
Defines functions .intpLocalMaxAmpl localMax getAmplLocalMax

setGeneric("envelope", function(x, method = c("peak", "hilbert"),
                                npad = 100, threshold = 2) 

#' Amplitude envelope
#' Estimate for each trace the amplitude envelope with the Hilbert
#' transform (instataneous amplitude).
#' @param x An object of the class GPR.
#' @param method [\code{character}] Method to use. See details.
#' @param npad [\code{integer(1)}] Only for \code{method = "hilbert"}. Positive 
#'             value defining the number of values to
#'             pad \code{x} (the padding help to minimize the Gibbs effect at 
#'             the beginning and end of the data caused by the Hilbert 
#'             transform).
#' @param threshold [\code{numeric(1)}] Threshold value for peak detection. The
#'        larger the value, the longer the computation time.
#' @details Two methods:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{hilbert} Envelope based on the Hilbert transform
#'   \item  \code{peak} The local maxima of the absolute values of the
#'          signal are first estimated. The envelope is determined using spline 
#'          interpolation over local maxima.
#'  }
#' @examples 
#' x <- frenkeLine00
#' plot(x[,10], lwd = 2)
#' lines(abs(x[,10]), col = "blue")
#' lines(envelope(x[,10], method = "hilbert"), col = "red")
#' lines(envelope(x[,10], method = "peak"), col = "green")
#' @name envelope
#' @rdname envelope
#' @export
setMethod("envelope", "GPR", function(x, method = c("peak", "hilbert"),
                                      npad = 100, threshold = 2){
  method <- match.arg(method[1], c("peak", "hilbert"))
  if(method == "hilbert"){
    # xmax <- max(abs(x), na.rm = TRUE)
    # # xH <- apply(x, 2, HilbertTransf, npad = npad)
    # # xH <- HilbertTransfMV(x@data, npad = npad)
    # # x2 <- sqrt(x^2 + base::Re(xH)^2)
    # x2 <- instAmpl(x, npad = npad)
    # test <- abs(x2@data) > xmax
    # x2@data[test] <- abs(x@data[test])
    xmax <- apply(abs(x), 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
    # xH <- apply(x, 2, HilbertTransf, npad = npad)
    # xH <- HilbertTransfMV(x@data, npad = npad)
    # x2 <- sqrt(x^2 + base::Re(xH)^2)
    x2 <- instAmpl(x, npad = npad)
    test <- abs(x2@data) > matrix(xmax, nrow = nrow(x), 
                                  ncol = ncol(x), 
                                  byrow = TRUE)
    x2@data[test] <- abs(x@data[test])
  }else if( method == "peak"){
    x2 <- getAmplLocalMax(x, threshold = threshold)
  proc(x2) <- getArgs()

getAmplLocalMax <- function(x, threshold = 2){
  xabs <- abs(x@data)
  x@data <- apply(xabs, 2, .intpLocalMaxAmpl, x = x@depth, threshold = threshold)

# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6836409/finding-local-maxima-and-minima
#' @export
localMax <- function(x, threshold = 2, addEnds = TRUE){
  up   <- sapply(1:threshold, function(n) c(x[-seq(n)], rep(NA, n)))
  down <-  sapply(-1:-threshold, function(n) c(rep(NA, abs(n)), x[-seq(length(x), length(x) - abs(n) + 1)]))
  #  a <- cbind(x, up)
  a    <- cbind(x, up, down)
  id <- which(apply(a, 1, max) == a[,1])
  if(addEnds && length(id) > 0){
    if(id[1] != 1) id <- c(1, id)
    if(tail(id, 1) != length(x)) id <- c(id, length(x))
  # list(minima = which(apply(a, 1, min) == a[,1]), maxima = which(apply(a, 1, max) == a[,1]))

# alternative, not used
# # https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/22974/how-to-find-local-peaks-valleys-in-a-series-of-data
# find_peaks <- function (x, m = 3){
#   shape <- diff(sign(diff(x, na.pad = FALSE)))
#   pks <- sapply(which(shape < 0), FUN = function(i){
#     z <- i - m + 1
#     z <- ifelse(z > 0, z, 1)
#     w <- i + m + 1
#     w <- ifelse(w < length(x), w, length(x))
#     if(all(x[c(z : i, (i + 2) : w)] <= x[i + 1])) return(i + 1) else return(numeric(0))
#   })
#   pks <- unlist(pks)
#   pks
# }

.intpLocalMaxAmpl <- function(y, x, threshold = 2){
  test <- localMax(as.numeric(y), threshold = threshold)
  if(length(test) > 0){
    signal::interp1(x = x[test],
                    y = y[test],
                    xi = x,
                    method = "pchip")
    return(rep(0, length(x)))
emanuelhuber/RGPR documentation built on May 13, 2024, 9:31 p.m.