
Defines functions get_num_sites_with_k_label_repetitions plot.label_repetition get_num_label_repetitions

Documented in get_num_label_repetitions

#' @title Get the number of trial repetitions for a given label
#' @description
#' Calculates how many repeated trials there are for each label level. This can
#' be useful for selecting sites that have a minimum number of repetitions of
#' each stimulus or other experimental condition.
#' @param binned_data A string that list a path to a file that has data in
#'   binned format, or a data frame of binned_data that is in binned format.
#' @param variable_to_use A string specifying whether label variable should be
#'   used for calculating the minimum number of level repetitions.
#' @param levels_to_use A character vector specifying which levels to include.
#' If not set, all levels will be used.
#' @note The returned value is an S3 object that inherits from data.frame that
#' has an associated plot() method.
#' @examples
#' data_file <- system.file("extdata/ZD_150bins_50sampled.Rda", package = "NDTr")
#' label_rep_info <- get_num_label_repetitions(data_file, "stimulus_ID")
#' plot(label_rep_info)
#' @export
get_num_label_repetitions <- function(binned_data,
                                      levels_to_use = NULL) {

  # load data if a string is given and check that the data is in binned format
  binned_data <- check_and_load_binned_data(binned_data)

  # select only the siteID and labels we want to count number of repetitions
  binned_data <- select(binned_data, .data$siteID, label = paste0("labels.", variable_to_use))

  if (is.null(levels_to_use)) {
    levels_to_use <- levels(binned_data$label)

  # test levels_to_use specified are all levels that exist
  invalid_levels_specified <- setdiff(levels_to_use, levels(binned_data$label))
  if (length(invalid_levels_specified) != 0) {
      "The level(s)", paste0("'", invalid_levels_specified, "'"),
      "do not exist in the variable", variable_to_use))

  # reduce data to only the levels specified
  binned_data <- dplyr::filter(binned_data, binned_data$label %in% levels_to_use)

  num_repeats_per_level <- binned_data %>%
    group_by(.data$siteID, .data$label) %>%

  min_num_repeats_per_level <- num_repeats_per_level %>%
    group_by(.data$siteID) %>%
    summarize(min_repeats = min(n))

  label_rep_obj <- tidyr::spread(num_repeats_per_level, .data$label, n) %>%
    full_join(min_num_repeats_per_level, by = "siteID") %>%
    select(.data$siteID, .data$min_repeats, everything())

  # making this an S3 object so that it can have an associated plot() function
  attr(label_rep_obj, "class") <- c("label_repetition", "data.frame")
  attr(label_rep_obj, "variable_used") <- variable_to_use



#' @export
plot.label_repetition <- function(x, ...) {

  label_rep_obj <- x

  num_sites_with_k_repeats <- get_num_sites_with_k_label_repetitions(label_rep_obj)

  num_sites_with_k_repeats_long <- num_sites_with_k_repeats %>%
    tidyr::gather("min_reps", "num_sites", -.data$label) %>%
    mutate(min_reps = as.numeric(.data$min_reps))

  # just plot the minimum number of repeats
  g <- num_sites_with_k_repeats_long %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$label != "min_repeats") %>%
    ggplot(aes(.data$min_reps, .data$num_sites, col = .data$label)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_point() +
    xlab("Number of repeated conditions") +
    ylab("Number of sites") +
    ggtitle(paste("Label:", attr(label_rep_obj, "variable_used")))



# a helper function that returns how many sites have k repeats for all labels
# this is used above to plot the data
get_num_sites_with_k_label_repetitions <- function(label_rep_obj) {

  max_min_num_reps <- max(label_rep_obj$min_repeats)

  label_rep_long <- tidyr::gather(label_rep_obj, "label", "num_reps", -.data$siteID)

  num_sites_with_k_repeats <- label_rep_long %>%
    group_by(.data$label) %>%
    summarize("0" = sum(.data$num_reps >= 0))

  for (k in 1:max_min_num_reps) {

    curr_count <- label_rep_long %>%
      group_by(.data$label) %>%
      summarize(num_with_k_reps = sum(.data$num_reps >= k)) %>%

    names(curr_count) <- as.character(k)      # paste0("reps_", sprintf('%03d', k))

    num_sites_with_k_repeats <- cbind(num_sites_with_k_repeats, curr_count)


emeyers/NDTr documentation built on Aug. 8, 2020, 3:41 p.m.