
####  Version 2.4.1 (_PROJECT_BUILD_ID_)
####  Copyright 2016, University of Miami
####  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
####  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
####  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
####  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
####  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
####  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
####  GNU General Public License for more details.
####  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
####  License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
####  Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
####  Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
####  ----------------------------------------------------------------
####  Project Partially Funded By: 
####  ----------------------------------------------------------------
####  Dr. Ishwaran's work was funded in part by DMS grant 1148991 from the
####  National Science Foundation and grant R01 CA163739 from the National
####  Cancer Institute.
####  Dr. Kogalur's work was funded in part by grant R01 CA163739 from the 
####  National Cancer Institute.
####  ----------------------------------------------------------------
####  Written by:
####  ----------------------------------------------------------------
####    Hemant Ishwaran, Ph.D.
####    Director of Statistical Methodology
####    Professor, Division of Biostatistics
####    Clinical Research Building, Room 1058
####    1120 NW 14th Street
####    University of Miami, Miami FL 33136
####    email:  hemant.ishwaran@gmail.com
####    URL:    http://web.ccs.miami.edu/~hishwaran
####    --------------------------------------------------------------
####    Udaya B. Kogalur, Ph.D.
####    Adjunct Staff
####    Department of Quantitative Health Sciences
####    Cleveland Clinic Foundation
####    Kogalur & Company, Inc.
####    5425 Nestleway Drive, Suite L1
####    Clemmons, NC 27012
####    email:  ubk@kogalur.com
####    URL:    http://www.kogalur.com
####    --------------------------------------------------------------

get.bootstrap <- function (bootstrap) {
  if (bootstrap == "by.root") {
    bootstrap <- 0
    else if (bootstrap == "by.node") {
      bootstrap <- 2^19
      else if (bootstrap == "none") {
        bootstrap <- 2^20
        else if (bootstrap == "by.user") {
          bootstrap <- 2^19 + 2^20
        else {
          stop("Invalid choice for 'bootstrap' option:  ", bootstrap)
  return (bootstrap)
get.samptype <- function (samptype) {
  if (samptype == "swr") {
    bits <- 0
    else if (samptype == "swor") {
      bits <- 2^12
      else {
        stop("Invalid choice for 'samptype' option:  ", samptype)
  return (bits)
get.cr.bits <- function (fmly) {
  if (fmly == "surv-CR") {
  } else {
get.na.action <- function (na.action) {
  if (na.action == "na.omit") {
    na.action <- 0
    else if (na.action == "na.impute") {
      na.action <- 2^4
      else {
        stop("Invalid choice for 'na.action' option:  ", na.action)
  return (na.action)
get.forest <- function (forest) {
  if (!is.null(forest)) {
    if (forest == TRUE) {
      forest <- 2^5
      else if (forest == FALSE) {
        forest <- 0
        else {
          stop("Invalid choice for 'forest' option:  ", forest)
    else {
      stop("Invalid choice for 'forest' option:  ", forest)
  return (forest)
get.importance <-  function (importance) {
  if (!is.null(importance)) {
    if (importance == TRUE) {
      importance <- "permute"
      else if (importance == FALSE) {
        importance <- "none"
    if (importance == "none") {
      importance <- 0
      else if (importance == "anti.ensemble") {
        importance <- 2^25 + 0
        else if (importance == "permute.ensemble") {
          importance <- 2^25 + 2^8
          else if (importance == "random.ensemble") {
            importance <- 2^25 + 2^9
            else if (importance == "anti.joint.ensemble") {
              importance <- 2^25 + 2^10 + 0
              else if (importance == "permute.joint.ensemble") {
                importance <- 2^25 + 2^10 + 2^8
                else if (importance == "random.joint.ensemble") {
                  importance <- 2^25 + 2^10 + 2^9
                  else if (importance == "anti") {
                    importance <- 2^25 + 2^24 + 0
                    else if (importance == "permute") {
                      importance <- 2^25 + 2^24 + 2^8
                      else if (importance == "random") {
                        importance <- 2^25 + 2^24 + 2^9
                        else if (importance == "anti.joint") {
                          importance <- 2^25 + 2^24 + 2^10 + 0
                          else if (importance == "permute.joint") {
                            importance <- 2^25 + 2^24 + 2^10 + 2^8
                            else if (importance == "random.joint") {
                              importance <- 2^25 + 2^24 + 2^10 + 2^9
                              else {
                                stop("Invalid choice for 'importance' option:  ", importance)
    else {
      stop("Invalid choice for 'importance' option:  ", importance)
  return (importance)
get.impute.only <-  function (impute.only, nMiss) {
  if (impute.only) {
    if (nMiss > 0) {
      return (2^16)
      else {
        stop("Data has no missing values, using 'impute' makes no sense.")
    else {
      return (0)
get.outcome <- function (outcome) {
  if (outcome == "train") {
    outcome <- 0
    else if (outcome == "test") {
      outcome <- 2^17
      else {
        stop("Invalid choice for 'outcome' option:  ", outcome)
  return (outcome)
get.perf <-  function (perf, impute.only, family) {
  if (impute.only != TRUE) {
    if (!is.null(perf)) {
      if (perf == TRUE) {
        return (TRUE)
        else if (perf == FALSE) {
          return (FALSE)
          else {
            stop("Invalid choice for 'perf' option:  ", perf)
      else {
        return (TRUE)
    else {
      return (FALSE)
get.perf.bits <- function (perf) {
  if (perf) {
    return (2^2)
    else {
      return (0)
  get.proximity <- function (grow.equivalent, proximity) {
    if (!is.null(proximity)) {
      if (proximity == FALSE) {
        prox.bits <- 0
        else if (grow.equivalent == TRUE) {
          if (proximity == TRUE) {
            prox.bits <- 2^28 + 2^29
            else if (proximity == "inbag") {
              prox.bits <- 2^28 + 2^29
              else if (proximity == "oob") {
                prox.bits <- 2^28 + 2^30
                else if (proximity == "all") {
                  prox.bits <- 2^28 + 2^29 + 2^30
                  else {
                    stop("Invalid choice for 'proximity' option:  ", proximity)
          else if (grow.equivalent == FALSE) {
            if (proximity == TRUE) {
              prox.bits <- 2^28 + 2^29 + 2^30
              else if (proximity == "all") {
                prox.bits <- 2^28 + 2^29 + 2^30
                else {
                  stop("Invalid choice for 'proximity' option:  ", proximity)
            else {
              stop("Invalid choice for 'grow.equivalent' in proximity:  ", grow.equivalent)
      else {
        stop("Invalid choice for 'proximity' option:  ", proximity)
    return (prox.bits)
  get.rf.cores <- function () {
    if (is.null(getOption("rf.cores"))) {
      if(!is.na(as.numeric(Sys.getenv("RF_CORES")))) {
        options(rf.cores = as.integer(Sys.getenv("RF_CORES")))
    return (getOption("rf.cores", -1L))
  get.seed <- function (seed) {
    if ((is.null(seed)) || (abs(seed) < 1)) {
      seed <- runif(1,1,1e6)
    seed <- -round(abs(seed))
    return (seed)
  get.split.depth <- function (split.depth) {
    if (!is.null(split.depth)) {
      if (split.depth == "all.trees") {
        split.depth <- 2^22
        else if (split.depth == "by.tree") {
          split.depth <- 2^23
          else if (split.depth == FALSE) {
            split.depth <- 0
            else {
              stop("Invalid choice for 'split.depth' option:  ", split.depth)
      else {
        stop("Invalid choice for 'split.depth' option:  ", split.depth)
    return (split.depth)
  get.split.null <- function (split.null) {
    if (!is.null(split.null)) {
      if (split.null == TRUE) {
        split.null <- 2^18
        else if (split.null == FALSE) {
          split.null <- 0
          else {
            stop("Invalid choice for 'split.null' option:  ", split.null)
      else {
        stop("Invalid choice for 'split.null' option:  ", split.null)
    return (split.null)
  get.split.cust <- function (split.cust) {
    if (!is.null(split.cust)) {
      if ((split.cust >= 1) & (split.cust <= 16)) {
        split.cust <- 256 * (split.cust - 1)
        else {
          stop("Invalid choice for 'split.cust' option:  ", split.cust)
      else {
        split.cust <- 0
    return (split.cust)
  get.statistics <- function (statistics) {
    if (!is.null(statistics)) {
      if (statistics == TRUE) {
        statistics <- 2^27
        else if (statistics == FALSE) {
          statistics <- 0
          else {
            stop("Invalid choice for 'statistics' option:  ", statistics)
      else {
        stop("Invalid choice for 'statistics' option:  ", statistics)
    return (statistics)
  get.trace <- function (do.trace) {
    if (!is.logical(do.trace)) {
      if (do.trace >= 1) {
        do.trace <- round(do.trace)
        else {
          do.trace <- 0
      else {
        do.trace <- 1 * do.trace
    return (do.trace)
  get.var.used <- function (var.used) {
    if (!is.null(var.used)) {
      if (var.used == "all.trees") {
        var.used <- 2^13 + 0
        else if (var.used == "by.tree") {
          var.used <- 2^13 + 2^12
          else if (var.used == FALSE) {
            var.used <- 0
            else {
              stop("Invalid choice for 'var.used' option:  ", var.used)
      else {
        stop("Invalid choice for 'var.used' option:  ", var.used)
    return (var.used)
  get.vimp.only <-  function (vimp.only) {
    if (!is.null(vimp.only)) {
      if (vimp.only) {
        return (2^27)
        else if (!vimp.only) {
          return (0)
          else {
            stop("Invalid choice for 'vimp.only' option:  ", vimp.only)
      else {
        stop("Invalid choice for 'vimp.only' option:  ", vimp.only)
  get.membership <- function (membership) {
    bits <- 0
    if (!is.null(membership)) {
      if (membership == TRUE) {
        bits <- 2^6
        else if (membership != FALSE) {
          stop("Invalid choice for 'membership' option:  ", membership)
      else {
        stop("Invalid choice for 'membership' option:  ", membership)
    return (bits)
  get.terminal.qualts <- function (terminal.qualts, incoming.flag) {
    bits <- 0
    if (is.null(incoming.flag)) {
      else if (incoming.flag) {
        bits <- bits + 2^17
    if (!is.null(terminal.qualts)) {
      if (terminal.qualts == TRUE) {
        bits <- bits + 2^16
        else if (terminal.qualts != FALSE) {
          stop("Invalid choice for 'terminal.qualts' option:  ", terminal.qualts)
      else {
        stop("Invalid choice for 'terminal.qualts' option:  ", terminal.qualts)
    return (bits)
  get.terminal.quants <- function (terminal.quants, incoming.flag) {
    bits <- 0
    if (is.null(incoming.flag)) {
      else if (incoming.flag) {
        bits <- bits + 2^19
    if (!is.null(terminal.quants)) {
      if (terminal.quants == TRUE) {
        bits <- bits + 2^18
        else if (terminal.quants != FALSE) {
          stop("Invalid choice for 'terminal.quants' option:  ", terminal.quants)
      else {
        stop("Invalid choice for 'terminal.quants' option:  ", terminal.quants)
    return (bits)
  get.tree.err <- function (tree.err) {
    if (!is.null(tree.err)) {
      if (tree.err == FALSE) {
        tree.err <- 2^13
        else if (tree.err == TRUE) {
          tree.err <- 0
          else {
            stop("Invalid choice for 'tree.err' option:  ", tree.err)
      else {
        stop("Invalid choice for 'tree.err' option:  ", tree.err)
    return (tree.err)
  is.hidden.impute.only <-  function (user.option) {
    if (is.null(user.option$impute.only)) {
      else {
  is.hidden.miss.tree.only <- function (user.option) {
    if (is.null(user.option$miss.tree)) {
      else {
        miss.value <- as.character(user.option$miss.tree)
        if (is.na(as.logical(miss.value))) {
          else {
            if (as.logical(miss.value)) {
              else {
  is.hidden.ptn.count <-  function (user.option) {
    if(is.null(user.option$ptn.count)) {
      ptn.count <- 0
      else {
        ptn.count <- as.integer(user.option$ptn.count)
  is.hidden.terminal.qualts <-  function (user.option) {
    if (is.null(user.option$terminal.qualts)) {
      else {
  is.hidden.terminal.quants <-  function (user.option) {
    if (is.null(user.option$terminal.quants)) {
      else {
  get.univariate.target <- function(x, outcome.target = NULL) {
    if (x$family == "regr+" | x$family == "class+" | x$family == "mix+") {
      if (is.null(outcome.target)) {
        target <- match(c("regrOutput", "classOutput"), names(x))
        target <- target[!is.na(target)]
        if(length(target) > 0) {
          do.break <- FALSE
          for (i in target) {
            for (j in 1:length(x[[i]])) {
              if (length(x[[i]][[j]]) > 0) {
                outcome.target <- names(x[[i]][j])
                do.break <- TRUE
            if (do.break == TRUE) {
          else {
            stop("No outcomes found in object.  Please contact technical support.")
      else {
        if (sum(is.element(outcome.target, x$yvar.names)) != 1) {
          stop("User must specify one and only one outcome.target for multivariate families.")
        target <- match(c("regrOutput", "classOutput"), names(x))
        target <- target[!is.na(target)]
        found = FALSE
        if(length(target) > 0) {
          do.break <- FALSE
          for (i in target) {
            for (j in 1:length(x[[i]])) {
              if (length(x[[i]][[j]]) > 0) {
                if (outcome.target == names(x[[i]][j])) {
                  found = TRUE
                  do.break <- TRUE
            if (do.break == TRUE) {
        if (!found) {
          stop("Target outcome not found in object.  Re-run analysis with target outcome specified.")
  coerce.multivariate <- function(x, outcome.target) {
    x$univariate <- TRUE
    if (x$family == "regr+" | x$family == "class+" | x$family == "mix+") {
      x.coerced <- unlist(list(x$classOutput, x$regrOutput), recursive = FALSE)[[outcome.target]]
      x$univariate <- FALSE
      x$yvar <- x$yvar[, outcome.target]
      if (is.factor(x$yvar) || is.ordered(x$yvar)) {
        x$family <- "class"
      else {
        x$family <- "regr"
      x$predicted <- x.coerced$predicted
      x$predicted.oob <- x.coerced$predicted.oob
      x$class <- x.coerced$class
      x$class.oob <- x.coerced$class.oob
      x$err.rate <- x.coerced$err.rate
      x$importance <- x.coerced$importance
      x$yvar.names <- outcome.target
    x$outcome.target <- outcome.target
ehrlinger/randomForestSRC documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:20 a.m.