
Defines functions layer_icon

Documented in layer_icon

#' Add a SVG icons to a ggplot2 plot based on a simple feature object
#' Use the  [ggsvg::geom_point_svg()] function to plot icons using the centroids
#' from the input simple feature object to set the icon location.
#' @param data A `sf` object. Any objects with polygon geometry are converted to
#'   points using [sf::st_centroid()].
#' @param iconname_col The column name in the input data to use as the icon
#'   name. If the name matches multiple icons, the first match from `map_icons`
#'   is used. You may provide a px or source value to select a different match
#'   if needed but, in that case, all icons must use the same px or source
#'   value. Note that the icon column should not be mapped with
#'   [ggplot2::aes()].
#' @param icon Icon name. Default `NULL`. If `icon` is provided, `iconname_col`
#'   is not used.
#' @param px Icon size in pixels. See `map_icons$px` for supported options.
#'   Optional but may be necessary to differentiate icons with duplicate names.
#' @param source Icon source. See `map_icons$repo` for supported options.
#'   Optional but may be required to differentiate icons with duplicate names.
#' @param svg Optional. Custom file path or URL with SVG to pass to `svg`
#'   parameter for  [ggsvg::geom_point_svg()].  If `icon` is provided, `svg` is
#'   not used.
#' @param color SVG color passed to  [ggsvg::geom_point_svg()]. default color is
#'   set to "black".
#' @param crs Coordinate reference system; defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to  [ggsvg::geom_point_svg()].
#' @example examples/layer_icon.R
#' @seealso
#'  [ggsvg::geom_point_svg()]
#'  [map_icons]
#' @rdname layer_icon
#' @family layer
#' @export
#' @importFrom sf st_geometry_type st_centroid st_coordinates
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join rename bind_cols filter
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom rlang .data
layer_icon <- function(data = NULL,
                       iconname_col = "icon",
                       icon = NULL,
                       px = NULL,
                       source = NULL,
                       svg = NULL,
                       color = "black",
                       crs = NULL,
                       ...) {
  is_pkg_installed(pkg = "ggsvg", repo = "coolbutuseless/ggsvg")

  if (is_sf(data)) {
    data <- sf_to_df(x = data, coords = c("lon", "lat"), keep_all = TRUE, crs = crs)

  if ((iconname_col %in% names(data)) && is.null(icon)) {
    icon_options <- dplyr::rename(map_icons, svg_url = url, {{ iconname_col }} := name)

    if (!is.null(px)) {
      icon_options <- dplyr::filter(icon_options, .data$px == px)

    if (!is.null(source)) {
      icon_options <- dplyr::filter(icon_options, .data$repo == source)

    data <-
        by = {{ iconname_col }}

      data = data,
      ggplot2::aes(x = lon, y = lat, svg = svg_url),
  } else if (!is.null(icon)) {
    icon <- dplyr::filter(map_icons, .data$name == icon)

    if (!is.null(px)) {
      icon <- dplyr::filter(icon, .data$size == px)

    if (!is.null(source)) {
      icon <- dplyr::filter(icon, stringr::str_detect(repo, source))

    if (nrow(icon) != 1) {
        "The provided parameters match more than one icon.
        Provide the `px` and/or `source` to select a single icon."

      data = data,
      ggplot2::aes(x = lon, y = lat),
      svg = icon$url,
      color = color,
      defaults = list(color = "black"),
  } else if (!is.null(svg)) {
      data = data,
      ggplot2::aes(x = lon, y = lat),
      svg = svg,
      color = color,

#' @rdname layer_icon
#' @name geom_sf_icon
#' @export
geom_sf_icon <- layer_icon
elipousson/overedge documentation built on Aug. 13, 2022, 7:41 p.m.