
Defines functions loogam

Documented in loogam

#' Leave one out cross-validation on gam or lm object
#' Helper function to do a LOOCV on a gam or lm model
#' @param mod A model returned by a gam or lm fit
#' @param k folds. k=1 is LOO, k=2 is LTO
#' @param n samples. How many folds to use.
#' @param LOO. Whether to return the LOO RSME and MdAE for the LOO models. If set to TRUE, function will be slow.
#' @return A list with predictions (fitted), actual, 
#' errors (fitted-actual), MAE and RMSE. Also AIC and AICc are returned for the
#' LOO models.
#' @examples
#' # some simulated data with one cov
#' library(mgcv)
#' dat <- gamSim(6,n=100,scale=.5)[,1:2]
#' m <- gam(y~s(x0), data=dat)
#' loogam(m)$MAE
loogam <- function(mod, k=1, n=100, LOO=FALSE){
  dat1 <- mod$model
  dat2 <- mod$model # needed because gam and lm deal with predict data differently
  # to allow it to work on models with offset
    a <- colnames(dat1)
    a <- stringr::str_replace(a,"offset[(]","")
    a <- stringr::str_replace(a,"[)]","")
    colnames(dat1) <- a
    if(class(mod)[1]=="lm") colnames(dat2) <- a
    a <- colnames(dat1)
    test1 <- stringr::str_detect(colnames(dat1),"poly") 
    test2 <- stringr::str_detect(colnames(dat1),"raw = TRUE")
    if(!isTRUE(all.equal(test1, test2))) stop("If poly used in loogam model, then raw=TRUE must be used")
    for(i in which(test1 & test2)){
      tmp <- dat1[,i][,1, drop=FALSE]
      thename <- a[i]
      thename <- stringr::str_split(thename,"[(]")[[1]][2]
      thename <- stringr::str_split(thename, ",")[[1]][1]
      colnames(tmp) <- thename
      dat1 <- cbind(dat1, tmp)
      if(class(mod)[1]=="lm") dat2 <- cbind(dat2, tmp)
  if(class(mod)[1]=="gam") mod.formula <- mod$formula
  if(class(mod)[1]=="lm") mod.formula <- mod$terms
  pred <- actual <- aics <- aiccs <- r2s <- loos <- loomds <- NULL
  val <- utils::combn(dim(dat1)[1], k)
  if(n < ncol(val)) val <- val[,sample(ncol(val), n)]
  for(j in 1:ncol(val)){
    i <- val[,j]
    if(class(mod)[1]=="gam") m <- mgcv::gam(mod.formula, data=dat1[-1*i,,drop=FALSE])
    if(class(mod)[1]=="lm") m <- lm(mod.formula, data=dat1[-1*i,,drop=FALSE])
    pred <- c(pred, predict(m, newdata=dat2[i,,drop=FALSE]))
    actual <- c(actual, dat1[i,1])
    aics <- c(aics, AIC(m))
    aiccs <- c(aiccs, AICc(m))
      lootmp <- loogam(m)
      loos <- c(loos, lootmp$RMSE)
      loomds <- c(loomds, lootmp$MdAE)
    if(class(mod)[1]=="lm") r2s <- c(r2s, summary(m)$adj.r.squared)
    if(class(mod)[1]=="gam") r2s <- c(r2s, summary(m)$r.sq)
  err <- pred - actual
  list(pred=pred, actual=actual, 
       err=err, MAE=mean(abs(err)), 
eeholmes/SardineForecast documentation built on July 17, 2021, 2:56 a.m.