
Defines functions make.popup.e

Documented in make.popup.e

#' @title Make text to be shown in popups on Envt data map
#' @description
#'   Takes raw values and what percentiles they are at,
#'   and presents those as a text field to be used as text in a popup on a map
#' @details
#'   Could edit code to NOT put in the units when value is NA?\cr
#'   Could edit code to handle cases like only one row, matrix not df?\cr
#'   Could fix to use only one space when no units\cr
#'   \cr
#'   EJSCREEN as of 2015 used 85 pctile.text. fields, for popup text, 
#'   like "pctile.text.EJ.DISPARITY.pm.eo"\cr
#'   \code{
#'    names(bg2)[grepl('pctile.text', names(bg2) )]
#'    length( bg2[1, grepl('pctile.text', names(bg2) )] )
#'    # [1] 85
#'   }
#' In EJSCREEN, there are 3 types of pctile.text fields: E (text varies), D, EJ:\cr
#'   \code{
#'   'pctile.text.cancer'                "55 lifetime risk per million (91%ile)"
#'   'pctile.text.pctmin'                 "13% (30%ile)"
#'   'pctile.text.EJ.DISPARITY.cancer.eo'  "36%ile"
#'     }
#'   For E popups, text includes units:\cr
#'   (neuro was only in 2015 version, not later versions of EJSCREEN)\cr\cr
#'  \code{
#' names.e.pctile[names.e.pctile != 'pctile.neuro']
#' # [1] "pctile.pm"              "pctile.o3"              "pctile.cancer"
#' # [4] "pctile.resp"            "pctile.dpm"             "pctile.pctpre1960"
#' # [7] "pctile.traffic.score"   "pctile.proximity.npl"  "pctile.proximity.rmp"
#' # [10] "pctile.proximity.tsdf"  "pctile.proximity.npdes"
#' }
#' # #' # Stored in data('popunits') # colnames are evar and units \cr\cr
#' \code{
#' t(bg2[1,gsub('pctile','pctile.text',
#'  names.e.pctile[names.e.pctile != 'pctile.neuro'])])
#' #
#' # pctile.text.pm              "10.4 ug/m3 (76%ile)"
#' # pctile.text.o3              "42.8 ppb (22%ile)"
#' # pctile.text.cancer          "55 lifetime risk per million (91%ile)"
#' # pctile.text.resp            "2.1  (72%ile)"
#' # pctile.text.dpm             "0.401 ug/m3 (24%ile)"
#' # pctile.text.pctpre1960      "0.4 = fraction pre-1960 (68%ile)"
#' # pctile.text.traffic.score   "23 daily vehicles/meters distance (28%ile)"
#' # pctile.text.proximity.npl   "0.071 sites/km distance (55%ile)"
#' # pctile.text.proximity.rmp   "0.085 facilities/km distance (21%ile)"
#' # pctile.text.proximity.tsdf  "0 facilities/km distance (26%ile)"
#' # pctile.text.proximity.npdes "0.25 facilities/km distance (70%ile)"
#' #
#' t(bg2[125:126, gsub('pctile', 'pctile.text', 
#'  names.e.pctile[names.e.pctile != 'pctile.neuro'])])
#' #                        125                                          126
#' # pctile.text.pm              "8.37 ug/m3 (27%ile)"                        NA
#' # pctile.text.o3              "41.7 ppb (19%ile)"                          NA
#' # pctile.text.cancer          "36 lifetime risk per million (37%ile)"      NA
#' # pctile.text.resp            "1.4  (37%ile)"                              NA
#' # pctile.text.dpm             "0.275 ug/m3 (13%ile)"                       NA
#' # pctile.text.pctpre1960      "0.055 = fraction pre-1960 (27%ile)"  
#'         "0 = fraction pre-1960 (10%ile)"
#' # pctile.text.traffic.score   "1.7 daily vehicles/meters distance (6%ile)"
#'  "0 daily vehicles/meters distance (2%ile)"
#' # pctile.text.proximity.npl   "0.056 sites/km distance (47%ile)"          
#'  "0 sites/km distance (16%ile)"
#' # pctile.text.proximity.rmp   "0.046 facilities/km distance (7%ile)"      
#'  "0 facilities/km distance (1%ile)"
#' # pctile.text.proximity.tsdf  "0 facilities/km distance (26%ile)"         
#'  "0 facilities/km distance (26%ile)"
#' # pctile.text.proximity.npdes "0.067 facilities/km distance (16%ile)"     
#'  "0 facilities/km distance (1%ile)"
#' #
#' # single result, e.g.: "24% (36%ile)"
#' }
#' @param e raw environmental indicator values for various locations
#' @param pctile required integers 0 to 100, representing the percentile(s) at which the raw value(s) fall(s).
#' @param prefix optional, default is 'pctile.text.'  This is a text string specifying the first part of the desired resulting fieldname in outputs.
#' @param basenames optional, default is colnames(e). Defines colname(s) of outputs, which are the prefix plus this.
#' @param units optional character vector with one per column of e, default is the units used for the latest (2016) version of EJSCREEN environmental indicators,
#' such as 'ppb' and 'ug/m3' -- function will try to use units appropriate to basenames, looking in data(popupunits), and use '' (blank) if no match is found.
#' @param sigfigs optional, numeric vector with one per col of e,
#'   defining number of significant digits to show in popup,
#'   defaulting to rules in EJSCREEN latest (2016) version,
#'   or just 2 for basenames not found in data(esigfigs).
#' @return Returns character vector or data.frame, same shape as first input parameter.
#' @seealso \code{\link{esigfigs}} \code{\link{make.popup.d}} \code{\link{make.popup.e}} \code{\link{make.popup.ej}} \code{\link{pctileAsText}}
#' @examples
#'     #   Example: inputs are test0 and test1, and desired output is like test2
#'     #   (except note how prefix is added to each basename)
#'   test0 <- structure(list(
#'     e1 = c(0.185525372063833, 0.174428104575163, 0.485647788983707),
#'     e2 = c(0.131656804733727, 0.111928104575163, 0.671062839410395),
#'     other = c(NA, NA, 0.02)),
#'     .Names = c("e1", "e2", "other"),
#'     row.names = c(NA, 3L), class = "data.frame")
#'   test0
#'    test1 <- structure(list(
#'      pctile.e1 = c(27.1991395138354, 24.6836238179206, 72.382419748292),
#'      pctile.e2 = c(30.2662374847936, 26.761078397073, 78.2620665123235),
#'      other = c(NA, NA, 4)),
#'      .Names = c("pctile.e1", "pctile.e2", "other"),
#'      row.names = c(NA, 3L), class = "data.frame")
#'    test1
#'   test2 <- structure(list(
#'     pctile.text.e1 = c("19 (27%ile)", "17 (24%ile)","49 (72%ile)"),
#'     pctile.text.e2 = c("13 (30%ile)", "11 (26%ile)", "67 (78%ile)"),
#'     other = c(NA, NA, 4)),
#'     .Names = c("pctile.text.e1","pctile.text.e2", "other"),
#'     row.names = c(NA, 3L), class = "data.frame")
#'   test2
#'   ## make.popup.e(test0, test1)
#' @export
make.popup.e <-
           prefix = 'pctile.text.',
           sigfigs) {
    if (missing(basenames)) {
      # might add code to handle cases like only one row, matrix not df, etc?
      basenames <- colnames(e)
    if (missing(sigfigs)) {
      sigfigs <- esigfigs$sigfigs[match(basenames, esigfigs$evar)]
      sigfigs[is.na(sigfigs)] <- 2
    e <-
      data.frame(ejscreensignifarray(e, digits = sigfigs), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    #   print(e)
    #   print(str(e))

    if (missing(units)) {
      # might add code to handle cases like only one row, matrix not df, etc?
      # units will try to use units appropriate to basenames, looking in data(popupunits), and use '' (blank) if no match is found
      # data("popupunits")
      units <- popupunits$units[match(basenames, popupunits$evar)]
      units[is.na(units)] <- ''
      # might want to NOT put in the units when value is NA?

    # could fix to use only one space when no units

    x <-
        FUN = function(x, u, y) {
          paste(x, ' ', u, ' (', pctileAsText(y), ')', sep = '')
    x <- data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(x) <- paste(prefix, basenames, sep = '')
    #rownames(x) <- NULL

    x[is.na(e)] <- NA
    rownames(x) <- rownames(e)
ejanalysis/ejscreen documentation built on April 2, 2024, 10:15 a.m.