
Defines functions cbs_get_meta_from_dir cbs_get_meta

Documented in cbs_get_meta cbs_get_meta_from_dir

#' Get metadata of a cbs table
#' Retrieve the meta data of a CBS open data table.  Caching (`cache=TRUE`) improves
#' the performance considerably. 
#' The meta data of a CBS table is determined by the web api of Statistics 
#' Netherlands. `cbsodataR` stays close to this API. 
#' Each cbsodataR object has the following metadata items, 
#' which are all `data.frame`s :
#' * `$TableInfos`: data.frame with the descriptive publication metadata 
#'     of the table, such as `Title`, `Description`, `Summary` etc.
#' * `$DataProperties`: data.frame with the `Title`, `Description`,
#'     `Unit` etc. of each column in the dataset that is downloaded with 
#'     [cbs_get_data()].
#' * `$CategoryGroups`: hierarchical groupings of the code columns.
#' * `$<code column>`: for each code column a `data.frame` with
#'   the `Title`, `Key`, `Description` etc. of each code / category
#'   in that column. e.g. `Perioden` for time codes `c("2019JJ00","2018JJ00")`.
#' @param id internal id of CBS table, can be retrieved with [cbs_get_datasets()]
#' @param catalog catalog id, can be retrieved with [cbs_get_datasets()]
#' @param verbose Print extra messages what is happening.
#' @param cache should the result be cached? 
#' @param base_url optionally specify a different server. Useful for
#' third party data services implementing the same protocol.
#' @return cbs_table object containing several `data.frames` with meta data 
#' (see details)
#' @importFrom whisker whisker.render
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @family meta data
#' @export
cbs_get_meta <- function( id
                      , catalog  = "CBS"
                      , verbose  = FALSE
                      , cache    = TRUE
                      , base_url = getOption("cbsodataR.base_url", BASE_URL)
  base_url <- get_base_url(catalog, base_url)
  url <- whisker.render("{{BASEURL}}/{{API}}/{{id}}"
                        , list( BASEURL = base_url
                                , API = API
                                , id = id
  meta_top <- resolve_resource( url
                                , "Retrieving meta data for table '", id, "'"
                                , verbose = verbose
                                , cache = cache
  #exclude data sets
  meta_idx = !(meta_top$name %in% c("TypedDataSet", "UntypedDataSet"))
  meta_top <- meta_top[meta_idx,]
  meta <- lapply( meta_top$url
                  , resolve_resource, "Retrieving "
                  , url
                  , cache   = cache
                  , verbose = verbose
  names(meta) <- meta_top$name
  structure( meta
           , class="cbs_table"

#' Load meta data from a downloaded table
#' @param dir Directory where data was downloaded
#' @return cbs_table object with meta data
#' @export
cbs_get_meta_from_dir <- function(dir){
  # wd <- setwd(dir)
  # on.exit(setwd(wd))
  meta_files <- list.files(dir, "*.csv", full.names = TRUE)
  meta_files <- meta_files[!grepl("data.csv$", meta_files)]
  meta <- lapply(meta_files, read.csv, colClasses="character")
  names(meta) <- sub("\\.csv$","", meta_files)
  meta$directory <- dir
  structure( meta
           , class="cbs_table"

### testing


### testing
# meta <- cbs_get_meta("81819NED")
edwindj/cbsodataR documentation built on April 28, 2024, 7:02 p.m.