Header row {data-height=15}

**Poster title**


Abstract This paragraph will be rendered inside a wide box right below the poster title and authors information. The render_print format option is set to TRUE by default in this poster sample, and will result in postr::render being called when knitting the document (see help("flex_dashboard_poster", package = postr)). To disable this (recommended in the initial stages of poster development) set the render_print option to FALSE.

Eco-hydrological models are increasingly used in the contexts of hydrology, ecology, precision agriculture for a detailed description of the water cycle at various scales: local scale, an hillslope or a watershed. However, with increasing computing power and observations available, bigger and bigger amount of raw data are produced. Therefore the need to develop flexible and user-oriented interfaces to visualize multiple outputs, perform sensitivity analyzes and compare against observations emerges. This work presents two R open-source packages: geotopbricks and geotopOptim2. They offer an I/0 interface and R visualization tools the GEOtop hydrological distributed model (http://geotopmodel.github.io/geotop/), which solves water mass and energy budget equations to describe water cycle in the Earth´s critical zone. The package geotopbricks (https://github.com/ecor/geotopbricks and https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=geotopbricks ) is able to to read the GEOtop I/O data of the model. The package geotopOptim2 (https://github.com/EURAC-Ecohydro/geotopOptim2) calling the hydroPSO (https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=hydroPSO) package can be used for model calibration against observations. Further details and complete R package dependencies are listed in geotopOtim2 description file. As a demonstration example, an analysis of modeled and observed soil moisture and evapotranspiration time series in some alpine agricultural sites (https://github.com/EURAC-Ecohydro/MonaLisa) are presented.

Body row {data-height=75}

Column 1 title

GEOtop Hydrological Model

GEOtop (Endrizzi et al, 2014 and references therein) is a distributed model of the mass and energy balance of the hydrological cycle. GEOtop is applicable to simulations in continuum in small or relatively large montain catchments. GEOtop deals with the effects of topography on the interaction between energy balance and hydrological cycle (water, glacier and snow) with peculiar solutions. The source code of GEOtop 2.0 with detailed documentation is available for researchers and environmental/software engineers through the following links:


This section defines the first column of the body row of the poster. You can include regular markdown text and R code chunks.


Column 2 title

Content for the second column.

To show the code in the chunks you have to ask for it with echo=TRUE.

filled.contour(volcano, color.palette = terrain.colors, asp = 1)

You can also include data frames as tables just by printing them


Column 3 title

This template shows 3 columns in the body row, you can change this by adding or removing third level headings (i.e. lines starting with ###).

Footer row {data-height=10}


{data-width=50 .small}

ecor/geotopOptim2 documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 9:44 a.m.