Man pages for ehfhcrc/ImmSigPkg
Run HIPC ImmuneSignatures Pipeline from ImmuneSpace data

capwords- title: "HIPC Datasets - Processing" author: "Renaud Gaujoux...
combine_hai_dataFunction creates combined hai table and rds file from all six...
getSDYFunction loads hipc eset objects from rds files and performs...
hipc_full_pipelineRuns full pipeline from start to finish with user input...
hipc_make_rdsGenerates rds objects from studies given the study names and...
hipc_meta_analysisPerform HIPC Meta Analysis using given parameters
hipc_preprocessGenerates TSV text tables for use in the hipc pipeline from...
makeDemoFunction to generate demographic data table from ImmuneSpace...
makeGEFunction to generate Gene Expression Table from ImmuneSpace...
makeHAIFunction to generate HAI data table from ImmuneSpace...
make_rdsFunction to generate expressionSet object and save as Rds...
meta_analysisFunction to perform meta analysis for HIPC ImmuneSignatures...
ehfhcrc/ImmSigPkg documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:16 a.m.