
Defines functions dom.num.exact Idom.num.up.bnd dom.num.greedy

Documented in dom.num.exact dom.num.greedy Idom.num.up.bnd

#Contains the ancillary functions for finding the domination number of a given digraph

#' @title Approximate domination number and approximate dominating set
#' by the greedy algorithm
#' @description Returns the (approximate) domination number
#' and the indices (i.e., row numbers) for the corresponding
#' (approximate) minimum dominating set
#' based on the incidence matrix \code{Inc.Mat} of a graph or a digraph
#' by using the greedy algorithm (\insertCite{chvatal:1979;textual}{pcds}).
#' Here the row number in the incidence matrix corresponds
#' to the index of the vertex (i.e., index of the
#' data point). The function works
#' whether loops are allowed or not (i.e., whether the first diagonal
#' is all 1 or all 0).
#' This function may yield the actual domination number
#' or overestimates it.
#' @param Inc.Mat A square matrix consisting of 0's and 1's
#' which represents the incidence matrix of
#' a graph or digraph.
#' @return A \code{list} with two elements
#' \item{dom.num}{The cardinality of the (approximate) minimum dominating set
#' found by the greedy algorithm.
#' i.e., (approximate) domination number of the graph or digraph
#' whose incidence matrix \code{Inc.Mat} is given
#' as input.}
#' \item{ind.dom.set}{Indices of the rows
#' in the incidence matrix \code{Inc.Mat} for the
#' ((approximate) minimum dominating set).
#' The row numbers in the incidence matrix
#' correspond to the indices of the vertices
#' (i.e., indices of the data points).}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-5
#' M<-matrix(sample(c(0,1),n^2,replace=TRUE),nrow=n)
#' diag(M)<-1
#' dom.num.greedy(M)
#' @export dom.num.greedy
dom.num.greedy <- function(Inc.Mat)
  nr<-nrow(inc.mat); nc<-ncol(inc.mat)

  if (nr!=nc)
  {stop('Inc.Mat must a square matrix')}

  if (sum(inc.mat!=0 & inc.mat!=1)!=0 )
  {stop('Inc.Mat must have entries equal to 0 or 1')}

  if (!(all(diag(inc.mat)==0) || all(diag(inc.mat)==1) ))
  {stop('Inc.Mat must have all zeroes (when loops are not allowed) or
        all ones (when loops are allowed) in the diagonal.')}

  while (cnt>0)
    #indices in the nghd of the max dominating vertex
    if (length(inc.mat1)>0)
    } else
    approx.dom.num=length(dom.ind), #greedy domination number
    #indices of vertices or data points for the greedy domination number
} #end of the function


#' @title Indicator for an upper bound for the domination number
#' by the exact algorithm
#' @description Returns 1 if the domination number is
#' less than or equal to the prespecified value \code{k}
#' and also the indices
#' (i.e., row numbers) of a dominating set of size \code{k}
#' based on the incidence matrix \code{Inc.Mat} of a graph or
#' a digraph. Here the row number
#' in the incidence matrix corresponds to the index of the vertex
#' (i.e., index of the data point).
#' The function works whether loops are allowed or not
#' (i.e., whether the first diagonal is all 1 or all 0).
#' It takes a rather long time for large number of vertices
#' (i.e., large number of row numbers).
#' @param Inc.Mat A square matrix consisting of 0's and 1's
#' which represents the incidence matrix of
#' a graph or digraph.
#' @param k A positive integer for the upper bound (to be checked)
#' for the domination number.
#' @return A \code{list} with two elements
#' \item{dom.up.bnd}{The upper bound (to be checked) for the domination number.
#' It is prespecified as \code{k}
#' in the function arguments.}
#' \item{Idom.num.up.bnd}{The indicator for the upper bound for
#' domination number of the graph or digraph being
#' the specified value \code{k} or not.
#' It returns 1 if the upper bound is \code{k},
#' and 0 otherwise based on the incidence
#' matrix \code{Inc.Mat} of the graph or digraph.}
#' \item{ind.dom.set}{Indices of the rows
#' in the incidence matrix \code{Inc.Mat}
#' that correspond to the vertices in the
#' dominating set of size \code{k} if it exists,
#' otherwise it yields \code{NULL}.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{dom.num.exact}} and \code{\link{dom.num.greedy}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' n<-10
#' M<-matrix(sample(c(0,1),n^2,replace=TRUE),nrow=n)
#' diag(M)<-1
#' dom.num.greedy(M)
#' Idom.num.up.bnd(M,2)
#' for (k in 1:n)
#' print(c(k,Idom.num.up.bnd(M,k)))
#' }
#' @export Idom.num.up.bnd
Idom.num.up.bnd <- function(Inc.Mat,k)
  nr<-nrow(inc.mat); nc<-ncol(inc.mat)

  if (nr!=nc)
  {stop('Inc.Mat must a square matrix')}

  if (sum(inc.mat!=0 & inc.mat!=1)!=0 )
  {stop('Inc.Mat must have entries equal to 0 or 1')}

  if (!(all(diag(inc.mat)==0) || all(diag(inc.mat)==1) ))
  {stop('Inc.Mat must have all zeroes (when loops are not allowed) or
        all ones (when loops are allowed) in the diagonal.')}

  if (all(diag(inc.mat)==0))

  xc<-combinat::combn(1:nr,k); N1<-choose(nr,k);
  xc<-matrix(xc,ncol=N1)  #required when N1=1
  dom<-0; j<-1; ind.dom.set<-c();
  while (j<=N1 && dom==0)
  { ifelse(nrow(xc)==1,dom.check<-inc.mat[xc[,j],],

    if (all(dom.check>=1))  #this is where domination is checked
    {dom<-1; ind.dom.set<-xc[,j]}

  list(dom.up.bnd=k, #upper bound for the domination number
       Idom.num.up.bnd=dom, #indicator that domination number <=k
       #indices of the vertices in a dominating set of size k (if exists)
} #end of the function


#' @title Exact domination number (i.e., domination number
#' by the exact algorithm)
#' @description Returns the (exact) domination number
#' based on the incidence matrix \code{Inc.Mat} of a graph
#' or a digraph
#' and the indices (i.e., row numbers of \code{Inc.Mat})
#' for the corresponding (exact) minimum dominating set.
#' Here the row number in the incidence matrix corresponds
#' to the index of the vertex (i.e., index of the data
#' point). The function works whether loops are allowed
#' or not (i.e., whether the first diagonal is all 1 or
#' all 0). It takes a rather long time for large number of vertices
#' (i.e., large number of row numbers).
#' @inheritParams dom.num.greedy
#' @return A \code{list} with two elements
#' \item{dom.num}{The cardinality of the (exact) minimum dominating set,
#' i.e., (exact) domination number of the
#' graph or digraph whose incidence matrix \code{Inc.Mat} is given as input.}
#' \item{ind.mds}{The vector of indices of the rows
#' in the incidence matrix \code{Inc.Mat} for the (exact) minimum dominating set.
#' The row numbers in the incidence matrix
#' correspond to the indices of the vertices
#' (i.e., indices of the data points).}
#' @seealso \code{\link{dom.num.greedy}}, \code{\link{PEdom.num1D}},
#' \code{\link{PEdom.num.tri}}, \code{\link{PEdom.num.nondeg}},
#' and \code{\link{Idom.numCSup.bnd.tri}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' n<-10
#' M<-matrix(sample(c(0,1),n^2,replace=TRUE),nrow=n)
#' diag(M)<-1
#' dom.num.greedy(M)
#' Idom.num.up.bnd(M,2)
#' dom.num.exact(M)
#' }
#' @export dom.num.exact
dom.num.exact <- function(Inc.Mat)
  nr<-nrow(inc.mat); nc<-ncol(inc.mat)

  if (nr!=nc)
  {stop('Inc.Mat must a square matrix')}

  if (sum(inc.mat!=0 & inc.mat!=1)!=0 )
  {stop('Inc.Mat must have entries equal to 0 or 1')}

  if (!(all(diag(inc.mat)==0) || all(diag(inc.mat)==1) ))
  {stop('Inc.Mat must have all zeroes (when loops are not allowed) or
        all ones (when loops are allowed) in the diagonal.')}

  if (all(diag(inc.mat)==0))

  crit<-0; i<-1; ind.mds<-c();
  while (i<=nr && crit==0)
  { DN<-Idom.num.up.bnd(inc.mat,i)
  if (DN$Idom.num.up.bnd==1)  #this is where domination is checked
  {dom.num<-i; ind.mds<-DN$ind.dom.set;

  list(dom.num=dom.num, #domination number
       ind.mds=ind.mds #indices of the vertices in a minimum dominating set
} #end of the function
elvanceyhan/pcds documentation built on June 29, 2023, 8:12 a.m.