Man pages for emvolz-phylodynamics/mlesky
Maximum likelihood estimation of effective population size through time, growth rates, and phylodynamic regressions

bootBootstrap for Ne and regression coefficients
ddSimCoalSimulation of coalescent dated phylogeny using...
mleskymlesky: Maximum likelihood estimation of effective population...
mlskygridMaximum likelihood non-parametric estimation of effective...
optim_res_aicOptimize the skygrid time axis resolution using AIC criterion
optim_res_bicOptimize the skygrid time axis resolution using BIC criterion
parbootParametric bootstrap for Ne and regression coefficients.
plotBothPlot a dated phylogeny and alpha function
plot.mlskygridPlot mlskygrid
print.mlskygridPrint fitted mlskygrid
simCoalSimulation of coalescent dated phylogeny
suggest_resHeuristic selection of grid resolution. Selects res based on...
emvolz-phylodynamics/mlesky documentation built on Feb. 13, 2025, 1:47 p.m.