
## Tests for formulize

context("Testing the comparedf output")

mockstudy2 <- muck_up_mockstudy()

# a far simpler example

df1 <- data.frame(id = paste0("person", 1:3), a = c("a", "b", "c"), b = c(1, 3, 4), c = c("f", "e", "d"),
                  row.names = paste0("rn", 1:3), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df2 <- data.frame(id = paste0("person", 3:1), a = c("c", "b", "a"), b = c(1, 3, 4), d = paste0("rn", 1:3),
                  row.names = paste0("rn", c(1,3,2)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#### Just test that it ran right

test_that("Basic comparison works: by row", {
    capture.output(comparedf(df1, df2)),
    c("Compare Object"                                     ,
      ""                                                   ,
      "Function Call: "                                    ,
      "comparedf(x = df1, y = df2)"                        ,
      ""                                                   ,
      "Shared: 3 non-by variables and 3 observations."     ,
      "Not shared: 2 variables and 0 observations."        ,
      ""                                                   ,
      "Differences found in 2/3 variables compared."       ,
      "0 variables compared have non-identical attributes."
  expect_true(n.diffs(comparedf(df1, df1)) == 0)

test_that("Basic comparison works: by id", {
    capture.output(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "id")),
    c("Compare Object"                                     ,
      ""                                                   ,
      "Function Call: "                                    ,
      "comparedf(x = df1, y = df2, by = \"id\")"           ,
      ""                                                   ,
      "Shared: 2 non-by variables and 3 observations."     ,
      "Not shared: 2 variables and 0 observations."        ,
      ""                                                   ,
      "Differences found in 1/2 variables compared."       ,
      "0 variables compared have non-identical attributes."
  expect_true(n.diffs(comparedf(df1, df1, by = "id")) == 0)

test_that("Basic comparison works: by row.names", {
    capture.output(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "row.names")),
    c("Compare Object"                                          ,
      ""                                                        ,
      "Function Call: "                                         ,
      "comparedf(x = df1, y = df2, by = \"row.names\")"         ,
      ""                                                        ,
      "Shared: 3 non-by variables and 3 observations."          ,
      "Not shared: 2 variables and 0 observations."             ,
      ""                                                        ,
      "Differences found in 3/3 variables compared."            ,
      "0 variables compared have non-identical attributes."
  expect_true(n.diffs(comparedf(df1, df1, by = "row.names")) == 0)

test_that("Basic comparison works: by row.names for x and something else for y", {
    capture.output(comparedf(df1, df2, by.x = "row.names", by.y = "d")),
    c("Compare Object"                                                          ,
      ""                                                                        ,
      "Function Call: "                                                         ,
      "comparedf(x = df1, y = df2, by.x = \"row.names\", by.y = \"d\")"         ,
      ""                                                                        ,
      "Shared: 3 non-by variables and 3 observations."                          ,
      "Not shared: 1 variables and 0 observations."                             ,
      ""                                                                        ,
      "Differences found in 2/3 variables compared."                            ,
      "0 variables compared have non-identical attributes."

df1$listcol <- list(1:3, "hi there", FALSE)
df2$listcol <- list(FALSE, "bye now", 1:2)

test_that("List-column comparison works: by id", {
    capture.output(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "id")),
    c("Compare Object"                                     ,
      ""                                                   ,
      "Function Call: "                                    ,
      "comparedf(x = df1, y = df2, by = \"id\")"           ,
      ""                                                   ,
      "Shared: 3 non-by variables and 3 observations."     ,
      "Not shared: 2 variables and 0 observations."        ,
      ""                                                   ,
      "Differences found in 2/3 variables compared."       ,
      "0 variables compared have non-identical attributes."
  expect_true(n.diffs(comparedf(df1, df1, by = "id")) == 0)

df1$testdate <- as.Date(c("2017-07-09", "2017-08-08", "2017-09-07"))
df2$testdate <- as.Date(c("2017-09-07", "2017-08-08", "2017-09-07"))

test_that("Dates comparison works: by id", {
    capture.output(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "id")),
    c("Compare Object"                                     ,
      ""                                                   ,
      "Function Call: "                                    ,
      "comparedf(x = df1, y = df2, by = \"id\")"           ,
      ""                                                   ,
      "Shared: 4 non-by variables and 3 observations."     ,
      "Not shared: 2 variables and 0 observations."        ,
      ""                                                   ,
      "Differences found in 3/4 variables compared."       ,
      "0 variables compared have non-identical attributes."
  expect_true(n.diffs(comparedf(df1, df1, by = "id")) == 0)

test_that("Basic mockstudy comparison works: by id", {
    capture.output(comparedf(mockstudy, mockstudy2, by = 'case')),
    c("Compare Object"                                                  ,
      ""                                                                ,
      "Function Call: "                                                 ,
      "comparedf(x = mockstudy, y = mockstudy2, by = \"case\")"         ,
      ""                                                                ,
      "Shared: 9 non-by variables and 1495 observations."               ,
      "Not shared: 7 variables and 4 observations."                     ,
      ""                                                                ,
      "Differences found in 3/7 variables compared."                    ,
      "3 variables compared have non-identical attributes."

test_that("Comparison with empty data.frames works", {
  mck1 <- mockstudy[0, , drop = FALSE]
  mck2 <- mockstudy2[0, , drop = FALSE]
    capture.output(comparedf(mockstudy, mck2, by = 'case')),
    c("Compare Object"                                            ,
      ""                                                          ,
      "Function Call: "                                           ,
      "comparedf(x = mockstudy, y = mck2, by = \"case\")"         ,
      ""                                                          ,
      "Shared: 9 non-by variables and 0 observations."            ,
      "Not shared: 7 variables and 1499 observations."            ,
      ""                                                          ,
      "Differences found in 0/7 variables compared."              ,
      "3 variables compared have non-identical attributes."
  expect_true(n.diff.obs(comparedf(mockstudy, mck2, by = "case")) == 1499)
  expect_true(n.diffs(comparedf(mockstudy, mck2, by = "case")) == 0)

    capture.output(comparedf(mockstudy, mck2, by = 'row.names')),
    c("Compare Object"                                                 ,
      ""                                                               ,
      "Function Call: "                                                ,
      "comparedf(x = mockstudy, y = mck2, by = \"row.names\")"         ,
      ""                                                               ,
      "Shared: 10 non-by variables and 0 observations."                ,
      "Not shared: 7 variables and 1499 observations."                 ,
      ""                                                               ,
      "Differences found in 0/8 variables compared."                   ,
      "3 variables compared have non-identical attributes."
  expect_true(n.diff.obs(comparedf(mockstudy, mck2, by = "row.names")) == 1499)
  expect_true(n.diffs(comparedf(mockstudy, mck2, by = "row.names")) == 0)

    capture.output(comparedf(mck1, mck2, by = "case")),
    c("Compare Object"                                       ,
      ""                                                     ,
      "Function Call: "                                      ,
      "comparedf(x = mck1, y = mck2, by = \"case\")"         ,
      ""                                                     ,
      "Shared: 9 non-by variables and 0 observations."       ,
      "Not shared: 7 variables and 0 observations."          ,
      ""                                                     ,
      "Differences found in 0/7 variables compared."         ,
      "2 variables compared have non-identical attributes."
  expect_true(n.diff.obs(comparedf(mck1, mck2, by = "case")) == 0)
  expect_true(n.diffs(comparedf(mck1, mck2, by = "case")) == 0)

#### Check for certain errors

test_that("Different by-variables with overlap with non-by-variables throws an error", {
  expect_error(comparedf(df1, df2, by.x = "id", by.y = "b"), "non-by-variables")
  expect_error(comparedf(df1, df2, by.x = "c", by.y = "id"), NA)

test_that("Using forbidden names throws an error", {
  expect_error(comparedf(df1, cbind(df2, ..row.names.. = 1:3)), "reserved colnames")

#### Using comparedf.control

test_that("tol.vars is working correctly", {
    capture.output(comparedf(mockstudy, mockstudy2, by = 'case', tol.vars = "._ ")),
    c("Compare Object"                                                   ,
      ""                                                                 ,
      "Function Call: "                                                  ,
      "comparedf(x = mockstudy, y = mockstudy2, by = \"case\", tol.vars = \"._ \")",
      ""                                                                 ,
      "Shared: 11 non-by variables and 1495 observations."               ,
      "Not shared: 3 variables and 4 observations."                      ,
      ""                                                                 ,
      "Differences found in 3/9 variables compared."                     ,
      "3 variables compared have non-identical attributes."

    capture.output(comparedf(mockstudy, mockstudy2, by = 'case', tol.vars = c("._ ", "case"))),
    c("Compare Object"                                                   ,
      ""                                                                 ,
      "Function Call: "                                                  ,
      "comparedf(x = mockstudy, y = mockstudy2, by = \"case\", tol.vars = c(\"._ \", ",
      "    \"case\"))"                                                   ,
      ""                                                                 ,
      "Shared: 12 non-by variables and 1495 observations."               ,
      "Not shared: 1 variables and 4 observations."                      ,
      ""                                                                 ,
      "Differences found in 3/10 variables compared."                    ,
      "4 variables compared have non-identical attributes."

  tolvars <- c(arm = "Arm", fu.time = "fu_time", fu.stat = "fu stat")
    comparedf(mockstudy, mockstudy2, by = 'case', tol.vars = tolvars)[1:2],
    comparedf(mockstudy, mockstudy2, by = 'case', tol.vars = c("._ ", "case"))[1:2]
  expect_warning(comparedf(mockstudy, mockstudy2, by = 'case', tol.vars = c("hi" = "Arm")),
                 "'hi' not found in colnames of x")
  expect_warning(comparedf(mockstudy, mockstudy2, by = 'case', tol.vars = c(arm = "hi")),
                 "'hi' not found in colnames of y")

tol <- comparedf.control(
  tol.vars = c("._ ", "case"), # dots=underscores=spaces, ignore case
  int.as.num = TRUE,           # compare integers and numerics
  tol.num.val = 10,            # allow absolute differences <= 10
  tol.factor = "labels",       # match only factor labels
  factor.as.char = TRUE,       # compare factors and characters
  tol.char = "case"            # ignore case in character vectors

test_that("tolerances are working correctly", {
    capture.output(comparedf(mockstudy, mockstudy2, by = "case", control = tol)),
    c("Compare Object"                                                        ,
      ""                                                                      ,
      "Function Call: "                                                       ,
      "comparedf(x = mockstudy, y = mockstudy2, by = \"case\", control = tol)",
      ""                                                                      ,
      "Shared: 12 non-by variables and 1495 observations."                    ,
      "Not shared: 1 variables and 4 observations."                           ,
      ""                                                                      ,
      "Differences found in 3/12 variables compared."                         ,
      "4 variables compared have non-identical attributes."

tol.minus9 <- function(x, y, tol)
  idx1 <- is.na(x) & !is.na(y) & y == -9
  idx2 <- tol.num.absolute(x, y, tol) # find other absolute differences
  return(!idx1 & idx2)

tol$tol.num <- tol.minus9 # ignore NA -> -9 changes

test_that("custom tolerances are working correctly", {
    capture.output(comparedf(mockstudy, mockstudy2, by = "case", control = tol)),
    c("Compare Object"                                                        ,
      ""                                                                      ,
      "Function Call: "                                                       ,
      "comparedf(x = mockstudy, y = mockstudy2, by = \"case\", control = tol)",
      ""                                                                      ,
      "Shared: 12 non-by variables and 1495 observations."                    ,
      "Not shared: 1 variables and 4 observations."                           ,
      ""                                                                      ,
      "Differences found in 2/12 variables compared."                         ,
      "4 variables compared have non-identical attributes."

tols <- comparedf.control(
  tol.vars = c("._ ", "case"), # dots=underscores=spaces; match up Arm and arm
  int.as.num = TRUE,           # compare integers and numerics
  tol.factor = "labels",       # match only factor labels
  factor.as.char = TRUE,       # compare factors and characters
  tol.char = "case"            # ignore case in character vectors

test_that("Summary numbers are reported correctly", {
    summary(comparedf(mockstudy, mockstudy2, by = "case", control = tols))$comparison.summary.table$value,
    c(1, 12, 12, 1, 0, 3, 9, 1495, 4, 0, 269, 1226, 270)

tols$tol.vars <- "._ " # don't match arm and Arm anymore

test_that("Summary numbers are still reported correctly", {
    summary(comparedf(mockstudy, mockstudy2, by = "case", control = tols))$comparison.summary.table$value,
    c(1, 11, 11, 2, 1, 3, 8, 1495, 4, 0, 269, 1226, 270)

#### Using custom tolerances

test_that("Custom tolerances work specified by variable", {
  dat1 <- dat2 <- data.frame(
    x1 = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each = 10),
    x2 = rep(c("D", "E", "F"), each = 10),
    x3 = 1:30 + 0.5,
    x4 = 1:30 + 0,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  dat2$x1 <- tolower(dat2$x1)
  dat2$x2 <- tolower(dat2$x2)
  dat2$x3 <- dat2$x3 + rep(c(0, -0.5, 1), each = 10)
  dat2$x4 <- dat2$x4 * rep(c(1, 1.1, 1.6), each = 10)

    summary(comparedf(dat1, dat2, tol.num = list("absolute", x4 = "percent"), tol.num.val = 0.5,
                      tol.char = list(x1 = "case", x2 = function(x, y) x != y & x %nin% c("D", "E"))))$comparison.summary.table$value,
    c(0, 4, 4, 0, 0, 3, 1, 30, 0, 0, 10, 20, 30)

#### Using helper functions

test_that("helper functions are working correctly", {

  expect_true(n.diffs(comparedf(mockstudy, mockstudy2, by = "case")) ==
                n.diffs(summary(comparedf(mockstudy, mockstudy2, by = "case"))))

  expect_true(n.diffs(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "id")) == n.diffs(summary(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "id"))))
  expect_identical(diffs(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "id")), diffs(summary(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "id"))))
  expect_identical(diffs(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "id"), by.var = TRUE), diffs(summary(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "id")), by.var = TRUE))

  expect_identical(diffs(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "id"), vars = "a"), diffs(summary(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "id")), vars = "a"))
  expect_identical(diffs(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "id"), vars = "b"), diffs(summary(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "id")), vars = "b"))
  expect_identical(diffs(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "id"), vars = "a", by.var = TRUE), diffs(summary(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "id")), vars = "a", by.var = TRUE))


test_that("diff.obs() works (#305)", {
  expect_identical(diffs(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "id"), what = "observations"), diffs(summary(comparedf(df1, df2, by = "id")), what = "observations"))

#### Summary output

test_that("Summary output looks right (i.e. for factors)", {
    capture.kable(summary(comparedf(mockstudy, mockstudy2, by = "case"))),
    c("Table: Summary of data.frames"                                                 ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      "version   arg           ncol   nrow"                                           ,
      "--------  -----------  -----  -----"                                           ,
      "x         mockstudy       14   1499"                                           ,
      "y         mockstudy2      13   1495"                                           ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      "Table: Summary of overall comparison"                                          ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      "statistic                                                      value"          ,
      "------------------------------------------------------------  ------"          ,
      "Number of by-variables                                             1"          ,
      "Number of non-by variables in common                               9"          ,
      "Number of variables compared                                       7"          ,
      "Number of variables in x but not y                                 4"          ,
      "Number of variables in y but not x                                 3"          ,
      "Number of variables compared with some values unequal              3"          ,
      "Number of variables compared with all values equal                 4"          ,
      "Number of observations in common                                1495"          ,
      "Number of observations in x but not y                              4"          ,
      "Number of observations in y but not x                              0"          ,
      "Number of observations with some compared variables unequal     1495"          ,
      "Number of observations with all compared variables equal           0"          ,
      "Number of values unequal                                        1762"          ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      "Table: Variables not shared"                                                   ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      "version   variable    position  class     "                                    ,
      "--------  ---------  ---------  ----------"                                    ,
      "x         age                2  integer   "                                    ,
      "x         arm                3  character "                                    ,
      "x         fu.time            6  integer   "                                    ,
      "x         fu.stat            7  integer   "                                    ,
      "y         fu_time           11  integer   "                                    ,
      "y         fu stat           12  integer   "                                    ,
      "y         Arm               13  character "                                    ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      "Table: Other variables not compared"                                           ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      "var.x    pos.x  class.x     var.y    pos.y  class.y "                          ,
      "------  ------  ----------  ------  ------  --------"                          ,
      "race         5  character   race         3  factor  "                          ,
      "ast         12  integer     ast          8  numeric "                          ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      "Table: Observations not shared"                                                ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      "version      case   observation"                                               ,
      "--------  -------  ------------"                                               ,
      "x           88989             9"                                               ,
      "x           90158             8"                                               ,
      "x           99508             7"                                               ,
      "x          112263             5"                                               ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      "Table: Differences detected by variable"                                       ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      "var.x         var.y             n   NAs"                                       ,
      "------------  ------------  -----  ----"                                       ,
      "sex           sex            1495     0"                                       ,
      "ps            ps                1     1"                                       ,
      "hgb           hgb             266   266"                                       ,
      "bmi           bmi               0     0"                                       ,
      "alk.phos      alk.phos          0     0"                                       ,
      "mdquality.s   mdquality.s       0     0"                                       ,
      "age.ord       age.ord           0     0"                                       ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      "Table: Differences detected (1741 not shown)"                                  ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      "var.x   var.y     case  values.x   values.y    row.x   row.y"                  ,
      "------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  ------  ------"                  ,
      "sex     sex      76170  Male       Male           26      20"                  ,
      "sex     sex      76240  Male       Male           27      21"                  ,
      "sex     sex      76431  Female     Female         28      22"                  ,
      "sex     sex      76712  Male       Male           29      23"                  ,
      "sex     sex      76780  Female     Female         30      24"                  ,
      "sex     sex      77066  Female     Female         31      25"                  ,
      "sex     sex      77316  Male       Male           32      26"                  ,
      "sex     sex      77355  Male       Male           33      27"                  ,
      "sex     sex      77591  Male       Male           34      28"                  ,
      "sex     sex      77851  Male       Male           35      29"                  ,
      "ps      ps       86205  0          NA              6       3"                  ,
      "hgb     hgb      88714  NA         -9            192     186"                  ,
      "hgb     hgb      88955  NA         -9            204     198"                  ,
      "hgb     hgb      89549  NA         -9            229     223"                  ,
      "hgb     hgb      89563  NA         -9            231     225"                  ,
      "hgb     hgb      89584  NA         -9            237     231"                  ,
      "hgb     hgb      89591  NA         -9            238     232"                  ,
      "hgb     hgb      89595  NA         -9            239     233"                  ,
      "hgb     hgb      89647  NA         -9            243     237"                  ,
      "hgb     hgb      89665  NA         -9            244     238"                  ,
      "hgb     hgb      89827  NA         -9            255     249"                  ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      "Table: Non-identical attributes"                                               ,
      ""                                                                              ,
      "var.x   var.y   name   "                                                       ,
      "------  ------  -------"                                                       ,
      "sex     sex     label  "                                                       ,
      "sex     sex     levels "                                                       ,
      "race    race    class  "                                                       ,
      "race    race    label  "                                                       ,
      "race    race    levels "                                                       ,
      "bmi     bmi     label  "

test_that("Summary output with attributes and max.print options", {
    capture.kable(summary(comparedf(mockstudy, mockstudy2, by = "case"), show.attrs = TRUE,
                          max.print.vars = 2, max.print.obs = 3, max.print.diffs.per.var = 3,
                          max.print.diffs = NA, max.print.attrs = 3)),
    c("Table: Summary of data.frames"                                                ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      "version   arg           ncol   nrow"                                          ,
      "--------  -----------  -----  -----"                                          ,
      "x         mockstudy       14   1499"                                          ,
      "y         mockstudy2      13   1495"                                          ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      "Table: Summary of overall comparison"                                         ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      "statistic                                                      value"         ,
      "------------------------------------------------------------  ------"         ,
      "Number of by-variables                                             1"         ,
      "Number of non-by variables in common                               9"         ,
      "Number of variables compared                                       7"         ,
      "Number of variables in x but not y                                 4"         ,
      "Number of variables in y but not x                                 3"         ,
      "Number of variables compared with some values unequal              3"         ,
      "Number of variables compared with all values equal                 4"         ,
      "Number of observations in common                                1495"         ,
      "Number of observations in x but not y                              4"         ,
      "Number of observations in y but not x                              0"         ,
      "Number of observations with some compared variables unequal     1495"         ,
      "Number of observations with all compared variables equal           0"         ,
      "Number of values unequal                                        1762"         ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      "Table: Variables not shared (5 not shown)"                                    ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      "version   variable    position  class     "                                   ,
      "--------  ---------  ---------  ----------"                                   ,
      "x         age                2  integer   "                                   ,
      "x         arm                3  character "                                   ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      "Table: Other variables not compared"                                          ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      "var.x    pos.x  class.x     var.y    pos.y  class.y "                         ,
      "------  ------  ----------  ------  ------  --------"                         ,
      "race         5  character   race         3  factor  "                         ,
      "ast         12  integer     ast          8  numeric "                         ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      "Table: Observations not shared (1 not shown)"                                 ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      "version     case   observation"                                               ,
      "--------  ------  ------------"                                               ,
      "x          88989             9"                                               ,
      "x          90158             8"                                               ,
      "x          99508             7"                                               ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      "Table: Differences detected by variable"                                      ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      "var.x         var.y             n   NAs"                                      ,
      "------------  ------------  -----  ----"                                      ,
      "sex           sex            1495     0"                                      ,
      "ps            ps                1     1"                                      ,
      "hgb           hgb             266   266"                                      ,
      "bmi           bmi               0     0"                                      ,
      "alk.phos      alk.phos          0     0"                                      ,
      "mdquality.s   mdquality.s       0     0"                                      ,
      "age.ord       age.ord           0     0"                                      ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      "Table: Differences detected (1755 not shown)"                                 ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      "var.x   var.y     case  values.x   values.y    row.x   row.y"                 ,
      "------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  ------  ------"                 ,
      "sex     sex      76170  Male       Male           26      20"                 ,
      "sex     sex      76240  Male       Male           27      21"                 ,
      "sex     sex      76431  Female     Female         28      22"                 ,
      "ps      ps       86205  0          NA              6       3"                 ,
      "hgb     hgb      88714  NA         -9            192     186"                 ,
      "hgb     hgb      88955  NA         -9            204     198"                 ,
      "hgb     hgb      89549  NA         -9            229     223"                 ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      "Table: Non-identical attributes (3 not shown)"                                ,
      ""                                                                             ,
      "var.x   var.y   name     attr.x           attr.y       "                      ,
      "------  ------  -------  ---------------  -------------"                      ,
      "sex     sex     label    NA               Sex (M/F)    "                      ,
      "sex     sex     levels   Male  , Female   Female, Male "                      ,
      "race    race    class    NA               factor       "

#### Reported bugs for comparedf

test_that("2019/04/09: Percent tolerances work when everything is zero (#206)", {
  expect_true(n.diffs(comparedf(data.frame(x = 0), data.frame(x = 0), tol.num = "percent")) == 0)

test_that("2019/04/10: summary breaks when no variables were compared (#207)", {

  check_it <- function(x, y, by = NULL, n = 0)
    tmp <- diffs(comparedf(x, y, by = by))
    expect_true(nrow(tmp) == n)
    expect_identical(names(tmp), c("var.x", "var.y", if(is.null(by)) "..row.names.." else by, "values.x", "values.y", "row.x", "row.y"))
    expect_true(inherits(tmp$values.x, "AsIs"))
    expect_true(inherits(tmp$values.y, "AsIs"))

  check_it(data.frame(x = 1, y = 1), data.frame(x = 1, z = 1))
  check_it(data.frame(x = 1, y = 1), data.frame(x = 1, z = 1), by = "x")
  check_it(data.frame(x = 1, y = 1), data.frame(x = 1, y = 1), by = "x")
  check_it(data.frame(x = 1, y = 1), data.frame(x = 1, y = 1.1), by = "x", n = 1)

test_that("2019/05/15: using row.names with other by-variables", {
  d <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = 2:4, row.names = c("A", "B", "C"))
  f <- data.frame(a = 3:1, b = 2:4, row.names = c("C", "A", "B"))
    capture.output(comparedf(d, f, by = c("a", "row.names"))),
    c("Compare Object"                                       ,
      ""                                                     ,
      "Function Call: "                                      ,
      "comparedf(x = d, y = f, by = c(\"a\", \"row.names\"))",
      ""                                                     ,
      "Shared: 1 non-by variables and 1 observations."       ,
      "Not shared: 0 variables and 4 observations."          ,
      ""                                                     ,
      "Differences found in 1/1 variables compared."         ,
      "0 variables compared have non-identical attributes."

test_that("2019/05/15: empty by-variable isn't counted", {
  expect_equal(summary(comparedf(mockstudy, mockstudy))$comparison.summary.table$value, c(0, 14, 14, 0, 0, 0, 14, 1499, 0, 0, 0, 1499, 0))

test_that("2019/05/16: multiple by-variables are counted", {
  expect_equal(summary(comparedf(mockstudy, mockstudy, by = c("case", "sex", "arm")))$comparison.summary.table$value,
               c(3, 11, 11, 0, 0, 0, 11, 1499, 0, 0, 0, 1499, 0))

test_that("2019/05/22: vectors that share a class are still compared (#216)", {
  dat2 <- dat <- data.frame(x = 1:5)
  class(dat2$x) <- c("myclass", class(dat2$x))
  cmp <- summary(comparedf(dat, dat2))
  expect_true(nrow(cmp$vars.nc.table) == 0)
  expect_true(nrow(cmp$diffs.table) == 0)

test_that("Inf (#306)", {
  dat <- data.frame(x = c(2, Inf, -Inf, Inf, NA))
  dat2 <- data.frame(x = c(2, Inf, -Inf, -Inf, Inf))
  cmp <- summary(comparedf(dat, dat2))
  expect_true(nrow(cmp$diffs.table) == 2)
  cmp <- summary(comparedf(dat, dat2, tol.num = "pct"))
  expect_true(nrow(cmp$diffs.table) == 2)
eheinzen/arsenal documentation built on Aug. 17, 2024, 6:04 a.m.