
setGeneric( "invoke", function( method, message, protocol){
	standardGeneric( "invoke" )
} )

check_valid_implementation <- function( method, implementation ){
	if( !is.function( implementation ) ){
		stop( "should be a function" )
	if( !identical( length(formals(implementation)), 1L ) ){
		stop( "should have exactly one argument" )

check_valid_input_message <- function( method, message){
	# check that message is of correct type
	valid <- .Call( "valid_input_message", method@pointer, message@pointer, 
		PACKAGE = "RProtoBuf" )
	if( !valid ){
		expected <- .Call( "get_method_input_type", method@pointer, PACKAGE = "RProtoBuf" )@type
		stop( sprintf( "invalid input message, expecting a message of type : %s", expected ) )

setMethod( "invoke", c(method = "MethodDescriptor", message = "Message", protocol = "missing" ), 
function( method, message, protocol){
	# check that the message is valid
	check_valid_input_message( method, message )
	# grab the implementation
	if( exists( method@name, envir = IMPLEMENTATIONS ) ){
		impl <- get( method@name, envir = IMPLEMENTATIONS )
		check_valid_implementation( method, impl )
		result <- impl( message )
		valid <- .Call( "valid_output_message", method@pointer, result@pointer, 
			PACKAGE = "RProtoBuf" )
		if( !valid ){
			stop( "invalid method output" )
	} else{
		warning( "unimplemented method, returning output message prototype" )
		.Call( "get_method_output_prototype", method@pointer, PACKAGE = "RProtoBuf" )
	# return the message
} )

setMethod( "invoke" , c( method = "MethodDescriptor", message = "Message", protocol = "RpcHTTP"), 
function(method, message, protocol ){
	# check that the message is valid
	check_valid_input_message( method, message )
	root <- protocol@root[1]
	if( ! grepl( "^/", root ) ) root <- paste( "/", root, sep = "" )
	if( ! grepl( "/$", root ) ) root <- paste( root, "/", sep = "" )
	url <- sprintf( "http://%s:%d%s?service=%s&method=%s", 
		protocol@host, protocol@port, root, method@service, method$name() )
	reader <- basicTextGatherer()
	header <- c( "Content-Type" = "application/x-protobuf", 
		"Accept" = "application/x-protobuf" )
		url = url, 
		httpheader = header, 
		postfields = serialize(message, NULL) , 
		writefunction = reader$update )
	response <- charToRaw( reader$value() )
	read( method$output_type(), response )	
} )
eddelbuettel/rprotobuf documentation built on April 28, 2024, 6:23 p.m.