phydynR: Coalescent simulation and likelihood for phylodynamic inference

Exponential growth example

Let's model a population which is growing exponentially with fixed per-capita birth rate beta and death rate gamma. Once we've defined the model, we can simulate trajectories and then simulate genealogies if sampling lineages at specific times. Finally, we'll see how to infer birth and/or death rates if the tree is observed (e.g. reconstructed from genetic sequence data).

First, load the package and define the rates:

births <- c(I = 'parms$beta * I' )
deaths <- c(I = 'parms$gamma * I' )

The rates are specified as a named vector of strings; names correspond to the names of the demes (I in this case). The strings are interpreted as R expressions, so should be written just as you would write other R code. The keywod parms that appears in the rate equations is a list of parameters, which can be set as we will see below.

Now build the demographic process like so:

dm <- build.demographic.process(births=births
  , deaths = deaths
  , parameterNames=c('beta', 'gamma') 
  , rcpp=FALSE
  , sde = TRUE)

Note the following

Once the model is specified, we can simulate and visualise trajectories:

show.demographic.process( dm
 , theta = list( beta = 1.5, gamma = 1 )
 , x0  = c( I = 1 )
 , t0 = 0
 , t1 = 10 

The variables t0 and t1 determine the time limits of integration. x0 provides a named vector of initial condition; note well that names must correspond to those used to specify the rates. theta is a synonym for parms and provides the parameter list.

You can also directly simulate the model using

 dm(theta, x0, t0, t1, res = 1000, integrationMethod = 'adams')

Here integrationMethod is based to the ODE solver and specifies which method to use (e.g. euler or adams). res is the number of time steps to use; larger values will be more accurate at expense of more computation.

We can alternatively specify the equations as C code, in which case the model will be compiled using the Rcpp package. In this case, simulating the model will be very fast, but it will take a few seconds to compile the model. Let's compile a deterministic version of the model:

dm.det <- build.demographic.process(births = c(I = 'beta * I')
  , deaths = c(I = 'gamma * I')
  , parameterNames=c('beta', 'gamma') 
  , rcpp=TRUE
  , sde = FALSE)

Note that when we use C code, the parms keyword is not used.

Now let's simulate a coalescent tree conditioning on this demographic process:

tre <-   list( beta = 1.5, gamma = 1 )
  , dm.det
  , x0  = c(I = 1 )
  , t0 = 0
  , sampleTimes = seq(10, 15, length.out=50)
  , res = 1000

This is self-explanotory except for the sampleTimes argument, which is required. This specifes the times relative to t0 that each lineage is sampled. The length of this vector determines the sample size. This can be a named vector, in which case the taxon labels are retained in the returned tree. The returned tree is a DatedTree object which subclasses ape::phylo. So, most of the functions in the ape package will also work with the simulated tree. Let's plot it:

plot( ladderize( tre ))

Finally, we will see how to compute a likelihood of parameters describing the demographic process given the tree as data. The colik function can be used to compute this likelihood, and model fitting can be done in a variety of ways; a Bayesian analysis could be done using the mcmc package, or maximum likelihood can be done using the bbmle package. Note that this returns the log likelihood. Here is an example invocation of the likelihood function using the simulated tree as data:

  , list( beta = 1.5, gamma = 1)
  , dm.det
  , x0 = c( I = 1 )
  , t0 = -1
  , res = 1e3
  , timeOfOriginBoundaryCondition = FALSE
  , AgtYboundaryCondition = TRUE

Note the following options:

The phydynR package also includes a convenient wrapper of R's native optim routines which enables easy maximum likelihood inference. Here is an example:

  , dm.det
  , start = c( beta = 2, gamma = 1, I = 1, t0 = -1)
  , est_pars = c( 'beta', 'I')
  , ic_pars = c('I')
  , t0 = -1
  , parm_lowerBounds = c( I = 0, beta = 0)
  , timeOfOriginBoundaryCondition = FALSE
  , AgtYboundaryCondition = TRUE
  , control = list()
) -> fit 

The return value is the same as returned by optim, so fit$par contains the parameter estimate:


Note the following options:

SIR example TODO

HIV example TODO

emvolz-phylodynamics/phydynR documentation built on July 28, 2023, 6:06 a.m.