
Defines functions get_flickr_photos

Documented in get_flickr_photos

#' Use FlickrAPI to get geotagged photos for a location
#' Set API key using `FlickrAPI::set_flickr_api_key()` or pass to the api_key
#' parameter. Currently relies on fork of package at
#' <https://github.com/elipousson/FlickrAPI>
#' @param location A `sf` or `bbox` object to use in creating bounding box for
#'   getting photos from Flickr.
#' @inheritParams FlickrAPI::get_photo_search
#' @inheritParams st_bbox_ext
#' @param geometry If `TRUE`, convert data frame with information on photos to
#'   an `sf` object, Default: `TRUE`.
#' @param sort Supported options include "date-posted","date-taken",
#'   "interestingness", or "relevance"
#' @param desc If `TRUE` return images in descending sort order, if `FALSE`,
#'   return in ascending sort order. Ignored if sort is set to "relevance".
#' @param extras Defaults to "description", "date_taken", "tags", and "geo".
#' @param img_size Defaults to "s" (small). Options ranging from smallest to
#'   largest include "sq", "t", "s", "q", "m", "n", "z", "c", "l", and "o"
#' @param per_page Photos to return per page of search, Default: 100. Maximum
#'   250 if location is provided or 500 otherwise.
#' @param page If page is greater than length 1, the function uses
#'   `purrr::map_dfr()` to return results for all pages but this may cause
#'   issues with API access if a large page range is provided. Default: 1
#' @param orientation If img_size is length 1, photos are filtered to one or
#'   more of the supported orientations ("portrait", "landscape", and "square");
#'   defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param geometry If `TRUE`, include "geo" in extras and convert photos data
#'   frame to `sf` object.
#' @param crs Coordinate reference system of `sf` object to return if geometry
#'   is `TRUE`.
#' @return A data frame with photo information or `sf` object with geometry
#'   based on latitude and longitude of geocoded photos.
#' @details License id options:
#' license_id can be an integer from 0 to 10 or a corresponding license code
#' including:
#' - "c" (All Rights Reserved),
#' - "by-bc-sa" (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike),
#' - "by-nc" (Attribution-NonCommercial),
#' - "by-nc-nd" (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs),
#' - "by" (Attribution),
#' - "by-sa" (Attribution-ShareAlike),
#' - "by-nd" (Attribution-NoDerivs),
#' - "nkc" (No known copyright restrictions),
#' - "pd-us" (United States Government Work),
#' - "cc0" (Public Domain Dedication),
#' - or "pd" (Public Domain Mark).
#' @seealso
#'  [FlickrAPI::getPhotoSearch()]
#' @rdname get_flickr_photos
#' @export
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfr
#' @importFrom dplyr rename mutate case_when filter
get_flickr_photos <- function(api_key = NULL,
                              location = NULL,
                              dist = NULL,
                              diag_ratio = NULL,
                              unit = NULL,
                              asp = NULL,
                              user_id = NULL,
                              tags = NULL,
                              license_id = "cc0",
                              sort = "date-posted",
                              desc = TRUE,
                              img_size = "s",
                              extras = c("description", "date_taken", "tags", "geo"),
                              per_page = 100,
                              page = 1,
                              orientation = NULL,
                              geometry = TRUE,
                              crs = 4326) {
  is_pkg_installed(pkg = "FlickrAPI", repo = "koki25ando/FlickrAPI")

  flickr_crs <- 4326

  # Get adjusted bounding box if any adjustment variables provided
  bbox <-
      x = location,
      dist = dist,
      diag_ratio = diag_ratio,
      unit = unit,
      asp = asp,
      crs = flickr_crs

  if (length(page) > 1) {
      ~ FlickrAPI::get_photo_search(
        api_key = api_key,
        user_id = user_id,
        tags = tags,
        img_size = img_size,
        geo = geometry,
        license_id = license_id,
        sort = sort,
        bbox = bbox,
        extras = extras,
        per_page = per_page,
        page = .x
  } else {
    photos <-
        api_key = api_key,
        user_id = user_id,
        tags = tags,
        img_size = img_size,
        geo = geometry,
        license_id = license_id,
        sort = sort,
        bbox = bbox,
        extras = extras,
        per_page = per_page,
        page = page

  if (!is.null(orientation) && (length(img_size) == 1)) {
    orientation <-
        c("landscape", "portrait", "square"),
        several.ok = TRUE

    photos <-
        img_orientation = dplyr::case_when(
          (img_width / img_height) > 1 ~ "landscape",
          (img_width / img_height) < 1 ~ "portrait",
          TRUE ~ "square"

    photos <-
        img_orientation %in% orientation

  if (geometry) {
    photos <-
        x = photos,
        coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),
        crs = crs

elipousson/overedge documentation built on Aug. 13, 2022, 7:41 p.m.