

dat <- as.matrix(iris[, 1:4])
dat <- scale(dat)
dupes <- which(duplicated(dat))
dat <- dat[-dupes, ]
dat <- t(dat)
K <- 80
neighbors <- randomProjectionTreeSearch(dat, K = K,  threads = 2, verbose = FALSE)

test_that(paste("LOF is consistent", 20), {
	load(system.file("testdata/truelof20.Rda", package = "largeVis"))
	edges <- buildEdgeMatrix(data = dat,
													 neighbors = neighbors,
													 verbose = FALSE)
	ourlof <- lof(edges)
	expect_lt(sum(truelof20 - ourlof)^2 / ncol(dat), 0.4)

test_that("LOF is consistent 10", {
	edges <- buildEdgeMatrix(data = dat,
													 neighbors = neighbors[1:10,],
													 verbose = FALSE)
	load(system.file("testdata/truelof10.Rda", package = "largeVis"))
	ourlof <- lof(edges)
	expect_lt(sum(truelof10 - ourlof)^2 / ncol(dat), 0.4)


test_that("hdbscan finds 3 clusters and outliers in spiral with a large Vis object", {
	load(system.file("testdata/spiral.Rda", package = "largeVis"))
	expect_silent(clustering <- hdbscan(spiral, K = 3, minPts = 20))
	expect_equal(length(unique(clustering$clusters)), 3)
	expect_equal(sum(as.numeric(clustering$clusters) < 1, na.rm = TRUE), 0)

test_that("hdbscan finds outliers", {
	load(system.file("testdata/spiral.Rda", package = "largeVis"))
	expect_silent(clustering <- hdbscan(spiral, K = 10, minPts = 20))

test_that("hdbscan is fine with minpts < 6", {
	load(system.file("testdata/spiral.Rda", package = "largeVis"))
	expect_silent(clustering <- hdbscan(spiral, K = 10, minPts = 3))
	expect_true(any(is.na(clustering$clusters)), 0)

test_that("hdbscan finds 3 clusters and outliers in spiral", {
	load(system.file("testdata/spiral.Rda", package = "largeVis"))
	expect_silent(clustering <- hdbscan(spiral$edges, spiral$knns, K = 3, minPts = 20))
	expect_equal(length(unique(clustering$clusters)), 3)

dat <- as.matrix(iris[, 1:4])
dat <- scale(dat)
dupes <- which(duplicated(dat))
dat <- dat[-dupes, ]
dat <- t(dat)
K <- 20
neighbors <- randomProjectionTreeSearch(dat, K = K,  threads = 2, verbose = FALSE)

test_that("hdbscan doesn't crash without 3 neighbors and is correct", {
	edges <- buildEdgeMatrix(data = dat, neighbors = neighbors, verbose = FALSE)
	expect_silent(clustering <- hdbscan(edges, neighbors = neighbors, minPts = 20, K = 3, verbose = FALSE))
	expect_equal(length(unique(clustering$clusters)), 3)

test_that("hdbscan doesn't crash on glass edges", {
	load(system.file("testdata/glassEdges.Rda", package = "largeVis"))
	expect_silent(clustering <- hdbscan(glassEdges, verbose = FALSE))

test_that("failing example doesn't fail", {
	expect_silent(vis <- largeVis(t(iris[,1:4]), K = 20, sgd_batches = 1, threads = 2))
	expect_silent(hdbscanobj <- hdbscan(vis, minPts = 10, K = 5))

test_that("glosh is in range", {
	expect_silent(vis <- largeVis(t(iris[,1:4]), K = 20, sgd_batches = 1, threads = 2))
	expect_silent(hdbscanobj <- hdbscan(vis, minPts = 10, K = 5))
	expect_equal(sum(hdbscanobj$glosh < 0), 0)
	expect_equal(sum(hdbscanobj$glosh > 1), 0)


dat <- as.matrix(iris[, 1:4])
dat <- scale(dat)
dupes <- which(duplicated(dat))
dat <- dat[-dupes, ]
dat <- t(dat)
K <- 20
neighbors <- randomProjectionTreeSearch(dat, K = K,  threads = 2, verbose = FALSE)
edges <- buildEdgeMatrix(data = dat, neighbors = neighbors, verbose = FALSE)
hdobj <- hdbscan(edges, neighbors = neighbors, minPts = 10, K = 4, verbose = FALSE)

test_that("as.dendrogram is an S3 method", {
	expect_true(isS3method(f = "as.dendrogram", class = "hdbscan"))
	expect_silent(dend <- as.dendrogram(hdobj, includeNodes = TRUE))
	expect_true(inherits(dend, "dendrogram"))
	expect_silent(dend <- as.dendrogram(hdobj, includeNodes = FALSE))
	expect_true(inherits(dend, "dendrogram"))

test_that("as.dendrogram succeeds on iris4", {
	dend <- as.dendrogram(hdobj, includeNodes = TRUE)
	expect_true(length(dend) == sum(hdobj$hierarchy$nodemembership == 1, na.rm = TRUE) +
								sum(hdobj$hierarchy$parent == 1, na.rm = TRUE) | length(dend) == 1)
	expect_equal(sum(is.null(dend)), 0)
	expect_equal(class(dend), "dendrogram")
	expect_equal(nobs(dend), ncol(dat))
	dend <- as.dendrogram(hdobj, includeNodes = FALSE)
	expect_true(length(dend) == sum(hdobj$hierarchy$parent == 1, na.rm = TRUE) + 1)
	expect_equal(sum(is.null(dend)), 0)
	expect_equal(class(dend), "dendrogram")
}	)

test_that("as.dendrogram succeeds on iris3", {
	hdobj <- hdbscan(edges, neighbors = neighbors, minPts = 10, K = 3, verbose = FALSE)
	dend <- as.dendrogram(hdobj, includeNodes = TRUE)
	expect_equal(length(dend), sum(hdobj$hierarchy$nodemembership == 1, na.rm = TRUE) + sum(hdobj$hierarchy$parent == 1, na.rm = TRUE))
	expect_equal(sum(is.null(dend)), 0)
	expect_equal(class(dend), "dendrogram")
	expect_equal(nobs(dend), ncol(dat))
	dend <- as.dendrogram(hdobj, includeNodes = FALSE)
	expect_equal(length(dend), sum(hdobj$hierarchy$parent == 1, na.rm = TRUE) + 1)
	expect_equal(sum(is.null(dend)), 0)
	expect_equal(class(dend), "dendrogram")
}	)


dat <- as.matrix(iris[, 1:4])
dat <- scale(dat)
dupes <- which(duplicated(dat))
dat <- dat[-dupes, ]
dat <- t(dat)
K <- 20
neighbors <- randomProjectionTreeSearch(dat, K = K,  threads = 2, verbose = FALSE)
edges <- buildEdgeMatrix(data = dat, neighbors = neighbors, verbose = FALSE)

test_that("gplot isn't broken", {
	clustering <- hdbscan(edges, neighbors, minPts = 10, K = 4, verbose = FALSE)
	expect_silent(plt <- gplot(clustering, t(dat)))
	expect_silent(plt <- gplot(clustering, t(dat), text = TRUE))
	expect_silent(plt <- gplot(clustering, t(dat), text = "parent"))
elbamos/largeVis documentation built on May 16, 2019, 2:58 a.m.