

############# ICES TRAWL SURVEY AND EVALUATION course #################################################################################################

################# Practical 01 - Exploring the Chrons ###########################################################################################################

##################Doug Beare and Dave Reid  ##########################################################################################################

## The aim of this exercise is download ICES exchange format data from, extract and visualise the chron records.

## 1. Install R (, packages and perhaps Tinn-R   (

install.packages('maps');        # Eg. install the packages. Remember you only need to do this once.

library(sp);library(maptools);library(rgdal);library(maps);library(PBSmapping) # attach to search path

## 2. Select some data from the ICES website -

## 3. Save the data to a directory of your choice, eg. 'c:/datras/data' and extract them from the zip files.

## 4. Install the R library datras. Do this by downloading datras*zip from the sharepoint. Open R, go to packages, install package from local zip files.

## 5. Attach datras package written by me to the R search path


## 6. Extract the chron records in the relevant directory. In the first instance chose a survey area in which you are interested. The suggestions

## below are simply options. Remember that you will need to adjust the working directory (wd) path so that R can find the data. The ICES website
## only allows relatively small subsets of data to be downloaded at once. For the time-being stick to fairly small subsets of data.

#chrons <- parseExchangeFormatChrons(wd="D:/bearedo/Consultancy/TrawlSurveyCourseCopenhagen2011/Practicals/RockallData")
chrons <- parseExchangeFormatChrons(wd="D:/bearedo/Consultancy/TrawlSurveyCourseCopenhagen2011/Practicals/BTS-TRIDENS-1987-2010")
#chrons <- parseExchangeFormatChrons(wd="D:/bearedo/Consultancy/TrawlSurveyCourseCopenhagen2011/Practicals/NS-IBTS-2010-2011")
#chrons <- parseExchangeFormatChrons(wd="D:/bearedo/Consultancy/TrawlSurveyCourseCopenhagen2011/Practicals/NS-IBTS-2005-2011")
#chrons <- parseExchangeFormatChrons(wd="D:/bearedo/Consultancy/TrawlSurveyCourseCopenhagen2011/Practicals/NS-IBTS-2001-2011-Q1")

## 7. Here only examine valid hauls, non-duplicates and hauls where we have both shoot and haul positions.

chrons <- chrons[chrons$haulval=='V',]          # only valid hauls

chrons <- chrons[!duplicated(chrons),]          # chuck any duplicates

chrons <- chrons[!$haullong),]      # don't want data without haul longs

chrons <- chrons[chrons$country != 'NOR',]      # throw out Norway because shoot and haul positions are the same.

## 8. Print and examine first 5 lines of chron file 

head (chrons)

## 9. Explore the data with R function table

table(chrons$haulval)                                             # number of valid hauls (check)
table(chrons$hauldur)                                             # number of hauls at different durations
table(chrons$gear)                                                # number of gears
table(chrons$quarter,chrons$year)                                 # number of hauls by year and quarter
table(chrons$country,chrons$ship)                                 # number of hauls by country and ship
table(chrons$daynight,chrons$depth)                               # number of hauls by day/night and depth                                   
table(chrons$ship,cut(chrons$depth,breaks=c(seq(0,250,by=25))))   # number of hauls by ship and depth bin.
table(chrons$statrec,as.character(chrons$ship))                   # number of hauls by statistical rectangle and ship
table(chrons$year)                                                # number of hauls by year

## 10. Some simply summary statistics


## 11. average temperature (if available) in each statrectangle.


## 12. average depth (if available) in each statrectangle.


## 13. average number, duration and distance of hauls in ICES area

chrons$ices_area <- ICESarea(chrons,roman=F)                                    # Add on ICES area using function datras

tapply(chrons$hauldur,chrons$ices_area,length)                                  # number of hauls in each ICES area
round(tapply(chrons$hauldur,chrons$ices_area,sum,na.rm=T)/60)                   # total haul duration in each ICES area
round(tapply(chrons$distance,chrons$ices_area,sum,na.rm=T)/1000)                # total distance hauled in each ICES area

## 14. You might want to write data out into a csv file for reading with excel or some other software


## 15. Explore the data with graphs

# Simple map of shoot and haul locations

# add points
# add lines for stat rectangles
# add map

# Add depth contours (different files for different areas since the data sets are so big).

data(nseaBathy)   # north sea bathymetry
data(nwestBathy)  # north west atlantic shelf bathymetry
data(balticBathy) # baltic sea bathymetry

contour(nseaBathy$x,nseaBathy$y,nseaBathy$z,levels=c(20,40,60,100),add=T) # add on depth contours for north sea
contour(nwestBathy$x,nwestBathy$y,nwestBathy$z,levels=c(100,200,500),add=T)  # add on depth contours for baltic

## 16. Explore data in various ways looking for potential confounding ###

what.quarter <- 3 # remember to add on the correct quarter you are examining

chrons1 <- chrons[chrons$quarter == what.quarter,]
plot(chrons1$shootlong,chrons1$shootlat,pch=16,col='blue',ylab='',xlab='')  # just shoot long
# add lines for stat rectangles
# add map
map('world',add=T,col='green',fill=T)   # low res map. Try 'worldHires' too.
tt <- tapply(chrons1$depth,format(chrons1$datim.shot,"%H"),median,na.rm=T) # calculate mean depths at different times of day
plot(as.numeric(names(tt)),tt,type='l',ylab="average depth",xlab="time of day")

## Plot the survey by year

chrons1 <- chrons[chrons$quarter == what.quarter,]  # extract data according to what.quarter

uy <- sort(unique(chrons$year))


print(length(uy))                # how many unique years in the chron file ??

par(mfrow=c(3,5),mar=c(2,2,2,2)) # use the result of print(length(uy)) to set up plot for number of graphs. Remember mfrow=c(3,4) means 'plot 12 graphs'

for (i in uy){
plot(chrons1$shootlong[chrons1$year == i],chrons1$shootlat[chrons1$year==i],pch=16,col='blue',ylab='',xlab='')
# add points
# add lines for stat rectangles
# add map
map('world',add=T,col='green',fill=T)   # low res map. Try 'worldHires' too.

# Comment on the distribution of the survey stations 

## 17. Find chrons within a polygon.  Note: The 'polygon' can also come from a shapefile.

# First create a data frame with the Round 3 Zone 5 Boundary Co-ordinates (a proposed area for an offshore wind farm).

dat.r3 <- data.frame (

# Convert to decimal lat and long co-ordinates 

x <- ((dat.r3$lon.m*60)+dat.r3$lon.s)/3600
dat.r3$lon <- dat.r3$lon.d+x
y <- ((dat.r3$lat.m*60)+dat.r3$lat.s)/3600
dat.r3$lat <- dat.r3$lat.d+y

# Create polyset data.frame (from PBSmapping but there are many other alternatives). 

round.3  <- data.frame(PID=rep(1,11), POS=1:11,X=c(dat.r3$lon,dat.r3$lon[1]),Y=c(dat.r3$lat,dat.r3$lat[1]))
round.3  <- as.PolySet(round.3,projection='UTM')

head(round.3) # examine data (typical method for storage of spatial data). 

data(europa)  # map of europe (with a detailed Dutch coastline) included in the package datras



# Identify the points within the polygon

events <- data.frame(EID=1:length(chrons[,1]),X=chrons$shootlong,Y=chrons$shootlat) # Must first creat an events data frame
events <- as.EventData(events,projection="UTM")

print(r3) #examine the output

points(chrons$shootlong[r3$EID],chrons$shootlat[r3$EID],col='blue',pch='*')   # plot points INSIDE the polygon
points(chrons$shootlong[-r3$EID],chrons$shootlat[-r3$EID],col='black',pch='+')   # plot points OUTSIDE the polygon

## 18. Create and plot points and tow tracks using R library sp. Output the result as kml (Google Earth) and shapefiles.

spDF <- Chrons2SpatialPointsDF(data=chrons) # Convert the data to a spatial points data.frame

# Plot map in R

data(europa) # in built map
plotMap(europa,xlim=c(-15,10),ylim=c(47,62),xlab='',ylab='')  # Note: change xlim and ylim to focus in on correct area.

# The magic of Google Earth. Note you can change the driver for other formats. 

writeOGR(obj=spDF, dsn="chrons.kml", layer="shoot-locations", driver="KML") 
writeOGR(obj=spDF, dsn="chrons.shp", layer="shoot-locations", driver="ESRI Shapefile")  # A shapefile.

print(getwd())  # see which directory the file has gone too, find it and open it in Google Earth 

# Similarly tow tracks instead of points

uships <- unique(chrons$ship) # how many unique ships in the dataset ? 


spLDF <- ChronsTrack2SpatialLineDF(input=chrons,what.ship = c("TRI2"))   # convert to a spatial line data frame for a particular ship. Note the function takes too long if you select too many ships/data.

plotMap(europa,xlim=c(-5,10),ylim=c(47,62),xlab='',ylab='',col='darkseagreen')  #  Plot to see 

writeOGR(spLDF, "towtracks.kml", "tracks", "KML") 

print(getwd())  # see which directory the file has gone too, find it and open file towtracks.kml in Google Earth 

#######################  FURTHER EXERCISES ####################################

 # Explore chron files from different datasets downloaded from ICES website. 
 # Make your own polygons for selecting data.
 # Find examples of 'confounding'/non-random sampling in survey data and share them with the group at Plenary, eg. create maps with dots color-coded for different ships, gears, etc. 
einarhjorleifsson/datrasr documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:26 a.m.