inst/extdata/tide guage data/process-merged-tide-gauge-data.R

td0 <- read.csv("raw-psmsl-tide-level-1939-2013.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
td1 <- read.csv("psmsl-tide-level-1939-2013.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
td2 <- read.csv("uhslc-tide-level-2011-2019.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
td3 <- read.csv("ioc-tide-level-2011-2018.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

yrs <- 1939:2018
df.mon <- data.frame(Year = rep(yrs, each = 12), Month = rep(1:12, length(yrs)), = NA)
dfc <- td0
yrs <- 1939:2011
for (yr in yrs) {
  for (mon in 1:12) {
    the.row <- which(df.mon$Year == yr & df.mon$Month == mon)
    df.rows <- which(dfc$Year == yr & dfc$Month == mon)
    if (yr == 2011 & mon > 9) next
    df.mon[the.row, ""] <- dfc$[df.rows]
    df.mon$ <- round(df.mon$
yrs <- 2011:2018
for (yr in yrs) {
  for (mon in 1:12) {
    the.row <- which(df.mon$Year == yr & df.mon$Month == mon)
    df.row2 <- which(td2$Year == yr & td2$Month == mon)
    df.row3 <- which(td3$Year == yr & td3$Month == mon)
    if (yr == 2011 & mon < 10) next
    df.mon[the.row, ""] <- mean(c(td2$[df.row2], td3$[df.row3]), na.rm = TRUE)
    df.mon$ <- round(df.mon$
# Save as the raw
ts0 <- ts(ts0, start = 1939, frequency = 12)
ts4 <- ts(df.mon$, start = df.mon$Year[1], frequency = 12)

# Use ETS to fill in the NAs to get annual means
ts4.interp <- ts4
nas <- which(
for (i in nas) {
  yr <- i %/% 12 + 1939
  mon <- (i / 12 - i %/% 12) * 12 - 1
  dat <- window(ts4.interp, end = c(yr, mon))
  fit <- forecast::ets(dat)
  fr <- forecast::forecast(fit, h = 1)
  ts4.interp[i] <- fr$mean
df.mon$tide.level.interp <- ts4.interp

# annual
yr.mean <- tapply(df.mon$tide.level.interp, df.mon$Year, mean)
df.yr <- data.frame(Year = 1939:2018, mean = yr.mean)

# anomalies with linear trend removed
df.yr$anomalies <- df.yr$mean - fitted(lm(mean ~ Year, data = df.yr))
df.mon$anomalies <- df.mon$tide.level.interp - fitted(lm(tide.level.interp ~ Year + as.factor(Month), data = df.mon))
df.mon$anomalies13 <- filter(df.mon$anomalies, rep(1 / 13, 13))
# anomalies with non-linear trend removed
fit <- mgcv::gam(tide.level.interp ~ s(Year) + as.factor(Month), data = df.mon)
df.mon$anomaliesb <- df.mon$tide.level.interp - fitted(fit)
df.mon$anomalies13b <- filter(df.mon$anomaliesb, rep(1 / 13, 13))

tide_mon <- df.mon
tide_yr <- df.yr
save(tide_mon, tide_yr, file = "tidelevel.rdata")

# Plots
ts4 <- ts(tide.monthly$, start = tide.monthly$year[1], frequency = 12)
ts4.interp <- ts(tide.monthly$tide.level.interp, start = tide.monthly$year[1], frequency = 12)

plot(ts4.interp, col = "red", ylab = "Tide Level (uncorrected)")
title("Interpolated tide level with exponential smoothing")

p <- barplot(tide.annual$anomalies, col = ifelse(tide.annual$anomalies > 0, "black", "red"))
yra <- 1939:2020
p <- c(p, p[length(p)] + (1:2) * diff(p)[1])
axis(1, at = p[seq(2, length(p), 5)], labels = yra[seq(2, length(p), 5)], line = 0, las = 2)
title("Mean annual sea level height anomalies at Cochin")

tmp3 <- data.frame(anom = as.numeric(window(df.mon$anomalies, start = 1949, end = c(2017, 12))), soi = enso$SOI)


## Some diagnostic plots for the difference in the PSMSL and other data 2011-2018

loc0 <- which(td0$year %in% td2$year)
loc1 <- which(td1$year %in% td2$year)
loc1 <- which(td1$year %in% td2$year)
loc2 <- which(td2$year %in% td1$year)
loc3 <- which(td3$year %in% td1$year)
# Level diagram.
# adj of 6260 based on MSL of 709mm 1963-2012
# mean sea level in their data is not 709mm
mean(window(ts0, start = c(1963, 1), end = c(2011, 12)), na.rm = TRUE)

adj <- 6260
reb0 <- mean(td0$[loc0] - td2$[loc2], na.rm = TRUE)
reb2 <- mean(td1$[loc1] - td2$[loc2], na.rm = TRUE)
reb3 <- mean(td1$[loc1] - td3$[loc2], na.rm = TRUE)
tmp <- cbind(td1$[loc1] - adj, td2$[loc2], td3$[loc3])

ts0 <- ts(td0$, start = td0$year[1], frequency = 12)
ts1 <- ts(td1$ - adj, start = td1$year[1], frequency = 12)
ts2 <- ts(td2$, start = td2$year[1], frequency = 12)
ts3 <- ts(td3$, start = td3$year[1], frequency = 12)
plot(window(ts0, start = c(2011, 1)), ylim = c(500, 1000), lwd = 2, ylab = "metric tide height")
lines(ts3, col = "red")
lines(ts2, col = "blue")
legend("topright", c("PSMSL Raw", "UHSLC", "IOC"), lwd = c(2, 1, 1), col = c("black", "blue", "red"))
abline(v = (2011 + 8.5 / 12))
text(2012, 1000, "new gauge")

fit <- auto.arima(window(ts0, start = c(1939, 1), end = c(2011, 1)))
plot(forecast(fit, 12))
lines(window(ts0, start = c(2010), end = c(2014, 12)))
eeholmes/SardineForecast documentation built on July 17, 2021, 2:56 a.m.