

# Clean up from last time
where_is_the_junk = "~/Desktop/software_projects/freezr/tests/testthat/results"
delete_me =  list.files( where_is_the_junk, full.names = T )
delete_me = delete_me[ !grepl(x = delete_me, pattern = "*inventory_guinea_pig*") ]
cat("\nThese files will be cleaned up from past tests:\n", paste0(delete_me, collapse = "\n"), "\n\n")
unlink( delete_me, recursive = TRUE )

test_dest = freezr::freeze( analyses_to_run = file.path( "scripts",
                                                         c( "functions_to_freeze.Rmd",
                                                            "script_to_freeze.R" ) ),
                            chastise = F,
                            destination = file.path(getwd(), "results") )

# Test with a script that throws an error
Sys.sleep(2) #time stamps have a 1-second resolution, so need this to avoid collisions.
testthat::expect_warning(freezr::freeze( analyses_to_run = file.path("scripts", "fail", "script_that_fails.R" ),
                                         chastise = F,
                                         destination = file.path(getwd(), "results") ))

# Test with code files further down in the working directory
Sys.sleep(2) #time stamps have a 1-second resolution, so need this to avoid collisions.
test_dest = freezr::freeze( analyses_to_run = file.path( "scripts", "functions_to_freeze.Rmd" ),
                            chastise = F,
                            destination = file.path( getwd(), "results" ) )

# Test with dependency listed
Sys.sleep(2) #time stamps have a 1-second resolution, so need this to avoid collisions.
freezr::freeze( analyses_to_run = file.path("scripts",
                                            c( "functions_to_freeze.Rmd",
                                               "script_to_freeze.R" )),
                destination = file.path(getwd(), "results"),
                dependencies = "dependency.txt")

test_that("Tracking of a nonexistent git repo yields a warning.", {
    freezr::freeze( analyses_to_run = file.path( "scripts",
                                                 c( "functions_to_freeze.Rmd",
                                                    "script_to_freeze.R" )),
                    destination = file.path(getwd(), "results"), repos_to_track = "~")

# Basic test of configure_flash_freeze -- does it run, and does it produce a version of flash_freeze that runs?
test_that("configure_flash_freeze runs and flash_freeze works.", {
  flash_freeze = freezr::configure_flash_freeze( project_directory = getwd(),
                                                 setup_scripts = "functions_to_freeze.Rmd" )
  flash_freeze( analyses_to_run = "script_to_freeze.R" )
ekernf01/freezr documentation built on Feb. 8, 2022, 5:22 a.m.