyper-parameter, if NULL use CV
    #' @param scm Include SCM or not
    #' @return inverse of predicted propensity scores
    #'         outcome regression parameters
    #'         control outcomes
    #'         treated outcomes
    #'         boolean for treated

    X <- ipw_format$X
    y <- ipw_format$y
    trt <- ipw_format$trt

    ## center covariates
    Z_cent <- apply(Z, 2, function(x) x - mean(x[trt==0]))
    Z_c <- Z_cent[trt==0,,drop=FALSE]
    Z_1 <- matrix(colMeans(Z_cent[trt==1,,drop=FALSE]), nrow=1)

    ## center outcomes
    X_cent <- apply(X, 2, function(x) x - mean(x[trt==0]))
    X_c <- X_cent[trt==0,,drop=FALSE]
    X_1 <- matrix(colMeans(X_cent[trt==1,,drop=FALSE]), nrow=1)

    y_cent <- apply(y, 2, function(x) x - mean(x[trt==0]))
    ## use CV to choose lambda if it's null
    if(is.null(lambda)) {
        if(ncol(y) > 1) {
            lambda <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(Z_c, cbind(X_c, y_cent[trt==0,,drop=FALSE]),
                                        alpha=0, family="mgaussian")$lambda.min
        } else {
            lambda <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(Z_c, cbind(X_c, y_cent[trt==0]),
                                        alpha=0, family="mgaussian")$lambda.min
    ## regress out covariates
    Xc_hat <- Z_c %*% solve(t(Z_c) %*% Z_c + lambda * diag(ncol(Z_c))) %*% t(Z_c) %*% X_c
    X1_hat <- Z_1 %*% solve(t(Z_c) %*% Z_c + lambda * diag(ncol(Z_c))) %*% t(Z_c) %*% X_c

    res_t <- t(X_1  - X1_hat)
    res_c <- t(X_c - Xc_hat)

    new_syn_format <- syn_format
    new_syn_format$synth_data$Z1 <- res_t
    new_syn_format$synth_data$Z0 <- res_c
    ## if SCM fit scm
    if(scm) {
        syn <- fit_synth_formatted(new_syn_format)$weights
    } else {
        ## else use uniform weights
        syn <- rep(1/sum(trt==0), sum(trt==0))

    ## get ridge weights
    ridge_w <- t(t(Z_1) - t(Z_c) %*% syn) %*% solve(t(Z_c) %*% Z_c + lambda * diag(ncol(Z_c))) %*% t(Z_c)
    weights <- syn + t(ridge_w)

    data_out <- syn_format$synth_data

    primal_obj <- sqrt(sum((data_out$Z0 %*% weights - data_out$Z1)^2))
    ## primal objective value scaled by least squares difference for mean
    x <- t(data_out$Z0)
    y <- data_out$Z1
    unif_primal_obj <- sqrt(sum((t(x) %*% rep(1/dim(x)[1], dim(x)[1]) - y)^2))
    scaled_primal_obj <- primal_obj / unif_primal_obj        


get_ridgeaug_cov <- function(outcomes, metadata, covs, trt_unit=1,
                             lambda=NULL, scm=T,
                             cols=list(unit="unit", time="time",
                                       outcome="outcome", treated="treated")) {
    #' Fit synthetic controls on outcomes
    #' @param outcomes Tidy dataframe with the outcomes and meta data
    #' @param metadata Dataframe of metadata
    #' @param covs Dataframe of covariates
    #' @param trt_unit Unit that is treated (target for regression), default: 0
    #' @param lambda Ridge hyper-parameter, if NULL use CV
    #' @param scm Include SCM or not
    #' @param cols Column names corresponding to the units,
    #'             time variable, outcome, and treated indicator
    #' @return outcomes with additional synthetic control added and weights
    #' @export

    ## get the synthetic controls weights
    syn_data <- format_data(outcomes, metadata, trt_unit, cols=cols)
    ipw_data <- format_ipw(outcomes, metadata, cols=cols)
    Z <- as.matrix(covs)
    out <- fit_ridgeaug_cov_formatted(ipw_data, syn_data, Z, lambda, scm)

    ctrls <- impute_controls(syn_data$outcomes, out, syn_data$trt_unit)
    ctrls$primal_obj <- out$primal_obj
    ctrls$scaled_primal_obj <- out$scaled_primal_obj
    ctrls$lambda <- out$lambda
ebenmichael/ents documentation built on May 31, 2019, 8:45 p.m.